Break Into Another World

Chapter 249: , Lanting Order

() "Trouble?" Gu Kongshan led him into the side hall of the Wilderness Hall, "What's going on?"

Xu Ming said: "Ao Xiang is the illegitimate son of Ao Wanya, the master of Wanya Pavilion!"

"What!?" Gu Kongshan's face changed suddenly, "Ao Xiang, is actually Ao Wanya's illegitimate child!?"

Obviously, Gu Kongshan didn't know about it before.

He only heard that the Hidden Killing Sect had a lot of background, but as for the specific background, he was not sure. But in any case, Gu Kongshan never thought that a mere soaring person would have such a relationship with the pavilion master of the super power Wanya Pavilion...

"Are you sure?" Gu Kongshan couldn't help asking.

"100% certain!" Of course, Xu Ming dared to be 100% certain about the information Xiaohang had confirmed.

Gu Kongshan leaned back on the chair: "This is really troublesome..."

Wanya Pavilion!

That is the most top-notch existence in the Xuan-level forces!

The gap between the Wilderness Sect and Wanya Pavilion is even greater than the gap between Feiyun Kingdom and the Wilderness Sect!

It can be said that as long as Wanya Pavilion sends out a decent expert, Gu Kongshan has to use his cards to fight reads();.

"The Wanya Pavilion is a force that is as famous as Lanting Villa..." Gu Kongshan said, "The pavilion owner Ao Wanya, it is said that hundreds of years ago, he was already a terrifying person with a perfect spiritual realm! Now his strength is even greater. It's unfathomable!"

In Ao Wanya's eyes, the Wilderness Sect was as weak as an ant!

Gu Kongshan was a little helpless: "Our Wild Wilderness Sect has offended such a character?"

"Sect Master, is there a way to deal with him?" Xu Ming felt helpless after knowing Ao Wanya's strength.

Even if Xu Ming broke out at all costs, it was equivalent to the middle stage of the spiritual realm. The huge gap between the perfection of the spiritual realm is simply insurmountable!

"The biggest trump card of my Wilderness Sect is the great formation of protecting the sect left by the ancestors of the sect; I personally control the great formation, and I can exert the full power of the spiritual realm! - If you encounter a common enemy, such as the hidden killing sect, as long as If you are willing to expose the power of the Protector's Great Array, you are naturally fearless!" Gu Kongshan shook his head and said, "But... facing Wanya Pavilion... sigh..."

Gu Kongshan has been hiding this trump card for a long time, and he is reluctant to reveal it, just for fear of attracting the attention of the real masters. In case those experts mistakenly think that there are some rare treasures in the Wilderness Sect, it would be fun...

But now, Gu Kongshan sadly discovered that the enemy that the Wilderness Sect was about to face, even if he played all his cards, he would not be able to fight it!

"The Great Array of Protecting the Sect is so powerful?" Xu Ming also just knew the power of the Great Array of Protecting the Sect.

But... even if it is powerful, it is not enough to fight against Ao Wanya!

"Sect Master, I killed the sect..." Xu Ming blamed himself, "I shouldn't have killed Ao Xiang and Ao Tian on a whim."

"You didn't do anything wrong!" Gu Kongshan said, "Based on the conflict between us and the Hidden Killer Sect, if you don't kill them, they will kill us! - No matter whether Ao Xiang or Ao Tian is dead or alive, we are unavoidable. The land is about to meet Wanya Pavilion!"

Gu Kongshan paced a few steps, obviously thinking carefully about something.

a long time.

"It seems that relying on the strength within our Wilderness Sect alone, it is indeed impossible to deal with this crisis..." Gu Kongshan turned his hand, and a special dark blue token appeared in his hand.

The token material is special, and it is cold to start.

"This token has to be used this time!" Gu Kongshan sighed.

"Sect Master, what is this?" Xu Ming wondered.

Gu Kongshan spit out three words: "Lan Ting Ling!"

"Lan Ting Ling?" Xu Ming thought for a while, "Is it related to Lan Ting Villa?"

"That's right! Our ancestors of the sect had an old relationship with Lanting Villa; therefore, the wild gate of the Wilderness Sect was set up under the jurisdiction of Lanting Villa to seek shelter!" Gu Kongshan said, "And this Lanting Order is also Lanting Villa. Ancestors, a promise to our ancestors - as long as you hold this token, Lanting Villa will do everything to keep my Wilderness Sect immortal!"

Gu Kongshan continued: "Our barbarian sect masters from generation to generation are reluctant to use this Lanting decree! I can't believe that in my generation, this trump card is going to be destroyed..."

Gu Kongshan's expression was a little melancholy: "I am ashamed of the ancestors of the Wilderness Sect!"

"However..." Gu Kongshan's expression gradually became firmer, "Xu Ming, with you in our Wilderness Sect, we will have hope! Even if we defeat this trump card today, as long as we can buy time, wait until you grow up...then , it's worth it!"

Xu Ming is only fifteen or sixteen years old, and he already has such strength; as long as he grows up smoothly, in the future, there is great hope that he can lead the Wilderness Sect and return to glory!

Although Xu Ming had a plug-in in hand, he still felt some heavy pressure: "Sect Master, I will try my best to read();!"

At this time, Xu Ming didn't say anything self-effacing.

The burden of returning to the splendor of the Wilderness Sect must be lifted by someone. Obviously, this task belongs to Xu Ming!

If Xu Ming does not take the initiative to face the difficulties, then who will he let?

"Okay!" Gu Kongshan only said one word.

Immediately, Gu Kongshan looked resolute and said, "Follow me!"

The speed of the two was extremely fast, and within a breath, they came to the curtain hall.

Gu Kongshan directly inspired the ultra-long-distance communication water curtain.

"Contact Lanting Villa!"


The communication water curtain was laboriously running.

Hundreds of top-grade profound stones placed in the message water curtain were immediately turned into powder.

call out!

A communication channel spanning millions of miles was forcibly established.

wow wow...

In the water curtain, there is a picture of Lanting Villa - it is an elegant leisure pavilion built by the lake, surrounded by lakes and mountains.

There was no figure on the screen, but there was a leisurely voice.

"Gu Kongshan, what's the matter?"

Gu Kongshan continued: "Elder Yumo, I have something to meet with the owner of the villa, please let me know!"

"Want to see the village master?" The voice was still very calm and calm, "The village master is retreating, you will come back in three months!"

There is no doubt that the owner of Lanting Villa is an extremely tyrannical existence in the perfect spiritual realm. For such an existence, it is not surprising that a retreat lasts for several years or decades.

Like this elder Yu Mo, who can only hear his voice and see no one, he is also a master of spiritual perfection.

However, Elder Yu Mo was sluggish by nature, didn't ask about world affairs, and seldom took action; so he took a spare job of managing the communication water curtain, and lived in seclusion in this lakeside pavilion for a long time.

"Three months..."

Gu Kongshan waited so long!

Three months Maybe the Savage Sect has been razed to the ground...

"I have something urgent to report!" Gu Kongshan said eagerly.

"No matter how urgent it is, I will wait until the village owner leaves the gate." As he spoke, he wanted to cut off the communication.

Gu Kongshan continued: "I have the Lanting Order!"

"Lan Ting Ling?" A suspicious voice came out.

This time, a feather fan towel appeared in the message water curtain.

"It's Lan Ting's order!"

Lanting Order is extremely important to Lanting Villa!

In the tens of thousands of years of inheritance of Lanting Villa, there are only a handful of Lanting orders issued.

Gu Kongshan used the Lanting Order, and Elder Yu Mo naturally no longer looked cold: "Wait a moment, the owner of the village will be here immediately!"

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