Break Into Another World

Chapter 260: , bye bye

? Immediately hand over the Dao Demon Orb?

Kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistake?

Would you like to offer a sincere apology?

Xu Ming suddenly felt a slight itchy slap, as if he didn't feel comfortable if he didn't smoke something.

So, what's the best way to get something?

Xu Ming's gaze couldn't help but turn to the face of the arrogant young man in black - it was a human-like face, and to be honest, it was slightly handsome.

"It seems to be quite suitable to smoke this!"

However, Xu Ming was not in a hurry to slap, he was waiting for the other party to take the initiative to slap his face with his face.

"Boy, why are you standing there? If you still want your life, come and lie down at my feet!" The arrogant young man in black snorted coldly.

Xu Ming just watched playfully, but did not speak.

"Brother Feng..." A little brother who was so fat that he could squeeze out the oil said in a low voice, "This kid seems to be very calm and not afraid of us at all. You said... Could he have any support?"

"Fatty Ye, you are timid!" Another sharp-mouthed, monkey-cheeked younger brother scolded, "Relying on? What can you rely on?—Besides, even if there is any reliance; but in this area of ​​Zhenhai City, what is our Long family's trouble with? Awesome?"

The arrogant young man in black, "Long Feng", has a good relationship with Fatty Ye, so he doesn't speak so harshly: "Fatzi, don't worry! Brother Feng, I know what kind of people can be offended and what kind of people can't be offended. -Look, this person in front of him can make a face even if he kills a beast that was seriously injured by us; his strength is definitely not that great!"

"Oh?" Fatty Ye's tiny eyes couldn't help but look towards Xu Ming.

Looking at it, sure enough, Xu Ming really had a disgraced look.

"Brother Feng, I've accepted your insight!" Fatty Ye had to obey.

However, neither Long Feng nor Fatty Ye would have thought that the reason why Xu Ming was a little disheartened was because his face landed first when he sent it over! It wasn't at all caused by that half-step condensing magic beast.

Xu Ming killed the demon beasts who had condensed pills in a mere half-step.

Ignorance is scary!

If Long Feng knew the truth, he would definitely not dare to be so arrogant to Xu Ming at this time.

"Huh? You haven't come over yet?" Long Feng frowned, obviously displeased, "It seems that without teaching you a lesson, you really think our Long family is easy to bully!"

Long Feng winked, Fatty Ye and the other four younger brothers stopped in Xu Ming's four directions to prevent Xu Ming from escaping.

As for Long Feng himself, he walked towards Xu Ming step by step: "You kneel down now, there is still time! When I get there, it will be useless to kowtow and admit my mistake!"

"Ha!" A trace of disdain flashed across Xu Ming's mouth - there was a face that was leaning towards his slap.

at this time-

"Long Feng!" A vigorous shout sounded.

Long Feng's complexion changed: "It's another person from the Blood Lightning Sect!"

If there is anyone in Zhenhai City who can make the Long family feel a little bit afraid, it is undoubtedly the Blood Thunder Gate.

The Long Family and the Blood Thunder Gate jointly control the entire Zhenhai City. In Zhenhai City, more than 80% of the experts belong to these two forces.

In fact, Xu Ming had already found out who was coming, and he also found out that there was an acquaintance among the seven people who came.

"Yan Fei?"

This acquaintance was exactly Yan Fei who had sold himself the Dao Demon Bead in the wild desolate sect black market.

At that time, Yan Fei also said to him, "Fate in the future, see you in the rivers and lakes"; I never thought that today, the rivers and lakes will really see you again.

"Meeting by chance, it's really fate!" Xu Ming secretly said.

Long Feng also saw the person coming.

"Yan Fei, what are you doing, you're going to come out to get mice again?" Long Feng asked in a cold voice.

Yan Fei hadn't noticed Xu Ming at this time: "Humph! I just can't stand the domineering behavior of your Long family!"

"Domineering? Don't talk nonsense!" Long Feng shouted, "It's this kid who stole my magical beast!"

"Anyone else dare to rob your magical beast?" Of course Yan Fei didn't believe it, but his eyes subconsciously looked at "this kid" in Long Feng's mouth.

This look.

"Huh?" Yan Fei saw a familiar figure, and suddenly looked surprised, "Brother Xu?"

Xu Ming laughed and said, "Brother Yan, long time no see!"

Yan Fei was still dressed as a scholar, but his temperament was completely different than before. Yan Fei was also surrounded by some demonic aura; however, this demonic energy was not as strong as Long Feng and others.

Xu Ming couldn't help thinking: "Could it be that after entering the Demon Realm of Seeking Dao, you will be entangled in the evil spirit?"

Before Yan Fei, there was no evil spirit on his body. Xu Ming reckoned that he should have entered the Demon Realm of Daoism later.

"Brother Xu, have you come to seek the Dao Demon Realm too?"

"Just here!" Xu Ming didn't hide it. He originally wanted to get acquainted with the Demon Realm as soon as possible, but now that he met an acquaintance, it would be much easier to get acquainted.

Moreover, it seems that this Yan Fei is still a very warm-hearted person.

Yan Fei looked at Long Feng and said, "My brother Xu Ming has just arrived in the Demon Realm, how could it be possible to **** your magical beast?"

"How is that possible?" Long Feng sneered, "Yan Fei, are you blind? - The beast is lying at his feet, can't you see it?"

"This...?" Yan Fei cast an inquiring look at Xu Ming, "Brother Xu?"

Xu Ming spread his hands: "As soon as I teleported over, this beast attacked me, and then I killed it! Then, it didn't take long for these people to appear!"

After Yan Fei heard this, he looked at Long Feng again.

"That's what you said, he robbed you of the beast?" Yan Fei scoffed: "You let the beast run away because you were incompetent; the beast was killed by my brother Xu Ming, it was his ability! -Long Feng, we Don't you understand the rules of Zhenhai City?"

"Humph!" Long Feng hummed, "Well, then even if he didn't rob my beast! However, in order to hunt down this beast, my brothers and I spent a lot of effort; this magic bead You have to give it back to me, right?"

Long Feng's request is not excessive.

However, in this case, whether Xu Ming wanted to pay it back or not, it was his freedom—if he paid it back, he would save face for Long;

Will Xu Ming pay it back?

how is this possible!

Xu Ming sneered and said, "Why should I give you the Dao Demon Orb that I got?"

It's not that Xu Ming is If this dragon seal is good-natured from the beginning, then Xu Ming really doesn't care about a mere Dao magic bead; "The dragon was sealed.

However, as soon as Long Feng came up, he was aggressive, and asked Xu Ming to kowtow to admit his mistake and apologize to Xu Ming; even now, when Yan Fei came, Long Feng still looked like you were going to give me the Dao Demon Bead—this kind of In this case, how could Xu Ming give him the Dao Demon Orb?

If you give it to him, wouldn't it be equivalent to subduing?

In the face of the incomparable Ao Wanya, Xu Ming has never surrendered! Long Feng, who has been condensing pills in a mere half-step, wants to make Xu Ming subdue?

How did Long Feng know that Xu Ming was terrible! - Don't say it's him, even if it's their ancestor of the Long family, in front of Xu Ming, it's only a second item!

Poor Long Feng said, "Yan Fei, you have seen it too! It's not that I don't give you face, it's that he doesn't give me face - if I can't even get my own Dao Demon Orb, then I Long Feng, don't mess around in Zhenhai City from now on!"

With that said, Long Feng looked at Xu Ming fiercely: "Boy, since you insist on forcing me to take action, don't blame me!"

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