Break Into Another World

Chapter 340: , slavery causality

When Xu Ming returned to his familiar room, it was late at night.

However, Xu Ming's heart was not as calm as this silent night.

The Wilderness Sect used to be one of the thirty-six holy places. This news was really too heavy, and it smashed Xu Ming's heart.

Xu Ming sat cross-legged for a long time before calming down.

At this time, Xu Ming took out his biggest harvest in the Demon Realm - Wansha Soul Orb and Beastmaster Totem!

After the two treasures were obtained, they would not be lost in the Na ring anyway, so Xu Ming had not been in a hurry to refine them. Only now, when he was completely free, did he take out the two treasures.

The Lordless Wansha Soul Orb looks like a very ordinary black bead, and it doesn't feel eerie at all. The Beastmaster Totem is no different from before.

"It's a pity..." Xu Ming's only regret in the Demon Realm was that he couldn't learn "Puppet Demon Body".

After all, this is a complete heaven-level secret skill!

It should be noted that Heaven-level secret skills are usually divided into five layers, and Xu Ming can only buy up to the third layer in the artifact store at present. In other words, this kind of complete heaven-level secret skill, he can't buy it with money!

Missed it, can you not regret it?

Of course, Xu Ming also understood that if he had accepted the inheritance of "Puppet Demon Body", he might have been enslaved by Dao Zun Taiwu if he was not careful, and then be swallowed up and taken away.

Therefore, Xu Ming could only miss it.

"But..." Xu Ming looked at the two treasures in front of him, "The value of these two treasures is definitely much higher than the inheritance of a heaven-level secret skill!"

The Wansha Soul Orb and the Beastmaster Totem are all personal treasures of the remnant soul of Daoist Taiwu!

"Xiaohang, what grade are these two treasures?"

As far as Xu Ming knows, treasures can be divided into: ordinary iron, treasures, spirits, Taoism, venerables, as well as the legendary semi-artifacts and artifacts!

Starting from the Taoist level, it is easier for treasures to have tool spirits; of course, it is not necessary to have them - like Wansha Soul Orb and Beastmaster Totem, they are obviously at least Taoist tools, but they do not have tool spirits.

Xiao Hang said: "Wansha Soul Orb is a medium-grade venerable weapon; Beastmaster Totem is a top-grade Taoist weapon."

"Uh..." Xu Ming was slightly surprised, "The totem of the beastmaster who sells the mighty appearance is actually only a top-quality Taoist weapon; instead, it is a low-key Wansha Soul Orb, which has reached the level of a mid-level noble weapon?"

Xiaohang added: "But... in terms of value, the two are equivalent!"

The value of a top-grade Taoist tool can actually be equal to that of a middle-grade honorable tool?

Regarding this, Xu Ming was surprised, but not surprised; after all, grade is only one of the measures of the value of a treasure.

Like Xu Ming's True Dragon Spear, although the grade is only a top-quality spiritual weapon, in terms of value, it is probably higher than the average Taoist weapon! After all, it is too difficult for a spiritual tool to have a tool spirit and its power is so great!

Obviously, this Beastmaster Totem is also a special treasure.

"Special treasures are good!"

Xu Ming suddenly became interested, and first put the Wansha Soul Orb into the collection ring, and began to refine the Beastmaster totem.

Xu Ming's mental power, like countless pairs of tentacles, reached into the interior of the Beastmaster Totem.

The Beastmaster Totem has no artifact, so it is relatively easy to refine. Xu Ming did not activate the power of fog and rain, but it was a little difficult and laborious when refining.

When Xu Ming's tentacles of spiritual power reached every corner of the Beastmaster Totem... Xu Ming finally successfully refined this superb Taoist weapon!

"What is the mystery of this Beastmaster totem?"

Xu Ming couldn't help sinking his mind into the inside of the Beastmaster Totem.


In an instant, Xu Ming felt that his line of sight came to a green grassland.

"There is actually a grassland hidden inside the Beastmaster Totem?" Xu Ming secretly stunned; although the grassland is not big, it is also ten miles in diameter, "It is indeed a top-quality Taoist weapon! Inside the totem, there is another universe, it is incredible!"

Immediately, however, Xu Ming became more and more stunned.

"This is…?"

Xu Ming immediately saw that there were thousands of monsters living densely on the oily green grassland in a ten-mile radius!

To be precise, the Beastmaster!

Xu Ming suddenly remembered the information he had detected before: "The totem of the Beastmaster has its own space inside, which can nurture and cultivate the Beastmaster."

Xu Ming seemed to understand it all at once: "Could it be that... the biggest function of this Beastmaster Totem is to breed the Beastmaster?"

An image metaphor appeared in Xu Ming's mind - the totem of the beast king, isn't it equivalent to "the beast king pig pen"?

If Xu Ming wanted Dao Mojing, he would pull out a few "pigs" and slaughter them, and Dao Mojing would naturally be there! And in the pigsty, the Beastmaster will continue to multiply—it can be said that this Beastmaster totem is an endless stream of Dao Demons!


Xu Ming found that the beastmasters in the pigsty are all "green and pollution-free", and there is no trace of evil spirits on their bodies.

Xu Ming even used his mental power to examine the Dao Demons in the bodies of several Beastmasters. Sure enough, none of the Dao Demons had the slightest demonic aura. That is to say, using these Dao Demons, there will be no need to worry about the erosion of Demonic Qi.

"What a sweet baby!"

Dao Mojing, although Xu Ming's use is ineffective, he can still use it for others!

Besides, not all Beastmasters need to be slaughtered as pigs; if the beasts are trained properly, this Beastmaster Totem can completely train an army of Beastmasters!

At that time, Xu Ming led the army of beast kings and ran rampant and domineering everywhere...

Temporarily put away the Beastmaster Totem, and also put away YY, Xu Ming took out the Wansha Soul Orb again.

"I wonder if this Wansha Soul Orb will give me any surprises?"

The Wansha Soul Orb, after all, is a mid-grade venerable weapon, which is more difficult to refine than the Beastmaster Totem. Xu Ming turned on the power of fog and rain, and turned on a little plug-in, and then the refining was successfully completed.

"Huh!?" As soon as the spiritual force entered the Wansha Soul Orb, "This is...?"

Xu Ming was pleasantly surprised to see that there were actually two inheritances hidden inside the Wansha Soul Orb!

One of them is the "Puppet Demon Body" which Xu Ming regrets not being able to learn; and the other is called "The Devil's Avatar".

"It seems that the cultivators who entered the Demon Demon Gate in the past probably received the inheritance of "Puppet Demon Body" through this Wansha Soul Orb!" Xu Ming guessed.

You must know that this Wansha Soul Orb is Taiwu Dao Zun's "soul attacking slave treasure"!

If anyone puts their hand on the Wansha Soul Orb to accept the inheritance, isn't it equivalent to taking off their pants and waiting for Daoist Taiwu to come? - Those with outstanding talent, those who are interested in Taiwu Dao Zun, I am afraid they will be enslaved at will. If you have an average talent, it's safe; because people don't look down on you at all, and they don't even bother to enslave!

"Taiwu Dao Zun, he is fishing in this way!"

Xu Ming remembered that Taoist Taiwu once said that he had quietly enslaved many geniuses; the most amazing one of them had even reached the fourth-level spiritual peak!


Suddenly, Xu Ming discovered that there was a secret hidden in the Wansha Soul Orb.

"Enslavement causality... what is this?"

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