Break Into Another World

Chapter 344: , prohibited

Hundreds of different-looking artifact spirits quickly gathered beside Xu Ming; there were giant bears, monitor lizards, male lions, tauren, kobold, beautiful women, girls, soldiers... As for the creatures transformed by the formation, it was Was not called over.

These pseudo-lives are all chatting around Xu Ming.

"Brother Ming, you refined the fog and rain ship so soon?"

"Brother Ming, you really deserve to be the life and death friend of the old master! Your cultivation speed is faster than the peerless genius in the Thirty-Six Holy Lands!"

"I feel that we will soon be able to follow Brother Ming, across the endless continent!"

The treasures corresponding to these artifact spirits include Dao artifact, respect artifact, and even a few semi-divine artifact.

Of course, all those semi-artifacts were added up, and their value was not as good as the fog and rain ship. The fog and rain ship is a semi-artifact of the battleship class, and it is also the most proud treasure of the old man.

"Brother Ming." Xiao Huang said, "On these treasures, the old master did not leave a formation to assist in refining. With your current strength, you should be able to refine those at the Taoist level; as for those at the venerable level, It can't be refined!"

Can't refine at the venerable level?

Xu Ming said: "I have refined a medium-grade exalted weapon!"

"Oh?" Xiao Huang was slightly surprised, and immediately said, "That middle-grade exalted artifact must have no artifact spirit, right? Treasures with artifact spirits, even if artifact spirits actively cooperate with refining, are more difficult than treasures without artifact spirits. More refining! - Of course, the power is also much greater!"

"Uh..." The middle-grade venerable "Wansha Soul Orb" refined by Xu Ming did not have a spirit.

"Then Xiao Huang, on the Wuyu ship, is there such a kind of venerable tool...without the spirit of the artifact?" Xu Ming's eyes lit up.

"Yes!" Xiao Huang said, "but... the treasures without the spirits were all kept by the old master in the collection ring. Only these treasures with the spirits, the old master was afraid that they would be too boring to be kept in the collection ring for a long time. That's why I put it outside."

Na ring! ?

Xu Ming's eyes immediately locked on the mighty lion.

The main body of this lion is the ring of the bitter old man.

"What level of treasure are you?" Xu Ming was very concerned about this question.

If it was a Dao-level item, Xu Ming would be able to refine it happily; but if it was a respectable item-level, it would be more sad.

The male lion said shyly, "Dao Qi."

Xu Ming's eyes suddenly glared brightly and sparkled.

"Dao Artifact!?" Xu Ming was really excited and excited, "Then why are you still standing there? Hurry up and move your body over here! - Brother Ming, I want to honor you and refine you!"

"Yes!" The lion hurried to "move himself" excitedly.

Xiao Huang smiled aside and said, "Brother Ming, Na Jie is different from other treasures. The grade of Na Jie is generally not very high; the Na Jie of the Taoist level is already very bad!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded.

"But..." Xiao Huang said again, "I remember that the old master seemed to be doing something on the ring..."

"Do some tricks?"

Soon, the male lion "holds" himself and runs back.

"Brother Ming, Brother Ming, this is my body!" The lion raised Na Jie to Xu Ming as if asking for credit.

This is a golden navy ring, shaped like a crouched sleeping male lion.

"The old man's acceptance ring..." Xu Ming can't imagine how amazing wealth he will have once the acceptance ring is opened!

"Little lion, lie down and cooperate with me!" Xu Ming said excitedly.

"Yes, Brother Ming!" The lion was also impatient to be refined.


Xu Ming's tyrannical mental power directly crushed the male lion Na Jie.

The male lion is also actively cooperating, so that the new owner can refine himself more easily.

"It's really hard to refine a treasure with an artifact spirit!" Xu Ming found out that refining this Na ring is actually much more difficult than refining a middle-grade exalted artifact before!

It was hard to come back, but Xu Ming's spiritual power successfully penetrated into every corner of Najie, and successfully imprinted his own spiritual imprint.

"Successful refining!"

There was a substantive surprise in Xu Ming's eyes. He couldn't wait to open the Na ring, and then... he was stunned.

Not stunned by surprise, but...

In Najie, a ban was set by the short-lived old man...

There is also a video left by the short-lived old man:

"Life and death, if you can refine my Najie, you must have successfully refined the Wuyu Ship?"

"I specially left an auxiliary refining formation on the Wuyu Ship, just to let you have a life-saving trump card as soon as possible - Endless Continent, although there are endless opportunities, it is also extremely dangerous; if you are not careful, you may fall! If you encounter any serious danger, as long as you hide in the fog and rain ship, at least your life will be safe!"

"You are a life-and-death partner that I have waited for millions of years! I also hope that you can transcend life and death and become a god, but don't die so easily!"

"Of course, you are still weak now. When you use the fog and rain ship, you must disguise the fog and rain ship; for example, it is disguised as a Taoist-level warship, so as not to attract the attention of the top power."

The "top-level power" in the old people's mouth is probably at least at the level of Taoist masters.

"And I set a prohibition in the precepts for your consideration - if you get all my wealth at once, then your cultivation path will be too smooth, and you will easily lose your fighting spirit."

"So, I divided the treasures in the ring into three parts, and set restrictions on them."

"The first part stores treasures at the level of Daojun, such as Dao artifacts without artifact spirits, as well as Dao stones, runes, magic disks, etc. When your realm reaches the Daojun level, you can break the seal—remember, It is the real achievement of Daojun, not by special has the strength comparable to Daojun."

Xu Ming originally wanted to give it a try, to forcefully break the first part of the ban. But now that the short-lived old people have said so, it must be hopeless.

However, Xu Ming was not in a hurry at all.

After all, before he really became a Taoist, he didn't need a "level 5 hanging point". As for the level 4 hanging points to be used at the spiritual level, Xu Ming still has tens of millions, and there is no shortage for the time being.

When he becomes a Taoist, he needs to use the 5th level hanging point; this first part of the prohibition can naturally be broken.

The image of the short-lived old man is still talking to himself:

"The second part stores treasures at the Taoist level, such as venerable tools. When you become a Taoist, you can break the seal."

"The third part contains all the treasures of my life! When you become a Taoist master, you can break the seal!"

Although Xu Ming could not get any of the treasures in the ring for the time being, but Xu Ming understood that he would not be short of hanging points after cultivating all the way to the Daoist level! - After all, the short-lived old man died and left all his treasures to him!

"Xiao Huang, you should keep this ring for me first!"

Xu Ming didn't dare to carry this Na ring with him. If he lost it, he would really want to cry without tears. It would be safest to put the Na ring on the unbreakable Wuyu Ship.

Xu Ming turned his attention to other artifact spirits - with his current strength, a Taoist-level treasure, and a top-grade Taoist tool with an artifact spirit, it was enough to use.

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