Break Into Another World

Chapter 349: , Destroy Wanya Pavilion

In addition to shock, the owl kiss was more frightened.

"Even Ao Wanya, who realized the origin of gold, was bombarded with nothing left; then, if this bombard hit me..."

Just thinking about the owl kiss makes it scary.

"Xu...Brother Xu Ming!" The kiss completely regarded Xu Ming as a being of the same level, and even changed the title, "Your battleship is a Dao weapon class, right?"

"Not bad!" Xu Ming was about to disguise the Wuyu Ship as a Taoist weapon.

After all, a demi-artifact is too appalling!

"Brother Xu Ming is a good way!" Chi kisses sighed again and again, "It is possible to refine a battleship of the Taoist level. Come to think of it, brother Xu Ming's own strength is also in the Lingfeng realm, or even a half-step Daojun?"

Ship treasures are the most valuable among many treasures, and they are also the most difficult to refine.

Even low-grade Dao-level warships generally require the strength of Lingfeng Realm to refine them. For example, the reason why Xu Ming was able to refine the fog and rain ship was entirely based on the auxiliary formation left by the old man who was too short. If he really wanted to rely on his strength to refine the fog and rain ship, Xu Ming was still far behind!

"Zhuang Zhuang, you should just call me by my name, I can't afford a name like yours!" Xu Ming laughed.

The owl kiss shook his head: "On the Endless Continent, everything depends on your strength! Your strength is completely worthy of my calling 'Brother Xu Ming'!"

In the world of monks, age and status have little meaning; the most meaningful thing is strength!

Even if you are only a teenager, as long as you are strong enough, those monks who are hundreds or thousands of years old will still call you "senior" honestly.

There is no precedence in the road of martial arts, and the one who succeeds is respected.

"Zhuang Zhuang, Lanting Villa and my Wilderness Sect have been friends from generation to generation; you and I don't have to be so polite, right?" Xu Ming jumped off the deck of the ship and smiled, "Besides, today's matter, I still I didn't thank you very much, the owner of the scorpion!"

Gu Kongshan also sighed with emotion: "Yeah, Zhuang Zhan! If you didn't help today, I'm afraid that before Xu Ming came back, our Wild Wilderness Sect would have no idea what they were tossed into! - Such kindness is unforgettable. !"

"Sect Master." Xu Ming looked at Gu Kongshan, "Should we hold a banquet first and thank the owner of the villa? By the way, also ask the owner of the villa how to deal with the Wanya Pavilion."

Gu Kongshan's eyes lit up: "Yes, yes! - Come on, set a banquet immediately!"

Oxie's eyes also lit up - Xu Ming's words are very clear, that is, he wants to carve up Wanya Pavilion's site with him Lanting Villa.

Carve up the site?

This kind of good thing, owl kiss is of course interested!

At the banquet, the two sides happily decided how to attack Wanya Pavilion and how to divide up the territory.

When discussing the attack plan, Xu Ming just said very domineeringly: "Our Wilderness Sect, only dispatched me! They Wanya Pavilion, all the masters above the Lingfeng realm, leave it to me to solve it; as for the others, Your Lanting Villa will be responsible for clearing the field."

"Okay!" The owl kiss was so happy.

After all, experts above the Lingfeng realm are all tough bones! Xu Ming took the initiative to ask for hard bones, and Oxus naturally agreed.

In terms of dividing up the site, the two sides had a little dispute.

"Kongshan, what are you talking about!?" Qixi held a wine glass and looked at Gu Kongshan in horror, "Our Lanting Villa occupies 70% of the site of Wanya Pavilion, while your Wilderness Sect only needs 30%?"

"That's right!" Gu Kongshan also held a wine glass.

"No way!" Unexpectedly, Chi Kiss denied it, "If Xu Ming hadn't killed Ao Wanya, we wouldn't have our share of the Wanya Pavilion site at all. Even, maybe sometime, Ao Wanya will come to occupy it. Where is the site of my Lanting Villa! - So, 70% of the site of Wanya Pavilion belongs to you, and we only need 30%!"

"No, no, no!" Gu Kongshan said in succession, "The owner of Qi Zhuang has a great favor for our Wilderness Sect, 70% of you and 30% of us!"

"What kind of favor or not, anyway, absolutely not! - I kiss, I am a principled person! If I say 30%, it's 30%! I only want 30%!"

"But Zhuang Zhuang, we have too few experts in the Wilderness Sect, and it's useless if the site is too large... I can't control it!"

"You can control it, you can't control it, it's your business!" Qixi decided to die, "Anyway, I only need 30%! Don't need more!"

Everyone in the audience watched this wonderful bargaining speechlessly - both sides kept asking themselves to take less and the other to take more.

After arguing for a long time, it was finally finalized - each side divided half of the site.

"Kongshan, your bargaining power is so strong, you've been fighting with you so much that your mouth is dry - come on, drink and drink!"

"Each each other, you are not weak! Drink!"

The two raised their glasses and drank it all in one go.

To completely destroy a mysterious power, this is not a trivial matter, and naturally a lot of preparations must be done.

Half a month later, Xu Ming drove the fog and rain ship and joined the army of Lanting Villa outside the gate of Wanya Pavilion.

"Orange Master!" Xu Ming stood at the bow of the boat, holding hands from afar.

The deck behind Xu Ming was full of onlookers who came to "watch the ceremony".

Wilderness Sect, Blood Thunder Gate, and Eighteen Axes of Montenegro, all came; after all, this is a rare show!

"Xu Ming, it seems that you completely take this battle as a tour of the mountains and waters!" Qi Kiss smiled.

"Lanting Villa, Savage Sect! Don't be too arrogant!" Wanya Pavilion's deputy pavilion master, a master of Lingfeng Realm, hid in the pavilion guard and shouted, "Want to destroy my Wanya Pavilion? - I Wanya Pavilion can't be defended, let's see what you can do!"

Can't stand it?

is that useful?

Chibi raised his brows: "Xu Ming, I'll leave it to you!"

The corner of Xu Ming's mouth evoked a wicked smile: "Small meaning!"

The wrecker guns of the Misty Rain ship are activated again.

It was still only an attack of minimal power. After the two shots of "Boom" and "Boom", Wanya Pavilion's pavilion guarding formation was directly bombed!

Wanya Pavilion went up and down, and it was bombarded with stunned faces - an unbreakable pavilion guard! Just exploded like that?



The overwhelming screams of killing sounded, and the army of Lanting Villa directly crushed and killed Wanya Pavilion.

And Xu Ming also ordered Xiao Huang to lock in the masters of Lingfeng Realm from Wanya Pavilion. As long as a few bombardments pass, those masters will be directly bombarded with no **** left.

"We surrender!"

"Surrender, don't kill!!"

"Friends of the Wilderness Sect over Please don't shoot!"

"We surrender! All surrender!"

The masters of Wanya Pavilion were really frightened by Xu Ming's cannons, and they all knelt down and begged for surrender; they were afraid that they would be bombarded again after a little hesitation.

Even the protective pavilion was bombed by two cannons. How could their flesh and blood be able to stop the power of the cannons?

"Uh... This battle must have gone too smoothly..." Xu Ming, Gu Kongshan, Chi Kiss and the others were all speechless.

The kiss was even more ashamed and said: "Kongshan, how about, let's discuss the allocation of this site again? Without any effort, I took half of the site of Wanya Pavilion. I feel sorry for it..."

"No discussion!" Gu Kongshan's tone was firm.

Somewhere in the deep mountains thousands of miles away, a little golden mouse suddenly stared at its funny little eyes, and looked "profoundly" in the direction of Wanya Pavilion.

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