Break Into Another World

Chapter 363: , the conspiracy of the island in the heart of the lake

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This is a very respectful voice, Xu Ming can feel a kind of loyalty from the soul in this voice.

In Xu Ming's mind, a rebellious figure who was enslaved by the Wansha Soul Orb quickly appeared: "Liu Mang, when he was enslaved, he was a cultivator of the second-level spiritual peak. After many years, he is now a four-step Taoist. A very important elder on the island in the heart of the lake."

Daojun is divided into "six steps", and each step represents a different level of understanding of the Tao of Heaven.

One step is the weakest, and six is ​​the strongest.

When the realm reaches the six-step Daojun, it means that the understanding of the way of heaven has reached a very advanced level;

Once the "Dao Seed" takes root, it means that it has reached the realm of Taoism!

"Master?" The respectful message came again.

Through the Wansha Soul Orb, Xu Ming sent a message to the servant of the Four-step Daoist: "Liu Mang, are you contacting me?"

"Master, it's me, I'm Liu Mang!" After receiving Xu Ming's message, Liu Mang, who was on the other end of the communication, couldn't help but be excited and rejoiced - the slave who was enslaved by the Wansha Soul Pearl would respond to the owner of the Wansha Soul Pearl. Loyalty of the soul. A random word or command from the master will make the slave execute it with great joy.

"Huh? Liu Mang, what method did you use to communicate to me?" Xu Ming asked curiously.

Through the Wansha Soul Orb, Xu Ming can pass information and orders to the servants, so he can contact Liu Mang. But Liu Mang, how did you contact Xu Ming?

"Master, I contacted you through the 'Causal Communication Stone'!" Liu Mang replied respectfully.

Causal communication stone?

Xiaohang quickly answered Xu Ming's doubts: The causal communication stone is a high-end communication treasure that uses "causal maintenance" to carry out communication. The causal communication stone's communication range is very large, and it can even communicate directly with people in the secret realm.

However, such high-end communication treasures are generally owned by Daojun masters.

And Xu Ming has not been able to buy this treasure in the artifact store for the time being—because at present, the artifact store is only open to level 4; and the causal communication stone, which is a Tao-level treasure, is in the level-5 artifact store.

"Liu Mang, is something wrong?"

At the level of Xu Ming, how quick his thinking reaction is. The two sides seem to have been talking for a long time, but in fact everything happened between lightning and flint.

"Master, I just learned that our island in the heart of the lake has planned a conspiracy against the master's Savage Sect!"

"Conspiracy?" Xu Ming couldn't help but glance at Xing Tianyun.

When Xing Tianyun was just aimed at the gun muzzle of the Wuyu Ship, his whole face turned blue with fright; but then suddenly, his face became radiant and different - this strange contrast before and after , also made Xu Ming smell something wrong.

"What kind of conspiracy?" Xu Ming sent a message through Wansha Soul Orb.

Liu Mang poured out everything he knew - in Liu Mang's heart, the master's interests were even more important than his own life. Therefore, as soon as Liu Mang heard that his island master was going to be detrimental to the wild sect where the master belongs, he immediately informed the master about it.

"The master should know that the Wilderness Sect was once a holy place, right? Our scum island master Xingli has long been eyeing the master's sect, thinking that since it used to be a holy place, it is impossible not to leave heritage treasures!"

Because the owner of the island in the heart of the lake had actions that were unfavorable to Xu Ming, in Liu Mang's mouth, he directly became the "slag island owner".

"Xing Li peeped at the treasures of the master's sect, but did not dare to go directly to the door to seize it - after all, the master of your sect is blessed by the Palace of Asking!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded slightly.

Of course, Xu Ming had heard of the Wild Wilderness Sect being blessed by the Daoist Palace.

After the first ancestor of the Wilderness Sect fell, the Wilderness Sect was retaliated by many traitors, and once came to the brink of extinction. Fortunately, in the end, the Asking Palace came forward to bless him, so the Wilderness Sect kept a trace of inheritance and did not destroy the sect.

But since then, the Wilderness Sect has been in a state of decline until Xu Ming was born.

In the days when the Wilderness Sect was in decline, of course, there were many forces who wanted to fight the treasures of the Wilderness Sect. However, because of the deterrence of the Taoist Palace, all forces did not dare to come blatantly.

"But now, Xing Li has thought of a conspiracy..." Liu Mang continued.

Xing Li's conspiracy basically goes like this:

The first step is to send his playful son Xing Tianyun to make trouble at Xu Ming's wedding. Xing Tianyun is a playboy, how can he think of his father's deep meaning; however, Xing Tianyun likes other people's brides the most, so he ran to the wild sect, all kinds of arrogance and all kinds of waves.

In the second step, as Xing Li expected, his own trash son was slapped in the face by Xu Ming.

The third step, then it's Xing Li's turn to go out in person - you are a little wild sect, you dare to bully my son; I will avenge my son, it's not too much! Even if it is to ask the palace, there is not much to say, right?

Of course, when avenging his son, Xing Li would "by the way" force him to find out the heritage treasure of the Wilderness Sect.

"Is that so?" Xu Ming sneered after hearing this.

The reason why Xing Li was able to come up with this conspiracy is because the Wild Wilderness Sect has re-emerged. If the Wilderness Sect was not strong enough, then Xing Li would not be able to create a scene where his son was being bullied, so he would not be able to seek revenge for the Wilderness Sect.

"Master, you haven't hit Xingtianyun yet, have you?" Liu Mang said with concern, "As long as the master forbears a little, then Xingli's conspiracy will not be able to continue!"

"It's already called." Xu Ming said.

"Ah?" Liu Mang was startled, and said in panic, "Master, I'm sorry, it's too late for me to report the letter, otherwise you wouldn't be caught in this conspiracy!"

"There's nothing to be sorry for! You got such important news and told me that you did a good job!" Xu Ming said, "And... no matter what conspiracy there is, I will still beat the face that should be beaten!"

"Xing Li..." Xu Ming's eyes gradually turned cold.

It has to be said that the island owner of the island in the heart of the lake, who has never met, has really angered Xu Ming - not only did he peek at the treasures of the Wilderness Sect, but he also set up the conspiracy at Xu Ming's wedding.

"Liu Mang, what kind of strength is that Xing Li!" Xu Ming asked Half-step Dao Zun! Liu Mang replied, "Master, although the strength gap between me and Xing Li is not small, I will definitely find an opportunity to attack him; even if I can't kill him, I will seriously injure him!" - How dare you use a conspiracy against your master, this Xing Li, deserves to die! ! "

Soul slaves regard their masters more than anything else!

"Don't act rashly, I have my own plans!" Xu Ming stopped Liu Mang's impulsive thoughts, "When I need you to do something, I will tell you!"

"Yes, Master! Then I will pretend that nothing has happened, and will always report the situation here to you!"


All the communication happened between the electric light and flint.

At this time, Xing Tianyun was taking off and leaving: "Xu Ming, this slap today, Xiaoye has written down! In a few days, I will return it to you a hundred times a thousand times!"

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