Break Into Another World

Chapter 367: , Marksmanship Cheats

Genius 3 seconds to remember the website address【】

Five hundred low-grade stone, I just ask you to say a word!

Even Xing Li himself was shocked by his own domineering.

"I don't believe it anymore, how can you hold back your silence!?"

However, a quarter of an hour later...


Xing Li had to admit that Xu Ming was really "impeccable"!

Wealth and honor cannot be promiscuous, and power cannot be submissive - these ten words have been perfectly interpreted by Xu Ming.

He tried his best to coerce and induce all kinds of coercion, but he couldn't even make Xu Ming say a word!

The barren mountain range is festively decorated with festive red.

The unpleasantness brought by Xingtianyun was gradually diluted in the intertwining of Gongchou.

"Damn it, the owner of the island in the heart of the lake is really annoying!"

Xu Ming had already received a series of subpoenas, and he was so annoyed that he thought about whether to let Xiaohang help block the other party's subpoenas.

Suddenly, a message shocked Xu Ming: "Five hundred low-grade Dao Shibai! It's not a redemption, I just ask you to say something! --- You say a word, and five hundred low-grade Dao Shibai will be given to you!"

"Damn it! Are you throwing money at me?" Even Xu Ming couldn't help but be moved slightly.

Although Xu Ming didn't have a causal communication stone on his body, but if he really wanted it, there was a way to get it - for example, there must be one on Xing Tianyun's body, and Xu Ming could just go and grab it.

However, Xu Ming was only slightly moved, and then ignored it.

Five hundred low-grade stones are indeed a fortune, but at this moment, what could be more important than a wedding? —Xu Ming had no time to find a way to contact Xing Li for the sake of five hundred low-grade stones.

Today, Xu Ming's first task is to play the role of the bridegroom; everything else, stand aside.


Xu Ming also doesn't believe in Xing Li's reputation!

If he said "hard work", but Xing Li didn't give Dao Shi, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

Besides, he and Xing Li have nothing to talk about. Because—Xingtian falls, must die!

"Dare to play a conspiracy at my wedding..." The coldness in Xu Ming's eyes was fleeting.

Immediately, Xu Ming suppressed the anger and continued to exchange cups with the guests.

It's night, bridal chamber, flower candles.

Xu Ming and Gu Hanmo both sat on the edge of the bed.

When things came to an end, Xu Ming was a little shy.

However, after being shy for a while, Xu Ming's eyes gradually became vulgar: "That... Han Mo... I have a set of extensive and profound marksmanship secrets, and I want to discuss with you one or two..."

Marksmanship cheats?

Gu Hanmo was stunned—don't you want to… tonight? Why do you still need to study marksmanship cheats?

Immediately, she was thrown down by Xu Ming.


The next morning, Xu Ming got up early, with a proud smile on his face.

There are four great things in life: the night of the bridal chamber, and the title of the golden list. A long drought meets the rain, and the old knows when he meets in a foreign land.

Xu Ming had just experienced the bridal chamber night last night, and now he is naturally proud of it, and he was almost able to fly.

"It's time to go and see Xingtianfall!"

Yesterday, at a later time, Xing Li sent another series of messages. Xu Ming was so troubled that he directly asked Xiaohang to block all communications.

"This Xingtianyun, it's really a waste... After letting him hang for a day, he's scared like this!"

Xu Ming is the controller of the Wuyu Ship, so he can naturally observe every corner of the Wuyu Ship.

At this moment, Xing Tianyun was curled up in the corner of the cell, his eyes empty and frightened.

"How dare you come out and pretend to be X with this little guts!?"

Xu Ming sneered and pushed open the cell door.

As soon as the door was pushed open, Xing Tianyun stood up like a frightened bird. After being stunned for a moment, he rushed towards Xu Ming.


A giant energy palm directly transformed into the fog and rain ship - it was Xiao Huang who shot it in the dark.


Xing Tianyun was so frightened that he fell to his knees on the ground, and shouted again and again: "Don't misunderstand! Don't misunderstand! I want to apologize to Brother Ming!"


The giant palm of energy dissipated in an instant - Xiao Huang is the artifact spirit of the Wuyu Ship, and in the Wuyu Ship, it does not worry about what kind of tricks a mere one-step Daoist can make.

"Apologize?" Xu Ming sneered, "It's too late! - I already gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it!"

"I was wrong! I was wrong!" Xing Tianyun knocked on the floor, "Brother Ming, I really know I was wrong, please let me go! Just spare my life! Brother Ming …”

However, when kowtowing, Xing Tianyun's eyes hidden a trace of viciousness in the depths of his eyes: "Humph! When I escape, I must let my father come to pacify the barbarian sect! - At that time, I will also In front of you, **** Gu Hanmo..."

However, Xing Tianyun hid this hideous viciousness very well, and did not show it at all.

"Forgive you?" Xu Ming's eyes showed no emotion at all, "Sorry, it's impossible!"

Xing Tianyun shuddered violently, and kowtowed even more happily: "Brother Ming! Brother Ming! Grandpa Ming! I'm just a piece of trash, you should treat me like a fart..."

Xu Ming sneered: "You are worthy of being my fart?"

"Yes, yes! I don't deserve it, I don't deserve it!" Xing Tianyun said repeatedly, "Grandpa Ming, please let me go! As long as you let me go, my father will definitely give you a lot of stones! How many stones! All good to say!"

"Oh, is that right?" I didn't want to laugh, "How many stones are there? Let's say 100 million! Ask your father to make 100 million stones, and I'll let you go!"

One hundred million stones…

Even if the entire lake island is sold, it will not be able to sell 100 million stones!

Xing Tianyun smiled bitterly; "Grandpa Ming, are you kidding me...?"

Xu Ming smiled playfully again: "Hey, you're not stupid!—Yes, I'm just kidding you!"

Xing Tianyun's face became more and more dead - in Xu Ming's words, he felt the uncompromising murderous intention!

"Ming... Grandpa Ming..." At this time, Xing Tianyun had no choice but to pretend to be his grandson crying!

Xu Ming was unmoved at The dragon has inverse scales, and if you touch it, you will die!

Xing Tianyun has already touched his inverse scales, just pretending to be pitiful and trying to survive? -is it possible?

Even Xu Ming felt that it was too cheap to kill Xing Tianyun like this!

"Shut up!" Xu Ming shouted coldly, "You still have a quarter of an hour to live. If you have anything to explain, hurry up!"

Xu Ming didn't kill Xing Tianyun immediately, not because of kindness; rather, he wanted to let Xing Tianyun feel the pain and suffering of the approaching death!

"Father! Father!" Xing Tianyun could only frantically ask for help from his father, "Xu Ming is going to kill me! In a quarter of an hour, he is going to kill me! Father... Come up with a solution!"

However, Xing Tianyun knew in his heart that his father probably had nothing to do! Because, Xu Ming didn't even reply to his father's summons!

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