Break Into Another World

Chapter 372: , ask banquet


Zhang Hao was at a loss - what is this?

Xu Ming said word by word, "Equation of quality and energy!"

"Uh... what's the use of this equation, big brother?" Zhang Hao asked in confusion.

"When you understand this formula, then, theoretically speaking, even if you don't have the power to hold a chicken, you can... slaughter the god!"

At least, "in theory", isn't it?

"Slaughter God!?"

Zhang Hao was shocked - there seems to be no gods on the endless continent, right?

Ignoring Zhang Hao's shock, Xu Ming lightly patted him on the shoulder and said, "Study hard, I'm optimistic about you!"

"Yes!" Zhang Hao ran away excitedly.

Xu Ming continued to take a leisurely walk.

In the past three years, not only did Xu Ming grow from a young man to a young man, but also his strength underwent a terrifying transformation.

Today, Xu Ming has reached the spiritual peak in the artistic conception of fire, water, and wind! The other six moods are also the spirit mound realm!

The three-level Lingfeng realm, plus the sixth-level Lingqiu realm! - With such a high realm, Xu Ming can use the power of artistic conception that destroys the sky and destroys the earth with just one thought!

And the feedback and gift of artistic conception to the body is even more powerful than the power of artistic conception itself!


Is Xu Ming's method only artistic conception?

Of course not!

After spending a lot of time and resources, Xu Ming has practiced the two heaven-level secret skills, "Puppet Demon Body" and "Devil's Avatar". As for the heaven-level secret skills that were already in use, such as "The Body of the Holy Beast", "Dream Lost", and "Five Elements of Spear Intent", they have already learned all of the third floor in seconds!

Based on his strong own strength, Xu Ming can open some plug-ins at random to increase his strength dozens of times...

How scary would that be?

"Master, come to me!" Xiao Huang's voice transmission sounded in Xu Ming's mind.

Xu Ming dodged and appeared inside the Wuyu Ship.

Seeing Xiao Huang's smile, Xu Ming couldn't help but ask, "Is there something good?"

"Of course!" Xiao Huang took out the totem of the Beastmaster and said, "Master, the army of monsters has begun to take shape!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming's eyes lit up, and his spiritual power had already penetrated into the Beastmaster Totem.

Xu Ming's consciousness soon descended on the green grass in the Beastmaster Totem.

At this time, there was only one kind of dragon with wings left on the entire grass; at a glance, there were more than ten thousand.

Xiao Huang's consciousness also followed: "The army of monsters I envisioned to build is entirely composed of purple-eyed lightning flood dragons!"

Purple Eyed Lightning Jiao?

Xu Ming casually looked at the eyes of a few Flood Dragon-shaped monsters, and they were all strangely purple.

Xiao Huang continued: "The most terrifying thing about the army of monsters is the number! You must know that using totem treasures to cultivate an army of monsters can easily contain tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of monsters!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded secretly.

The overwhelming sea of ​​monsters, even if these monsters are relatively weak, but - how many ants kill elephants!

"The number of the monster army is too large, so we can't train those monsters who are good at melee combat!" Xiao Huang said, "To cultivate, you have to cultivate monsters that are good at soul attack - such as the purple-eyed lightning Jiao!"

Of course Xu Ming understood this truth.

The main purpose of cultivating an army of monsters with Beastmaster Totem is to besiege super masters.

If it is a monster that is good at progress, then during the siege, only a few of them can exert their combat power at the same time; other monsters can basically just sit aside and watch the show - such an army of monsters is almost useless.

And the far-attacking monsters that are good at soul attack, if 10,000 of them participate in the siege, then 10,000 of them can exert their combat power!

Like Xu Ming's Beastmaster Totem, it is a top-quality Taoist tool; therefore, the monsters that can be cultivated in it are the highest of ordinary Lingfeng realm monsters.

Just imagine, after Xu Ming's army of monsters is formed, there will be more than 10,000 monsters in the Lingfeng realm who are good at soul attack. Even if the six-step Taoist encounters it, their scalp will be numb, right?

However, at present, the purple-eyed lightning dragon in the Beastmaster Totem is still too early to take shape—these monsters are just in the early stage of the spiritual realm, and if they join forces with more than 10,000 heads, it is estimated that they can only threaten the one-step Daojun.

As for the mere step-by-step lord, does Xu Ming need to use the army of monsters? Just go up and slap and slap it away!

"Purple Eyed Lightning Jiaojiao is good at soul attack and speed; its disadvantage is that its defense is weak." Xiao Huang introduced, "However, since the purpose of cultivating an army of monster beasts is to besiege super masters; then, high defense and low defense also It doesn't matter - low defense is one move-second, high defense is also one move-second; it doesn't make any difference."

"Well! That's true!"

Since the high defense and low defense are the same, of course, choose the strongest soul attack! And the speed is fast, maybe you are lucky to be able to dodge the attack.

"Xiao Huang, I will trouble you to cultivate this army of monsters..." Xu Ming's consciousness retreated from the Beastmaster Totem.

"Cultivation is very easy, but..." Xiao Huanghan smiled, "resources are needed!"

Xiao Huang didn't have any resources in his hands, so Xu Ming could only provide it.

"Resources..." Hearing this, Xu Ming's expression changed slightly.

In the monster army, Xu Ming has invested more than 50 million level 4 hanging points!

Fortunately, the 1,000 low-grade dao stones "compensated" by Xing Li, the owner of the island in the heart of the lake, are equivalent to 1,000 level 5 hanging points; converted to 4 level hanging points, that is... one billion!

Therefore, Xu Ming didn't feel distressed at all for spending 50 million.

But Xu Ming understands that 50 million is just the beginning, and there are more resources that need to be poured into it!

Although the monster army is powerful, there is no doubt that it is very expensive!

In order for the army of monsters to thrive, Xu Ming also spent 100 million level 4 hanging points according to Xiao Huanglie's "menu" to buy enough "feed" for the army of monsters to eat in the mid-spiritual realm.

The questioning banquet that Xu Ming had waited for three years finally arrived as scheduled.

"Xu Ming!" Yi Tianxing, the inspector of the Taoist Palace, reappeared in the sky above the Wilderness Sect, "The Taoist Banquet is about to start, you have never been to the Taoist Palace, I'll take you there!"

"Here it is!" In the Wilderness Sect, Xu Ming's spirit was lifted.

Gu Hanmo repeatedly urged: "Xu Ming, I heard that the master of the Asking Palace Ruyun, you must be careful when you get there!"

Gu Kongshan also said: "The geniuses under the age of 100 in the entire Endless Continent all want to show their prominence at the banquet. Xiao Ming, you are only twenty years old now, and your strength is definitely not comparable to those of the older geniuses - so , this time, you don't have to rush to get ahead, just go to see and see! The next questioning banquet in fifty years is the time for you to shine!"

In the entire Wilderness, only Xu Ming is qualified to participate in the banquet; Gu Kongshan and Gu Hanmo can't go, so they can only warn Xu Ming before leaving.

"Don't worry, I know what to do!" Xu Ming said with a smile.

But to be honest, Xu Ming was secretly unconvinced - is an older genius very powerful? I want to see how talented the top geniuses of the Endless Continent are!

However, Xu Ming still did not say these words, so as not to make Gu Hanmo and Gu Kongshan worry.

"Be careful!" Gu Kongshan warned again, and then said, "Come on, don't let Inspector Yi wait too long!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming took another deep look at Gu Hanmo, "Hanmo, I'm leaving. You should be careful when I'm not here!"

The banquet will last for a while. Therefore, Xu Ming will be absent from the Wilderness Sect for a while.

However, Xu Ming left the Wuyu Ship here; with Xiao Huang guarding the Wilderness Sect, Xu Ming was relieved.

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