Break Into Another World

Chapter 385: , bad luck

Xu Ming was directly enveloped by one of the teleportation rays.

"Please deposit your treasure!" Immediately, a voice sounded in Xu Ming's mind.

Xu Ming handed over Na Jie without any scruples - after all, the most valuable thing on his body was just a real dragon spear, so naturally he didn't have to worry about asking the palace to steal his treasure.

"Please choose a low-grade Taoist weapon as a weapon!" This voice sounded again.

"Long spear!" Xu Ming did not hesitate.

call out!

Immediately, a nano ring was teleported to Xu Ming by a miniature teleportation array.

Xu Ming refined the Na Ring in an instant, and the inside was empty, with only a long spear and a letter talisman.

"Set off!"

With a flash of teleportation, Xu Ming disappeared in place and teleported into the landscape world.

call out! call out! call out! call out…

Throughout the questioning banquet scene, one after another silhouettes were continuously transmitted and disappeared.

After a while, on a table not far from the Huxin Island area, there were two drunken figures talking drunkenly to each other.

"Brother Niu, how beautiful the radiance that filled the sky just now! It seems that the heavens descended ten thousand rays of light in order to witness the lasting friendship between us..."

"But brother Ma, aren't we in the palace? Why is there a glow here?"

"This... seems to be a genius who participated in the battle of dao fate, send the light away!"

"Dao Fate Battle?" The "Brother Niu" was suddenly shocked, "Huh? Brother Ma, didn't you say that you also want to participate in the Dao Fate War?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"Now, those who participated in the battle of Taoism have already set off! Why are you still drinking with me here?"

"Huh? Going?" Brother Ma said inarticulately, "It's impossible to go! Am I still here?"

A quarter of an hour later—

"No—" Brother Ma let out a hysterical scream, "Drinking is a mistake! My moral battle..."

The battle of Taoism had already begun, but he didn't have time to "get on the bus".

And the masters around him are watching the situation in the landscape world through the water curtain image on the wall.

Landscape world.

The river is green and the trees are shady.

call out! call out! call out! …

The 100,000 geniuses from the 3,600 territories randomly appeared in various places in this world one after another.

Each of the 100,000 geniuses is the most gifted super genius in their respective territories. And this battle of dao fate, but from these 100,000 talents, it is necessary to pick out a thousand of the best - it's a very standard "one in a hundred"!


Xu Ming landed firmly on the ground.

"This is the landscape world?"

The world of mountains and rivers should be similar to the Demon Realm of Seeking Dao, and it is also a small world created by man. However, Xu Ming felt the surroundings a little, but he didn't feel any oppression like in the Demon Realm of Seeking Dao; it was as if it was no different from the endless continent outside.

"It seems that this landscape world should be opened up by a Taoist master!"

When the strength reaches the level of Dao Zun, it has the ability to open up a world in the void.

However, Dao Zun's strength is limited after all, so the space opened up is not very stable - weak warriors can't even survive in the world opened up by Dao Zun.

And the small world opened up by the Taoist is undoubtedly much more stable. Even ordinary people who have not even been able to practice outside can still live and reproduce normally inside.

"Dao Fate War?"

Xu Ming's attitude towards the battle of daoyuan is very disdainful!

If you want to win the battle of Taoism, you have to do two things: first, collect 800 nine-colored stones; second, find the exit of the landscape world.

These two things, of course, are not easy for other geniuses to accomplish. After all, where is the nine-colored stone hidden in the end - the ghost knows!

Even the genius Lin Chen, who is known as "once in ten thousand years", still has to spend a lot of effort to win the battle of dao.


For Xu Ming, if you want to win, it's not too easy! - Just open a few "explorations" and hang up, won't you get the job done?

Even, as long as Xu Ming is willing, he can rely on "exploration" to directly calculate the best route to complete the Dao Fate Battle; then, follow this route and walk all the way, and that's it!

But that would be so boring.

In addition to wanting to win, Xu Ming wanted to meet the top geniuses in the 3,600 territory for a while!

"Let me explore first, where is the nearest nine-colored stone to me!"

A probe command was sent, and soon, Xiaohang responded: "It's right at your feet!"

"What!?" Xu Ming was startled, "It's right at my feet?"

Xu Minglian unleashed his spiritual power and penetrated into the ground.

However, the earth was a great hindrance to spiritual power, and Xu Ming did not find anything.

"Since Xiaohang said that there are nine-colored stones under my feet, then I must have them under my feet!"

If so, then - dig!

Xu Ming took out the standard low-grade Taoist-level long spear, and rotated the spear point downwards - Poison Dragon Drill!


Xu Ming was like an earth-drilling machine, digging straight down.

Half an hour later, Xu Ming got out of the ground again.

"Ten nine-colored stones, get them!"

Finding nine-colored stones is so easy! - Of course, this is only for Xu Ming.

If it were someone else, even if the Nine-Colored Stone was at his feet, he would definitely not know.

"But..." Xu Ming thought to himself, "The situation in the world of landscapes can be seen by the people at the banquet! So, I can't show it, it's easy for me to find the nine-colored stone; otherwise, it will definitely be Arouse the curiosity of others!"

Xu Ming decided to wander around in this landscape world for a few laps to hide his eyes and ears.

At the banquet, the experts and experts of the human race were all talking and laughing, watching the situation in the landscape world through the water curtain.

"Look, which unlucky child was that, who just happened to be teleported to the monster group! Fortunately, he reacted quickly and smashed the letter talisman directly; otherwise, it is hard to say whether he can survive or not!"

"It's really unfortunate! Otherwise, with his strength as a step-daoist, there is still some hope of winning!"

"This is fate! Fate is not I can't blame others!"

In the central area of ​​the banquet, inspector Yi Tianxing sat at the same table with Immortal White Feather.

"I said Superintendent Yi!" Immortal Bai Yu said without any trouble, "Among the six territories you supervise, the strongest one is this Xu Ming, right?"

"Humph!" Yi Tianxing snorted casually; he knew that Immortal White Feather would definitely not have good words next.

"I heard that his strength is comparable to that of a Taoist priest? Very good strength!" Immortal White Feather laughed, "If he is very, very lucky, there is still a little chance to win the battle!"

Very, very good luck, just a little chance?

The implication is clear - there is no chance at all!

After a while, Immortal White Feather was suddenly surprised: "Hey—Xu Ming seems to be meeting Zeshi in our territory! Haha, this Xu Ming, his luck is really bad!"

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