Break Into Another World

Chapter 387: ,late!


Neither Yi Tianxing nor Immortal Baiyu could believe it.

Ze Shi was close to the existence of the Second Step Daoist; and Xu Ming, who did not have any fluctuations in the Heavenly Dao, obviously did not even realize the origin of the Heavenly Dao.

But the result of the collision between the two sides was that Ze Shi was slapped away!

Yes, a slap in the face! - It wasn't a kick, or a shot, but a humiliating slap!

Xu Ming dared to slap Ze Shi, what does this mean?

This shows that Xu Ming did not regard Ze Shi as an opponent of the same level!

"This Xu Ming..." Yi Tianxing was stunned, "Really! With such a strong strength, he didn't tell me beforehand, which made me worry about him for a long time!"

It's just that Yi Tianxing didn't think about it. Even if Xu Ming told him that he could ravage Zeshi, would Yi Tianxing believe it?

I'm afraid it's hard to believe!

In the world of landscapes, poor Ze Shi was directly stunned, and couldn't recover for a long time.


Ze Shi pointed to himself, and then pointed to Xu Ming, hesitating for a long time, not thinking of how to express his current mood.

All in all, it's maddening!

After a while, Ze Shi finally "wanted to understand" why he was slapped away.

"It must be that I underestimated the enemy and was too careless just now! Yes, it must be!" Ze Shi thought with great certainty, "As long as I am serious, this kid is definitely not my opponent!"

After "I want to understand", Ze Shi regained his fighting spirit.

But, does Zeshi really want to understand?

"Boy!" Ze Shi looked at Xu Ming angrily, "How dare you sneak up on me while I'm not prepared... I must make you pay the price!"

Xu Ming's mood is messy - I attack you? Didn't you sneak up on me, but was slapped away by me instead?

But at this time, Ze Shi killed again.

"Boy, take your life!"

Ze Shi was bare-handed and did not take any weapons; because the low-grade Taoist weapon he chose was a piece of armor.

"Come back?" Xu Ming's eyes widened, "I'm not afraid of face pain!"

When Ze Shi approached, Xu Ming raised his hand and slapped him again.

However, with this slap, Xu Ming grasped the power very precisely - not only to ensure that Ze Shi's face would not be able to avoid his own slap no matter what, but also to ensure that Ze Shi would not be swept away again because of the excessive force.

This time, Ze Shi was indeed cautious and cautious.

When Xu Ming's slap flew towards his face, Ze Shi also managed to capture a palm shadow; unlike just now, he didn't see anything and was directly swept away!

Seeing the shadow of the palm clearly, Ze Shi felt complacent in his heart: "Just now, I was really too careless, so I didn't see anything, and was slapped away. Now I'm a little more serious, no, I can see it. It's time for the shadow!"

What Ze Shi didn't know was that this time, Xu Ming deliberately slowed down his "palm speed"!


Being able to see Xu Ming's palm does not mean that he can escape Xu Ming's slap!

Xu Ming just wanted you to see it, couldn't hide it!

And Ze Shi, until the slap approached, he finally realized that he could see it, but he couldn't avoid it!

"Do not-"


Exclamations and slaps sounded almost simultaneously. There was also a bright red palm print on Ze Shi's other cheek.

Ze Shi felt that his soul had been greatly humiliated.

"" Ze Shi has always been the top genius in his own territory, and he has never been ravaged like this, "Too deceiving! Deceiving too much! I'm going to fight with you!!"

"Fight?" A playful smile flashed in Xu Ming's eyes.

Being stared at by this playful look, Ze Shi couldn't help but tremble: "You...what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing?" Xu Ming said with a wicked smile, "Come on, I'll give you a chance to admit your mistake—as long as you admit your mistake sincerely, and leave the Taoist armor on your body, I'll let you go!"

Ze Shi's ox eyes stared: "Want me to admit my mistake? Even if I die, I won't..."


Without hesitation, Xu Ming slapped his hand again.

"Ah - I fought with you!!"

Where there is oppression, there is resistance! Ze Shi's eyes turned red and burst out.


Another slap interrupted Ze Shi's rage.


Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! …

Xu Ming didn't even give a chance to speak, followed by a series of slaps.

No matter how Ze Shi blocked or dodged it, Xu Ming's slap would always land on Ze Shi's face with great precision. Even though Ze Shi had already covered his face with his hands, Xu Ming's palm print was still pervasive.

"Stop hitting! Stop hitting!" Ze Shi shouted while covering his face, "I admit my mistake! I admit my mistake!"

Xu Ming really put away his slap: "That's right! If you admit your mistake earlier, you won't have to take so many slaps for nothing? Oh, I really don't understand you. Tears!"

Ze Shi was drawn full of grievances: "You are too bullying!"

"Bullying people?" Xu Ming sneered, "You annoyed me first, and you blame me? - It's not good to get rid of the enemy, come here, admit your mistake sincerely, and I will forgive you!"

admit wrong?

Ze Shi glanced at Xu Ming, then abruptly, kicked his feet, turned around and ran away.

"Want to admit that you were wrong? Go dreaming!!"

Ze Shi burst out at the fastest speed without reservation.

"Hahahaha, I'm going too! Hahaha...Ah!!"


Before Ze Shi had time to be arrogant, a slap suddenly appeared out of nowhere and slapped him back directly.

"This..." Only then did Ze Shi fully realize that Xu Ming had outstripped himself too much in all aspects. In front of Xu Ming, he couldn't even escape!

"I admit I was wrong!" Ze Shi exclaimed repeatedly.


Xu Ming snorted coldly, the spear was already in his grip.

Xu Ming's eyes were even more icy with murderous intent.

"Hey—" Ze Shi couldn't help but tremble.

Although Xu Ming had been ravaging and bullying him just, he only used a slap and never used a weapon. But now, not only did Xu Ming directly take out his spear, but this killing intent made Ze Shi's heart tremble.

"I admit it! I really admit it! I'll give you the armor!" Ze Shi said repeatedly.

However, Xu Ming's killing intent remained unmoved.

"Dare to play with me? Then you will pay the price!"


Where the spear is directed, the killing intent almost pierces the space.

"No—" Ze Shi's eyes showed panic and despair.

In the battle of Taoism, life and death are fate. If you die, you can't blame others, you can only blame yourself for being inferior to others.

"Could it be that I can only crush the letter talisman?" Ze Shi was extremely unwilling.

Crushing the letter talisman means losing in the battle of Taoism.

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