Break Into Another World

Chapter 390: , attract strange

The man in the loose robe continued to say, "We are all from the Purple Moon Holy Land..."

Holy Land! ?

Chi Xue and Yuan Jing were both startled, but they also felt normal.

In the three thousand six hundred territory, the place with the most geniuses is undoubtedly the Thirty-six Holy Lands.

In the Holy Land, there are many geniuses participating in the Dao Fate Battle; therefore, the possibility of encountering each other among the disciples of the same Holy Land is naturally high—for example, the four in front of them claim to be from the Purple Moon Holy Land.

"Wu Tianling is here!" said the youth in loose robes.

"Sun Guangda."


"Liu Yixuan!"

Yuan Jing looked at the four of them vigilantly: "Don't pretend to be mysterious, if you have anything, just say it!"

"Okay, cheer up!" Wu Tianling laughed, "We actually just wanted to ask the two beauties to do a little favor, and we will be grateful in the future!"


Chi Xue and Yuan Jing became more and more puzzled.

After half an hour...

"Abominable Purple Moon Holy Land disciple!"

Chi Xue gnashed her teeth and fled wildly. Behind her, a monster comparable to the Second Step Daoist was chasing after her like crazy.

"We actually asked us to help lure the monsters away, while they themselves went to the monster's cave to fetch treasures!" Chi Xuewo was very angry.

Of course she didn't want to help—she was only in the third-level spiritual peak realm, how could she not be caught up with the monster beasts who led the Second Step Daojun? Being caught up, you can only crush the letter talisman to save your life, which is equivalent to giving up this battle of fate.

However, if they refused to help, Wu Tianling and others would directly "send" the two of them out of the world of mountains and rivers. And if you help, there is at least one other person who can continue to participate in the Dao Fate Battle.

Under the coercion, Chi Xue and Yuan Jing had no choice but to cooperate.

Together, the two women threw an attack on the monster from dozens of miles away, and then ran away separately.

The enraged monster chose Chi Xue as the target of chasing; thus, there is this scene.

"Stop chasing me!"

Chi Xue could only watch feebly, the golden leopard-shaped monster behind him kept getting closer to him.


Suddenly, the leopard-shaped monster jumped and appeared on top of Chi Xue's head, blocking the sun above her head.

"Sure enough, I couldn't escape!" Chi Xue was unwilling, "I can only crush the letter talisman to save my life!"

Between life and chance, most people will choose life rationally.


Chi Xue's mental power penetrated into the Na ring, and her mental power tentacles have already touched the letter in the Na ring, and can be crushed at any time.

"This time the battle of dao fate is over..." Chi Xue felt a touch of bitterness in her heart, and then her eyes became firm, "I'm still very young, this time the battle of dao fate, that is, to see and see That's it! - Fifty years later, it will be my real stage!"

"The strength is not good, there is nothing to be unwilling - go!"

Thinking of this, Chi Xue would crush the letter talisman.

And then right at this moment—


A ghostly figure appeared beside Chi Xue in a teleportation.

"Huh?" Chi Xue's movements couldn't help but stop for a while, "This is...?"

The figure appeared too suddenly, and Chi Xue didn't have time to see it clearly; however, she inexplicably felt a long-lost sense of familiarity and security on this figure.

"It feels like..."

Chi Xue's eyes couldn't help being a little lost, and she suddenly remembered an afternoon many years ago.

At that time, Chi Xue was still an ugly duckling who was dark, thin and unwelcome; many children of the same age liked to bully her.

One afternoon, under the pursuit of some children, Xiao Chixue accidentally fell to the ground; just when she thought that she was going to be surrounded and bullied, a not tall figure appeared beside her.

Everything seems like yesterday.

The memory of the past, and the scene in front of him seem to overlap.

"Brother Xu Ming..." Chi Xue's pair of autumn waves that were as clear as ice and snow suddenly became wet.

boom! !

An extremely explosive spear pierced through the head of the leopard monster in an instant.

The blood of the beast splattered, but the aura controlled by Xu Ming was easily separated.


The huge monster slammed heavily on the ground, and Chi Xue came back to his senses.

"Are you all right?" The figure that was not mighty, but very determined, showed a face that Chi Xue was familiar with.

"Thank you...Thank you, Brother Xu Ming..."

When she said this, Chi Xue felt inexplicably sour. She remembered that in the past, she would never say "thank you" to Xu Ming in such unfamiliar terms.

Xu Ming didn't feel anything when he heard the "Thank you".

After all, his obsession with Chi Xue had long since vanished.

For the current Xu Ming, Chi Xue was just a very ordinary friend, and he couldn't arouse the throbbing in his heart at all.

"What's going on?" Xu Ming couldn't help asking, "How did you provoke the monster?"

Chi Xue hesitated for a moment, then said: "We are the people of Ziyue Holy Land, forced to attract strange..."

"Huh?" Xu Ming's eyes turned slightly cold.

Although he has long lost the love between men and women for Chi Xue; but no matter what, Chi Xue is also a friend of his - and a friend with a somewhat complicated relationship.

Now, this friend with a somewhat complicated relationship was bullied by the Purple Moon Holy Land, and Xu Ming couldn't bear it.

"By the way, did you just say 'you'?" Xu Ming keenly captured this information point, "Who else is there besides you?"

"Do you still remember Yuanjing?" Chi Xue said.

"Remember!" Xu Ming was still quite impressed by this female cultivator with braided horns who rushed over aggressively to toast him.

"It's her!" Chi Xue said, "The monster we both led together, but the monster made me a target to kill; I don't know what happened to Yuan Jing now."

"Let's go, show me!" Xu Ming said directly, "By the way, I'll help you get revenge!"

"Brother Xu Ming, they are very powerful!" Chi Xue couldn't help saying.

Xu Ming said indifferently, "Is there such a powerful monster?"

" this... should not be there!"

Chi Xue suddenly thought that if Wu Tianling and the four of them were more powerful than the monsters, they would just kill the monsters and steal the treasures. What's the use of attracting the monsters and stealing the treasures!

In other words, even if they are more powerful than the monsters, they must be limited; if they want to kill the monsters, they will have to pay a small price themselves.

As for Xu Ming, it only takes one shot to kill this monster of the Second Step Daoist.

Immediately, a judgment was made.

"Let's go, those four people, it is estimated that I have four guns!" After saying that, Xu Ming picked up the long gun and walked directly in the direction where Chi Xue fled.

Looking at Xu Ming's back, Chi Xue was a little confused.

"Brother Xu Ming, no matter where he goes, he is so domineering..."

Such Xu Ming made Chi Xue feel unfamiliar, but... he liked it.

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