Break Into Another World

Chapter 418: , the difference between cloud and mud

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Since they are acquaintances, it doesn't matter that the toll is less than the toll.

Xu Ming's voice transmission sounded directly beside Chi Xue's ears: "Just walk forward and you will reach the exit."

Chi Xue walked forward as she said, and the magic formation of "The Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Flowers" unpredictably led her to the depths. Soon, she met Xu Ming.

Xu Ming was a little puzzled: "Huh? Why is it only you, Yuan Jing?"

Xu Ming remembered that Chi Xue was always with Yuan Jing! Why now, only Chi Xue is left?

Chi Xue was very indignant: "We were attacked by the people of the Purple Moon Holy Land, and Yuan Jing was sent out of the Landscape World in order to protect me from fleeing!"

Xu Ming's face sank: "It's the Purple Moon Holy Land again!"

He looked gloomily at the location of the geniuses in the Purple Moon Holy Land, and said coldly, "Tell me, which one is it?"

Chi Xue looked at it and pointed out, "It's that sturdy young man with a long knife on his back."

"Oh." Xu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, and instantly detected the information of this person - Li Guijie, Erbu Daojun.

"You wait here first, I'll clean him up." Xu Ming said.

When Chi Xue heard this, she was so shocked that she hurriedly stopped: "Brother Xu Ming, it's too dangerous for you to go out like this! There are so many people outside, they must really want to deal with you!"

"It's okay, I'm in control!"

After speaking, Xu Ming dragged his spear and walked straight towards the disciples of the Purple Moon Holy Land.

Every time Xu Ming took a step, the phantom formations he passed were separated like a tide, allowing him to access the outside world without any hindrance.

In Chi Xue's eyes, at this moment, Xu Ming is like an indomitable **** of war.

"Huh? Xu Ming wants to...?"

The geniuses gathered outside the phantom formation were all surprised to see Xu Ming's figure gradually appearing; then, Xu Ming walked out directly from the phantom formation...

"Xu Ming came out?"

"What? How dare he walk out of the illusion!?"

"Too arrogant!"

"This is a challenge to all our geniuses!"

"I can't bear it! I can't bear it!"

There were thousands of geniuses gathered outside the magic formation; however, in the face of Xu Ming's calmness and calmness, these thousands of geniuses only dared to shout for a while, but no one dared to step forward.

Xu Ming is like a king who accepts the adoration of the top geniuses of the human race.

Wherever Xu Ming went, these awe-inspiring eyes followed.

Finally, someone can't stand it anymore!

"Let's go together!" A stern-looking Erbu Daojun shouted, and slashed towards the back of Xu Ming's head with a knife.

Xu Ming walked on his own, without even looking at him.

"This is stupid!" Lin Chen gave Daojun Yinli a pitying look, "Even I can hardly break Xu Ming's defense, just rely on him?"

If all the geniuses swarmed up, then of course they could threaten Xu Ming! But Daojun Yin Li alone might not even be able to make Xu Ming scratch his skin.


Daojun Yin Li's sinister and ferocious knife slashed at the back of Xu Ming's head.

"Success!?" Daojun Yinli couldn't help but look happy, "I, Zhang Mingchen, killed this monster in one blow?"

"it is good!"

"Nice knife!"

Many geniuses can't help but look surprised - is this successful? This Xu Ming is too easy to deal with, right?

"Brother Xu Ming!" Chi Xue couldn't help exclaiming in the phantom array.

However, her screams were blocked by the illusion array and could not be transmitted to the outside world at all.

But then, Chi Xue found out: "Brother Xu Ming, he seems... nothing at all?"

Of course it's fine!

How could Xu Ming be in trouble with the attack of the mere Second Step Daoist?


Yin Li Daojun Zhang Mingchen was also horrified to find that his all-out sneak attack did not seem to have caused any damage to Xu Ming at all.

"This...this..." Zhang Mingchen was at a loss - he had never seen such a hard skin! He stabbed himself with a knife, but he didn't even scratch his skin.

At this moment, Xu Ming stopped and turned his head slowly.

His eyes were cold: "We used to have a grudge?"

Zhang Mingchen was frightened by this look: "No...No!"

"There is no hatred, but you murdered me?" Xu Ming's eyes became more and more cold. The surrounding temperature seems to have dropped a lot at once.

"I...I..." Zhang Mingchen burst out and flew away with all his strength.

While fleeing, he shouted: "Let's go together! Let's join forces, we won't be afraid of him!"

However, at this moment, Zhang Mingchen suddenly discovered that the surrounding world was plunged into boundless darkness. What my eyes can see, what my ears can hear, and what my spiritual power can detect is all silence and darkness.

"What's the matter? Where am I?" Zhang Mingchen was extremely frightened.

Suddenly, in the boundless silence and darkness, a pair of cold eyes appeared - it was Xu Ming's eyes.

These cold eyes quickly enlarged in the boundless darkness. In almost one percent of the time of breathing, a pair of normal-sized eyes has been enlarged into a grinding disc, and then enlarged into a pavilion, a hill... These eyes seem to be swallowing up and occupying the entire dark world.

Zhang Mingchen woke up suddenly: "It's a mental attack!"

He quickly used his mental power to communicate with the letter in the ring, and wanted to crush the letter to save his life.

However, it's too late!

The constantly enlarged icy eyes, in an instant, swallowed the entire dark world he saw!

At the same time, it also devoured his entire sea of ​​consciousness!


Zhang Mingchen, who fled, fell heavily to the ground. His body was intact, but the sea of ​​consciousness was completely shattered, and there was no trace of life.

A glance, and the second step Daojun's soul is scattered.


"What a domineering mental attack!"

Many geniuses gasped in fright, some were timid, and even subconsciously took a few steps back.

Daojun Erbu, among the 100,000 geniuses who participated in the Dao Fate Battle, although he was not the top, he was definitely in the forefront.

But even so, he couldn't stop even Xu Ming's gaze!

Xu Ming's tyrannical and unparalleled strength has intimidated the thousands of top geniuses of the human race present, and they dare not act rashly - this kind of deterrence, even the "once in ten thousand years" genius Lin Chen can't have it!

Wherever Xu Ming passed, the geniuses gave in one after another!

It was as if there was an invisible wall of air around Xu Ming, pushing everyone away.

Of course, this air wall doesn't really exist, it's just an invisible aura. But this invisible momentum is more oppressive than the real air wall.

"Brother Xu Ming, he..." Chi Xue's eyes were crazy.

At this moment, it seemed that only Xu Ming was left between the heavens and the earth; the other top geniuses, beside Xu Ming, were as insignificant as weeds.

Many experts at the banquet were also stunned.

"What a strong momentum!"

"Only with this momentum, as long as this son does not die in the middle, he will definitely achieve extraordinary achievements in the future!"

Don't be afraid of not knowing the goods, just be afraid of comparing the goods!

Xu Ming went to one of the many geniuses, and immediately let the people of the race know what "the difference between clouds and mud" is!

Comparing other top geniuses with Xu is totally... scum!

Xu Ming walked towards the geniuses of the Purple Moon Holy Land step by step, as if there was no one else around.

Lin Chen obviously also noticed that Xu Ming was walking towards him.

"Xu Ming!" Lin Chen stood up—if he had faced Xu Ming alone, he would have been frightened and fled. But having so many teammates around gave him the courage to face Xu Ming.

"What do you mean by coming here!?" Lin Chen clenched the purple long sword in his hand.

However, Xu Ming ignored Lin Chen, but looked at the sturdy young man with a long knife behind him: "Li Guijie!"

"Huh?" The sturdy young Li Guijie was startled, "You know me?"

"A few days ago, did you kill a female cultivator with a braided horn in the triple spiritual peak realm out of the landscape world?" Xu Ming said solemnly.

Female monks with braided horns are rare. When Xu Ming said this, Li Guijie of course immediately recalled that he had indeed done such a thing.

However, before Li Guijie could speak, Lin Chen couldn't help but speak: "Xu Ming, how dare you run outside the Illusion Formation and trouble us in the Purple Moon Holy Land? You are too ignorant of us!"

call out-

A strange purple sword light slammed towards Xu Ming.

In fact, Lin Chen's voice transmission had already resounded in the minds of the geniuses around him: "Senior brothers from the Purple Moon Holy Land, as well as friends from various forces, let's all launch a spiritual attack together to kill Xu Ming!"

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

With the appearance of the purple sword light, hundreds of spiritual attacks also attacked Xu Ming from all directions at the same time.

"Humph!" Lin Chen's eyes were cold, "With so many spiritual attacks, even a half-step Daoist can't bear it! Xu Ming, Xu Ming, if you hesitated a little, you didn't crush the letter talisman immediately to save your life. , then die!!"

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