Break Into Another World

Chapter 431: , prohibition breaking


Stay for a long time?

Gu Hanmo's first reaction was: "How long?"

"It is said that...the longest stay will be a thousand years!" Xu Ming said, "Of course, if your strength improves quickly, you can come back from the Kingdom of God in advance! - I will try to come back as soon as possible!"

Up to a thousand years...

After Gu Han listened, he was silent for a long time.

Cultivation has no time!

However, Xu Ming and Gu Hanmo are still very young; for them, let alone a thousand years, even three or five years is a very long concept!

After a long time, Gu Hanmo suddenly raised his head and looked at Xu Ming, his eyes full of determination: "Xu Ming!"

"Han Mo?" Xu Ming also looked at her.

"Recently, I have also seen information about the 'Kingdom of God' in the classics left by the ancestors of the wild sect; I know that it is a place where countless top geniuses want to enter but cannot! It is ten or twenty times faster than cultivating in the outside world!" Gu Hanmo's expression was extremely firm, "After you arrive in the 'God Kingdom', don't always think about coming back; if you can stay there as long as possible, stay as long as possible! - As for me, I will concentrate on my cultivation and wait for you to come back! Even if it is a thousand years, it doesn't matter!"

"Han Mo..." Xu Ming's heart trembled.

Gu Hanmo firmly said: "If the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in the morning and evening!"

A partner on the road of martial arts is different from a partner among ordinary people! Companions on the martial arts will not be fettered by each other, but will only help each other!

Just like now, when Gu Hanmo sees that Xu Ming can go to the "Human Kingdom", she will not pester Xu Ming like a little girl, but tell Xu Ming very open-mindedly - you can go! The longer you stay, the better!

Xu Ming's eyes were complicated, and he said, "The kingdom of God, the world created by the legendary gods! I will definitely not be reconciled if I don't go to see and see! - But, Han Mo! Ten years, give me ten years, I will definitely back!"

Other geniuses can take up to a thousand years to emerge from the "God Kingdom"; but Xu Ming is confident that it only takes ten years for himself!

"Don't be so sad!" Gu Kongshan laughed and laughed, "It's a great thing to be able to enter the kingdom of God! Xiao Ming, when you go to the kingdom of God, you must devote yourself to cultivation without any distractions, and take good care of cultivating in the kingdom of God. Opportunity!"

"Yes!" Facing his father-in-law, Xu Ming was naturally very respectful.

Although, this father-in-law was just shocked by himself and fell to the floor, and his image was completely lost.

"Let's talk about it..." Gu Kongshan said again, "Isn't going to the 'God Kingdom' in half a year, it's still too early! In the past six months, you guys will stay awake, ha..."

"Uh..." Xu Ming was slightly speechless.

A few days later, in the control room of the Wuyu ship.

"...Xiao Huang, this is all my experience in the battle of Taoism!"

The yellow-haired giant ape was dumbfounded, its eyes widened and it looked at Xu Ming: "Brother Ming, you are... perverted!"


"Brother Ming, what is your current genius level...?"

"It's tentatively set to be the 'Million Grade'!"

"Really perverted..." Xiao Huang sighed again, "However, I have to admire that the old master's eyes are vicious, and he has waited for a life-and-death friend like you!"

"Uh..." Xu Ming said, "In half a year, I'm going to the 'God Kingdom', and I'm going to stay there for a long time!"

Xiao Huang said: "'The Kingdom of God', but the biggest treasure of our human race, you must go!"

"What's so special about the Kingdom of God?" Xu Ming asked curiously.

"The special features of the 'Kingdom of God'... There are many!" Xiao Huang said, "Let's not mention anything else, just comprehending the way of heaven, comprehending in the 'Kingdom of God' is much easier than comprehending it in the outside world!"

"Is there such a thing?" Xu Ming exclaimed.

It is much easier to understand the way of heaven, this is definitely a good place!

"But..." Xiao Huang said again, "Remember, the most important treasure in the 'Kingdom of God' is the 'Chaos Stone Carving'!"

"Chaos Stone Carving?" Xu Ming obviously hadn't heard of it, "What is that?"

"The chaotic stone carvings contain the complete heavenly way!" Xiao Huang said, "Brother Ming, you are now tentatively rated as a 'million year' level, so there must be many opportunities to comprehend the chaotic stone carvings! Be sure to make good use of the opportunities for comprehension. , a lot of comprehension!"

"Oh..." Xu Ming remembered.

"By the way, Xiao Huang, take out the old man's acceptance ring!"

The ring of the Kuduan old man collected all the treasures of the Kuduan old man.

However, because of the three prohibitions on the ring, Xu Ming could not open it before, so it was temporarily stored in Xiao Huang.

And now, Xu Ming has truly stepped into the Daojun level, and he can break the first prohibition!

"Yes!" Xiao Huang stretched out his furry "hand", and in the palm of his hand was a Na ring.

Xu Ming had already refined Najie, and he directly infiltrated his spiritual power to find the first prohibition.

Just when Xu Ming was pondering how to break the restriction; the first restriction started to disintegrate automatically.


Soon, the first prohibition dissipated invisible.

"What treasures will there be in this first part?"

Xu Ming couldn't wait to dive into his spiritual power.

"This this…"

Xu Ming was stunned by the sight in Na Jie.

The space in the first part of the ring is as large as several miles.

In this space...

Low-grade Dao stones, piled up into hills...

All kinds of Taoist pills are piled up into hills...

All kinds of inscriptions, piled up into hills...

All kinds of Taoist tools, array plates and other treasures are also piled up into hills...

Xu Ming was stunned for a long time before he could react: "A lot of treasures..."

If these treasures are converted into hanging points, they will definitely be in units of "billions"! As for whether it is billions or tens of billions, you have to exchange it to know...

"Sure enough!" Xu Ming's face showed ecstasy, "I knew that the treasures left by the old could not be less!"

Why didn't Xu Ming learn to be a teacher? Why can you resolutely reject the various inducements of the three powers? -Is it because Xu Ming really "can't be promiscuous"?

Do not!

It was Xu Ming who didn't like that petty profit!

You must know that the short-lived old man was also the elder of the palace at the beginning, and he was an extremely powerful existence among the elders! All his treasures were left to Xu Ming!

And Xu Ming, even if he became a direct disciple of the three of Tie Ning, how many treasures would he get? - It is impossible for a living master to give Xu Ming a lot of treasures!

When asked at the banquet, Xu Ming knew very well that the only advantage of his apprenticeship was to have a good backer. In addition, there is no advantage, but a lot of disadvantages and troubles!

backing? Xu Ming didn't need it.

Therefore... Xu Ming is resolutely unwilling to be a teacher!

Seeing so many treasures left by the short-lived old man now, Xu Ming felt more and more that it was a very wise decision not to be a teacher!

"Xiao Huang, is it safe in the Kingdom of God?"

Xiao Huang smiled and said, "It's very safe! It's just... geniuses often compete with each other!"

"Competition?" Xu Ming is not afraid of competing with other geniuses. His slap is used to draw geniuses!

"Then when I go to the 'Kingdom of God', I will take the old man's ring with me!" Xu Ming thought for a while.

The reason why he did this was that if he broke through to the Daoist level in the "Kingdom of God", then, with the treasures sealed in the second restriction, he would not be useless.

"Okay." Xiao Huang naturally had no objection to any decision made by Xu Ming.

"But Brother Ming, I have something to remind you!" Xiao Huang said, "Since you have entered the Daojun level, it is time to learn to create your own secret skills..."



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