Break Into Another World

Chapter 461: , Lord of the Heavenly Palace

When Xu Ming returned to his residence, his first thought was that Lin Chen's IQ was a flaw!

The jade slips that record the images of the water curtain are difficult to copy.

However, just because it's hard to replicate doesn't mean it can't be replicated!

Xu Ming threw the two almost identical jade slips in his hand: "When the time comes, give him back one, and I will keep the other! - If he is honest from now on, I will not bother with him; but if he is not honest, then I will I don't mind watching a good show of 'infighting'!"

In the next few days, Xu Ming consolidated the mysteries of the Heavenly Dao that Chuangtongtian Pagoda had realized, and his realm improved slightly.

Then, he teleported to the Chaos Hall again.

"Three days later, send me out!"

This time, Xu Ming planned to comprehend the chaotic stone carvings for three consecutive days.


Xu Ming's mental power sank directly into it.

"In the gust of wind, there is still such a mystery hidden..."

"Erosing the mystery, the mystery is extremely..."

Xu Ming sat cross-legged in front of the chaotic stone carvings of the Heaven of Wind, and the expression on his face was ecstatic.

The nature of heaven and earth is constantly being revealed and penetrated by Xu Ming.

Xu Ming's body and soul are constantly becoming more in line with nature.

Vaguely, Xu Ming even had a feeling of being in the world and incarnating into nature - very wonderful.

The enlightenment of the wind and the heavens was born in Xu Ming's heart. Every moment, he felt himself enlightened.

In the Heavenly Dao of Wind, there are many kinds of mysteries. There are no less than ten kinds that Xu Ming discovered.

"The Mystery of Wind Cutting..."

"The mystery of wind erosion..."

"Quick and mysterious..."

"Slow mystery..."

"The mystery of the wind..."

"Phantom Mystery..."

There are many kinds of mysteries, any one of which can be comprehended to the extreme, can become a Taoist master.

Xu Ming's perception is more complicated. However, he is also consciously developing towards a certain mystery.

The time to comprehend the chaotic stone carvings always makes people feel extremely short.

Xu Ming still felt that in the blink of an eye, three days had passed.

"So fast…"

Although it felt very fast, Xu Ming's understanding of the way of wind and heaven has truly improved a lot.

"It seems... that you will be able to break through the four-step Daojun soon?" Xu Ming was stunned, "The speed of this realm's improvement is too fast..."

It was so fast that even Xu Ming himself felt unreal.

But in fact, it is fast!

It's actually normal.

You must know that Xu Ming's own understanding is not weak; when he comprehends the chaotic stone carvings, he is even turning on the "Epiphany Mode" - the speed of the improvement of Tiandao perception is naturally fast!

"Hurry up and consolidate your understanding!"

Xu Ming hurriedly sat cross-legged.

Five days later...

Xu Ming opened his eyes brightly. His eyes became deeper and more ethereal.

"Four-step Daoist! Steady four-step Daoist!"

Xu Ming was a little excited.

"Moreover, I still have a lot of sporadic insights in my heart; if I have a few battles to confirm these insights, then my realm will definitely be able to go to the next level!"

Need to fight?

The best place, of course, is the Babel Tower!

Xu Ming rushed to the Tongtian Tower again.

The first layer, the second layer, needless to say, win in seconds!

The opponent on the third floor shouted in dissatisfaction: "Boy, last time we fought until the last moment, and accidentally lost to you! This time, you will not be so lucky again, and the winner will definitely be mine. !"


Xu Ming picked up the gun, and won in seconds.

"What's the situation!?" The mysterious figure on the third floor was stunned, "I haven't seen you for a few days, come you are so strong!?"

"Is it weird?" Xu Ming teased.

"Uh..." The mysterious figure in Tsing Yi was stunned, "It seems... it's not surprising... The speed of this kid's realm improvement is exaggerated!"

The opponent on the fourth floor once again made Xu Ming feel the pressure.

Although Xu Ming was already a four-step Daoist, he still fought hard for a long time before he won. And the advantage of fighting for a long time is that it has learned a lot of heavenly insights!

Xu Ming was on the fifth floor and was blocked again.

"The fifth floor, it takes a five-step Daoist to break through? Then... let's fight!"

The fifth floor, the first battle, failed!

The fifth floor, the second battle, failed!

The fifth floor, the third battle, failed!

The fifth floor, the thirty-eighth battle, failed!

The fifth floor, the ninetieth battle, failed!

Fail again and again, keep failing!

However, Xu Ming was not discouraged. Because, every time he fails, Xu Ming can feel that his understanding of the way of heaven is constantly improving rapidly!

Although, every battle is a loss; however, Xu Ming lost very happily! - What does it matter if you win or lose, the understanding of the Tao of Heaven has improved, this is the last word!

The fifth floor, the hundredth battle, failed!

Xu Ming didn't know that just as he was hitting the fifth floor again and again, a great being quietly descended to the Tower of Babel.

This great existence is one of the twelve masters of the Taoist Palace - the master of the Jitian Palace!

Palace Master Ji Tian, ​​for thousands of years, has guarded Jiuyu Divine Kingdom for a long time and hardly ever leaves; so his reputation on the Endless Continent is not as loud as the other eleven Palace Masters such as Soul Heaven Palace Master! However, if you think that the strength of the Jitian Palace Master is weak, it is a big mistake!

You must know that the Palace Master Ji Tian has passed through the existence on the thirty-sixth floor of the Tongtian Tower; he is only one step away from the real gods! As long as that last step is taken, then, he is... God!


Because of some special methods, the Palace Master Ji Tian has a combat power comparable to that of a **** in the kingdom of God! -Even if a real **** breaks in, he can face it and even repel it!

In the kingdom of God, the Lord of the Heavenly Palace is invincible!

"It's been a long time since I inspected the Babel Tower..."

For some important palaces in the Kingdom of God, such as the Tower of Heaven, the Chaos Hall, etc., the Lord of the Heavenly Palace will occasionally visit them to prevent anything abnormal. These palaces were not built, but excavated from the Eternal Demon Pit - this kind of treasure with a mysterious origin, when used, always makes people a little wary.


Jitian Palace Lord quietly descended to Tongtian Tower—with his means, naturally, no one would notice his arrival.

"Golden Tongtian Tower, everything is normal!"

The Lord of Jitian Palace lay on the top of the tower and felt and then floated down to the next tower.

"Wooden Tongtian Tower, everything is normal!"

"The Tower of Water, everything is normal!"

Finally, the Palace Master Ji Tian came to the Tongtian Tower of Wind.

"The Tower of Wind, everything is normal!" He was about to float to the next one, but was suddenly attracted by what happened in the fifth floor, "Huh? Have you challenged the fifth floor a hundred times in a row?—this Boy, it's crazy, with my style back then!"

Back then, the Palace Master Ji Tian was madly challenging the Tongtian Pagoda. With the help of battle, his realm improved rapidly, and he even reached his current realm!

"Who is he?"

With the supreme authority of the Jitian Palace Master in the kingdom of God, he naturally learned everything very quickly.

"Xu Ming?"

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