Break Into Another World

Chapter 538: , enjoy the VIP function

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There is still a long way to go in the future.

Xu Ming and Zhan Wuwei, looking at the ruins below, felt a little complicated and heavy - when will the human race completely rule the Endless Continent?

"The royal family of this mortal kingdom, as well as the top martial houses, were all turned into nothingness by the random blow of the golden mouse just now..." Xu Ming sighed, "I am afraid that this country will be in chaos!"

In a mortal kingdom, without top-level military power, it is really easy to be in chaos; warrior uprisings, invasions from neighboring countries, etc. will all happen.

"Let's make chaos! Heroes are born in a chaotic world!" Zhan Wuwei said, "Also, it won't last long! The yellow-level forces behind this country should soon send experts to quell the chaos!"

"Well..." Xu Ming nodded slightly.

Just because of the random blow of the Golden Rat, not only hundreds of thousands of people were turned into nothingness on the spot, but also tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of mortal warriors in the entire country fell into chaos.

"Hopefully, in the chaotic world, a few real geniuses can emerge!"

The "true genius" that Zhan Wuwei spoke of must at least be at the level qualified to participate in the Dao Fate Battle; that is, within the age of 100, reach the second-level spiritual peak or half-step Daojun.

"Brother Zhan, can you do me a favor?" Xu Ming suddenly asked.

"Oh?" Zhan Wuwei was puzzled, Xu Ming could ask him for help with anything, "Say it!"

Xu Ming pointed to the young Shen Hui below and said, "Take him back and arrange for a heaven-level force or a holy land to join him! As for how far he can go in the future, it depends on his own potential!"

"a piece of cake!"

After saying goodbye to Zhan Wuwei, Xu Ming continued on his way home.

"Xiaohang just seems to have prompted that the exclusive VIP function can already be turned on!"

Then hesitant to fart, open it!

Xiaohang said long-windedly: "Are you sure, enable the exclusive VIP function?"


Otherworld invincible plug-in version 2.0 is divided into free functions, primary vip functions, intermediate vip functions, advanced vip functions, exclusive vip functions, super functions, abnormal functions, and super abnormal functions.

Before, Xu Ming only enabled the advanced VIP function.

"The exclusive vip function has been successfully activated!" Xiaohang's prompt sounded again, "The host has added 8 plug-in functions: IQ crushing, suppression seal, soul possession, clone, teleportation, energy shield, independent space , Force slap in the face!"

"Finally, the exclusive VIP function has been activated!" Xu Ming had been looking forward to it for a long time.



These two functions, Xu Ming dreamed of!

He comes with new functions that look like plug-ins.

IQ crushing: The host has extra damage bonus to low-IQ opponents; the greater the IQ gap, the higher the extra damage bonus ratio. This function is passively activated when the host attacks a low IQ opponent.

Suppression Seal: Suppress and seal the opponent who has lost resistance to a special time and space.

Soul Possession: Summons the mighty Soul Possession, during which you have the mighty Heavenly Dao perception and fighting skills; but loses your own Heavenly Dao perception and fighting skills. At the same time, all other plug-in functions are disabled. The amount of hanging points consumed and the level of hanging points are determined according to the summoned power.

Doppelganger: Create the perfect doppelganger. Currently, the number of clones is one.

Teleportation: Teleportation! The consumption of hanging points and the farthest teleport distance increases according to the strength of the host.

Energy Shield: Provides a layer of energy shield for the host. Every time it is attacked, it will consume a different amount of hanging points according to the strength of the attack. When the hanging point is exhausted, the energy shield can no longer provide protection.

Independent space: open up a completely independent different time and space, and isolate all cause and effect. Only the host and the person designated by the host can enter and exit; other people, by any means, cannot find the location of the independent space, let alone enter the independent space.

Forced face slap: A specially customized exclusive plug-in function according to the host's behavior and habits. After it is turned on, the host can forcibly slap anyone (including gods) in the face. A face slap is bound to hit, and the opponent cannot dodge; however, it only has a humiliating effect, not any lethality. The consumption of hanging points depends on the difficulty of slapping the face.

Just looking at the introduction, Xu Ming can imagine the power of these eight new functions.

For example, the last new feature - forced face slap! This is definitely an X weapon!

"Go home first, and then slowly study these new features!"

No matter where he is, the Wilderness Sect is always the root of Xu Ming.

When Xu Ming was still on his way home, Zhan Wuwei had already brought Shen Hui back to the Asking Palace.

First let someone take Shen Hui down to settle down, and he himself tore the cracks in the space, returned to the kingdom of God, and hurriedly found the Palace Master Jitian.

"How is it?" The Palace Master Ji Tian asked directly, "Haven't the alien lurkers been dispatched? - Why didn't the jade talisman I gave to Xu Ming be activated?"

The Lord of the Heavenly Palace is in the kingdom of God, and he cannot immediately know what happened in the Endless Continent, and needs to be passed on to him by others.

"The alien lurker is dispatched!" Zhan Wuwei said, "It's a six-step Taoist gold-devouring rat!"

"Oh?" The Palace Master Ji Tian wondered, "Then why didn't the jade talisman on Xu Ming's body activate? - Could it be that he was under the assassin of Six-step Dao Zun until you arrived?"

"No..." Zhan Wuwei said with a strange expression, "Xu Ming... killed that gold-devouring rat!"

Jitian Palace Master was stunned for a moment: "What? Behead... beheaded?"

After a while, he sighed with emotion: "This Xu Ming really has some extraordinary means! He can even kill a six-step Taoist..."

"And..." Zhan Wuwei's expression became more and more bizarre, "Yes... one shot kills!"

"Pfft!" Jitian Palace Master was so shocked that he directly spit out all the tea in his mouth, spraying Zhan Wuwei's face, UU reading www.uukanshu. com "What did you say? Are you kidding me? Kill it!?"

Killing a six-step Taoist, and killing a six-step Taoist—are two completely different concepts!

"It's really an instant kill!"

There is also an incredible look on Zhan Wuwei's face. He explained the battle scene between Xu Ming and the Golden Rat one by one, as well as the whole process of when the Golden Rat was about to explode when he arrived, and Xu Ming suddenly exploded and killed it with one shot.

"Xu Ming should have realized a demigod-level marksmanship at the last moment, so he suddenly exploded and killed the Golden Rat!" Zhan Wuwei said.

"Demi-god-level marksmanship..." Jitian Palace Master murmured, "Xu Ming has just stepped into the Daoist level a few years ago..."

"Yeah!" Zhan Wuwei was also taken aback.

In the face of Xu Ming's unexpected outbreak again, the two top powers began to doubt their lives.

"Have my millions of years lived on dogs?" Zhan Wuwei couldn't help thinking.

"Have my tens of millions of years lived on a dog?" Palace Master Ji Tian couldn't help but wonder.

At the same time, the Palace Master Ji Tian couldn't help but think of the Golden War God's evaluation of Xu Ming—it was almost certain that he could become a god! And it will be a very strong existence in the gods!

The two top experts were shocked for a long time, and finally, the Supreme Heaven Palace Master ordered: "As for Xu Ming's understanding of the demigod-level marksmanship, you can know what I know, and don't let anyone else know about it - including other inquiries. Elder Gong!"

"I understand!" Zhan Wuwei said solemnly.

"Also, don't make the battle between Xu Ming and the lurker public. To the outside world, claim that Xu Ming has been struggling for a long time. In the end, you arrived in time to kill the lurker!"

The Palace Master Ji Tian dared not let the aliens know that Xu Ming was ten times more perverted than the "ten million-year-old" genius! Otherwise, the aliens would not assassinate Xu Ming like crazy?

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