Break Into Another World

Chapter 603: mental projection

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Outside the demon clan space channel.

Howling Demon Demigod dragged its fat and ugly body, with a hideous expression and extremely irritable: "Have you not found out what happened!?"

A few demon clan Taoists aside, their voices were a little trembling: "It's not so fast... The people who are sent out to investigate, it will take time to travel to and from the Canned Sword Tomb!"

"Humph!" Howling Demons stuttered, "Too slow! Too slow! I'll have to eat that trash when it comes back!"

Several demon clan Taoists couldn't help but mourned for the poor "running errands".

This errand man did nothing wrong at all, but when he came back, he was eaten by the Howling Demon Demigod as a snack, which is really pitiful!

However, several demon clan Taoists also know why the Howling Demon Demigod is so irritable—you must know that the demon clan killed thousands of half-step Taoist masters all at once! The whole group is a little bit hurt!

Even more frightening is...

Jiu Du, the direct disciple of the "Blood Eye Demigod", the leader of the Shadow Alliance, also died inside!

Now, Wanxueyan has learned the news, and is rushing here!

When Wanxueyan arrives, if you haven't investigated what happened in the Wanzu battlefield, I am afraid that even the Howling Demon demigod will not be able to eat and walk around!

Ten Thousand Blood Eyes, but one of the most terrifying demigods of the Monster Race!

The status of Wanxueyan in the Monster Race is like the status of the Heavenly Palace Lord in the Human Race!

"Howling Demon Demigod!" Suddenly, a Winged Serpent Daoist shouted, "There is a message from the Human Race!"

"Oh!?" Howling Demon demigod's giant eyes glared, "The Anzi who was planted in the human race, finally came the news?"

"Yes!" There was an incredible look on the expression of the Winged Serpent Daoist. "The news says that the half-step Daoist of the human race has minimal damage..."

"What!?" The Howling Demon Demigod suddenly opened its **** mouth, "How is that possible!?—We, the Demon Race, the Spirit Race and other major races, have suffered extremely heavy damage; , the damage is minimal? How is this possible!?"

The Winged Serpent Daoist agreed: "Anzi also thinks it's incredible! - But, the real situation is like this..."

"Roar!!" Howling Demon Demigod couldn't help but let out an angry roar to vent his irritability, "Then...what about the human race's 'thousand-year-old' genius Xu Ming?"

"Xu Ming, he..." Daoist Wing Snake became more and more unbelievable, "Not dead..."

"Not dead!?" The voice of the Howling Demon demigod became more high-pitched, "The Human Race's Half-Trail Master didn't suffer a big loss, and Xu Ming didn't die - that is to say, the 20,000 and a half footpaths sent by our major ethnic groups Lord, nothing has been accomplished on the battlefield of ten thousand races, but instead I have suffered heavy losses!?"

"'s like this..." Daoist Wing Snake cautiously.

"Damn!!" Howling Demon Demigod's belly swelled with anger, as if it was about to explode. It picked up the Winged Serpent Daoist and asked fiercely, "Quickly tell me, what happened in the battlefield of ten thousand races!?"

"I...I..." Daoist Wing Snake said depressedly, "How could I know!"

"I don't know that! - Get out! Waste!" Howling Demon Demigod slapped the winged snake Dao Master with one claws.

The Winged Serpent Daoist was extremely aggrieved, but he did not dare to challenge the Howling Demon Demigod.

At this moment, in the space passage, a few monsters rushed out in a hurry.

As soon as these few monsters rushed to the deck of the battleship, they rolled and crawled to the feet of the Howling Demon Demigod, saying, "Report the demigod, Xu Ming... Xu Ming has appeared!"

"Roar?" Howling Demon Demigod was startled, "Xu Ming appeared? Where did he appear?"

"Just around the space passage, the edge of the Wanli area!"

"What!?" Howling Demon Demigod was shocked and angry, "How dare Xu Ming come here!?"

Immediately, the vast and terrifying spiritual power of the Howling Demon Demigod directly penetrated into the space channel and descended to the Brahma Divine Kingdom.

As soon as the spiritual power came in, the Howling Demon Demigod immediately felt the suppression from the rules of the kingdom of God. The rules are limited, its spiritual power can only cover the area of ​​10,000 miles, and it cannot expand any further.

"No!" The Howling Demon demigod glanced at him and saw no trace of Xu Ming in the Wanli area.

In fact, it is normal. The Taoist master of the demon race has always been monitoring the Wanli area; as long as Xu Ming takes half a step, he will be immediately discovered by the Taoist master who is monitoring.

However, the Taoist master who was monitoring did not find it, which means that Xu Ming was outside the Wanli area.


The Howling Demon Demigod's mental power immediately condensed and transformed into its shape—this was not some kind of avatar secret skill, it was just a "spiritual projection" from the Howling Demon Demigod.

This "spiritual projection" is exactly the same as the Howling Demon Demigod's body; it also has a fat body that is more than a hundred meters tall and extremely ugly.

As soon as the spiritual projection came, he immediately saw Xu Ming who was thousands of miles away.

Of course Xu Ming also saw the projection of the Howling Demon and couldn't help being taken aback - not by the aura of the Howling Demon Demigod, but by its "ugliness" .

"What is this? It's so **** ugly!" Xu Ming couldn't help exclaiming.

"Ugly!?" Howling Demon Demigod was furious.

Although other people thought the Howling Demon Demigod was ugly, the Howling Demon Demigod himself thought he was very "handsome"!

Yes, very very handsome!

The Howling Demon demigod thinks that there is nothing more handsome than himself in the world!

In the demon clan, none of those Daoist-level masters dared to say that the Howling Demon was ugly, but when they saw it, they flattered and praised it for its handsomeness.

As for the demigod-level power... no matter which ethnic group the demigod-level power is, I'm afraid they don't bother to judge whether the Howling Demon demigod is ugly or handsome!

"You... how dare you call me ugly!?" Howling Demon Demigod's expression was extremely hideous.

Xu Ming was too lazy to discuss the issue of appearance with it, but asked: "Hey, what are you?"

"What am I...?" The Howling Demon was so angry that his whole body was flushed red - just as it came to the spiritual projection, it was repeatedly "humiliated" by Xu Ming.

The Yaozu Dao Zun on the side shouted angrily: "This is the great Howling Demon demigod of our Yaozu!"

"Howling Demon Demigod?" Xu Ming was slightly taken aback.

Of course, Xu Ming had seen records about the Howling Demon Demigod in the Divine Code Pavilion; he also knew that the Howling Demon Demigod was a beast that loved to eat humans, and once infiltrated the human race and devoured hundreds of millions of humans!

"Boy, you should have heard of my reputation, right?" Seeing Xu Ming froze there, the Howling Demon demigod thought he was shocked by his own reputation, and couldn't help but smugly said.

"Prestigious?" If Xu Ming had enough strength for this man-eating beast, he would definitely kill him quickly, "You still have prestige? - Get out of here! Otherwise, believe it or not, I will hit you!"

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