Break Into Another World

Chapter 617: planting spiritual fruit

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"What do you want to be willing to help?"

Xu Ming originally planned to leave, but for some reason, perhaps because of Yin Ran's special temperament, or because of her mysterious origin; Xu Ming unexpectedly stopped his steps.

He looked at Yin Ran and asked, "Tell me first, where do you come from. There is absolutely no character like you in our human race!"

Yin Ran thought for a while and said, "I am also a human race! But... I am not a human race from your Endless Continent, but a human race from other worlds!"

Yin Ran did not directly say "God's Domain", but "other worlds".

"The universe is vast, don't you think that the entire universe is only the world of the 'Endless Continent'?" Yin Ran continued.

"Of course I know that there is not only Endless Continent!" Xu Ming said, "Let's not mention anything else, as far as I know, the 'God's Domain' definitely exists!"

Xu Ming deliberately mentioned God's Domain.

Yin Ran did not change his face, as if it had nothing to do with him and said, "Yes, God's Domain does exist."

After a pause, Yin Ran said again: "Do me a favor! - Don't worry, I will never let you help in vain! After this is done, I can give you the corresponding reward!"


Xu Ming really wanted to know what kind of reward this goddess from God's Domain could get!

"What's the reward?" Xu Ming asked directly.

If the remuneration is attractive enough, Xu Ming doesn't mind and helps out once.

Yin Ran rolled his eyes at Xu Ming angrily.

In God's Domain, if she is willing to speak, those young talents of God's Domain are all rushing to help - as for the reward? Not to mention the reward! Let those young talents in God's Domain help, and then post it to Yin Ran's treasures, they are all willing.

It's a pity that in God's Domain, Yin Ran hardly ever asks for help.

But now, Yin Ran "rare to speak" and asked Xu Ming for help; Xu Ming didn't know how to cherish the opportunity at all, instead he "talked about remuneration" as soon as he came up.

To be honest, Yin Ran has really never seen a man as fussy as Xu Ming.

Are you calculating?

Xu Ming didn't think so - he and the goddess in front of him met by chance. Of course, it was impossible for him to agree to help in a daze because of the other party's words.

Want to help?


If the remuneration is right, Xu Ming is still willing to sell his body - after all, making money is not easy these days, it's all for "life"!

But if you want Xu Ming to help in vain, don't even think about it!

Yin Ran gave a blank glance, thought for a moment, and said, "I can give you a 'Spiritual Fruit'!"

Plant spiritual fruit?

Xu Ming was stunned and asked, "What is this?"

Yin Ran showed a "surely" expression. In her opinion, it is quite normal for people in a small place like Endless Continent to have never heard of planting Dao Spirit Fruit; on the contrary, it is not normal if they have heard of it.

"Cultivating Dao Spirit Fruit is a very strange Spirit Fruit. Once taken, you can directly plant the 'Dao Seeds' of the nine Heavenly Daos; and, your understanding of the nine Heavenly Daos will be greatly improved!"

"His—" Xu Ming took a deep breath after hearing this.

Between heaven and earth, how could there be such a strange treasure?

You must know that even with Xu Ming's "opening" metamorphosis, up to now, the four heavenly Taos of wind, fire, water, and thunder and lightning have only been planted; Not yet comprehended.

And taking a seedling fruit can directly plant the seeds of the nine heavens, and also improve the understanding of the heavens?

Treasures of heaven and earth!

Absolute treasure!

However, Xu Ming also did not know how valuable this treasure of heaven and earth was in the mysterious "God's Domain".

After all, the middle grade Dao stone is not even as good as sand when placed in the God Realm. So, this "spiritual fruit of the Tao", which is extremely precious in his opinion, will at best be equivalent to the "apple" of the mortal world when it arrives in the realm of the gods?

If the cultivation of Dao Lingguo is really just an ordinary apple in the realm of the gods; then, Yin Ran took out an apple and asked Xu Ming to help, and the price to pay was too low!

Xu Ming thought for a while, and said directly: "Is it very valuable to grow Taoist fruit?"

Yin Ran couldn't help being a little angry.

Of course, she could hear what Xu Ming meant—Xu Ming was not satisfied with the reward!

You must know that even in the realm of the gods, planting dao spirit fruits are very precious treasures! In the Endless Continent, it is almost impossible to find treasures that are more precious than planting Dao Lingguo! - Xu Ming is still not satisfied with such a sincere reward directly?

How could Yin Ran not be annoyed and angry?

However, Yin Ran's lack of "social experience" is also to be blamed. In God's Domain, after all, she is the jewel in the palm of the stars and the moon; on weekdays, the contacts are all those sanctimonious young talents, and how has she ever met such a "shameless" person as Xu Ming.

Another thing that made Yin Ran angry was that she found that Xu Ming didn't seem to be attracted by his appearance or temperament at all.

This made Yin Ran doubt himself for the first time—could it be that after being caught in the "Falling Soul Fog", I am no longer as attractive as before?

Of course, this kind of thought just flashed through Yin Ran's mind.

"Cultivation of spiritual fruit is absolutely precious!" Yin Ran's voice is very is also very determined; it seems that he is using this resolute tone to prove that what he said is true, "except for me here. , you have absolutely nowhere to get the cultivation fruit!"

Xu Ming hesitated for a moment, and said, "I guessed it, too, the seedling fruit is definitely extraordinary! In this way—you give me two seedlings, no matter what you want me to do, as long as it is not against my conscience, I will Absolutely help you do it!"

"Absolutely!" At the end, Xu Ming added these two words; it seemed that he also used this firm tone to prove that what he said was true!

In fact, to be honest, if Xu Ming is really determined to do what he wants to do, he only needs to be willing to expose "teleportation" and wait for his trump card; then, looking at the endless continent, there are really not many things he can't do!

"Two?" Yin Ranxiu frowned.

She has made it very clear that planting Dao Spirit Fruits is very precious; and Xu Ming, he actually dared to go far and wanted two.

"You can only take one of the Taoist Spirit Fruits!" Yin Ran said, "Taking the second one will not be effective!"

"I didn't take it myself." Of course, Xu Ming wanted to give Gu Hanmo the second seed fruit.

"No!" Yin Ran still shook his head without hesitation, "The fruit of planting the Tao is more precious than the divine weapon! - Two pieces of the fruit of planting the Tao, please do me a favor? This is impossible!"

More precious than artifacts?

"Xiaohang, really?" Xu Ming asked in his heart.

"To investigate the truth of this problem, we need 100 million 6th-level hanging points!" Xiao Hang said.

"I'm going!" Xu Ming was speechless.

Any exploration related to God's Domain is really expensive.

"Check it out!" Xu Ming gritted his teeth.

Anyway, these hanging points are earned by slaughtering the demon clan. Xu Ming didn't feel distressed at all when he flowered; after the flowers were finished, the big deal was to kill a few more demon clans!

Xiaohangxi gave a two-word answer: "Really!"

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