Break Into Another World

Chapter 627: 2nd clone

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Even Xu Ming himself was stunned, completely dumbfounded: "I actually... killed the soul of the big willow tree with one punch?"

Although the soul of the big willow tree is already weak, but with Xu Ming's strength, it is impossible to kill him with one punch!

"It's the power of the mind! It's the power of the mind!"

The power of the mind is ethereal and illusory, but it is real.

Although Xu Ming has understood the "heart of reincarnation", his mental strength is much stronger than that of the existence at the same level; however, in addition to making Xu Ming's will more firm, it failed to bring Xu Ming a trace of real power.

And now, Xu Ming feels the power of "mind force"!

This power is incomparably mysterious, majestic, and powerful, and it seems to originate from the very depths of the soul. If mortals can possess this power, I am afraid that they will be able to directly compete with the "One Step Master"!

"Is this mind power?—so mysterious, so incredible!"

How did Xu Ming know that he was just getting started with the understanding and application of mental power, and it could only be regarded as "the first level of mental power".

And if you can reach the "third level of mental strength", even mortals can match the real gods!

However, every level of mental power is a huge transformation of the soul. It is even more difficult to reach the "third level of mental power" than to directly comprehend the way of heaven and become a god!

Gods, in the long history of Endless Continent, there have been several. But "the third level of mental power" has never been reached by anyone!

Even, let alone "the third level of mental power", no one has set foot in the "second level". There are only a handful of "first-level" ones.

Xu Ming naturally didn't know this. He thought that his understanding of mental strength was already very profound!

But now, Xu Ming doesn't have time to think about the power of mind, he is busy "taking over" the huge body of the big willow tree!

As soon as he came up, Xu Ming directly and arrogantly refined the sea of ​​consciousness of the big willow tree; then, his consciousness tentacles, like a tide, extended to every corner of the body.

How huge is the body of the big willow tree!

The trunk alone is more than a hundred miles high!

Hundreds of millions of willow branches, each hundreds of miles long.

And underground, there are powerful roots that spread hundreds of miles!

"too big!"

Because of Xu Ming's powerful mental power, he felt that it was a little difficult to control the body of this huge willow tree.

" my second avatar!" Xu Ming sighed inwardly, "It's just that, just after winning the house, I haven't quite gotten used to this willow avatar!"

Soon, Xu Ming discovered another problem - such a huge body and plant life, it seems a little difficult to move!

To be precise, it is more than a little difficult, it is very difficult!

God is fair!

Since this big willow tree was given such a huge body, there must be other limitations - such as mobility.

Otherwise, if this big willow tree becomes a demigod, wouldn't it swept the entire endless continent directly?


For Xu Ming, who is open, there is no concept of "fairness".

Is the movement ability of "willow clone" not good? - It's not a problem! The big deal, just open the "teleport" and hang it to move!

Damn, I don't believe anyone can move faster than teleportation!

clap la la...

clap la la...

Hundreds of millions of willow branches swayed wantonly - it was Xu Ming who was carefully feeling this strange new body.

To be honest, a good person suddenly turned into a big willow tree... Xu Ming was really uncomfortable!

However, the strength of the willow avatar is obviously stronger than that of the human avatar; even if he doesn't adapt for the time being, Xu Ming has to get used to it slowly - after all, in this world where martial arts are respected, only strength is king.

"How strong am I now?"

Xu Ming couldn't help feeling it.

In terms of understanding of the Dao of Heaven, Xu Ming is naturally not as good as Da Liushu—Da Liushu's understanding of the Dao of Heaven has reached the level of a four-step Dao Master; and Xu Ming, the most profound understanding of the Dao of Fire, is only close to the limit of a half-step Dao Master.

Including the Heavenly Dao of Wind and the Heavenly Dao of Water, Xu Ming's strength in the Heavenly Dao is roughly equivalent to the ultimate half-step Daoist.

The body of the "willow avatar" is unparalleled! Without the use of plug-ins, Xu Ming can probably exert the combat power of the five-step Taoist master and the sixth-step Taoist master!

Of course, this does not count the power of "mind force"! "The first level of mental strength" is enough for mortals to rival the One Step Master.

Once Xu Ming uses his "mind force", then the strength of the willow avatar should be comparable to... Seven-step Daoist!

Although, from the seven-step Daoist up, every level of difference, the strength gap is extremely exaggerated. But as soon as the plug-in is turned on, Xu Ming's "willow clone" should be enough to match the Nine Steps Daoist!

What a powerful hole card this is!

"Uh... Let's recreate the human clone first!"

Xu Ming now, in addition to the main body, can also have two avatars! One avatar quota was given to the Willow avatar; the only remaining avatar quota was naturally given to the original human avatar.

hiss... hiss...

One of the hundreds of millions of willow branches on the willow branch drilled into the depths of the pink fog like a snake.

Soon, the willow branch rolled around Xu Ming's withered body and dragged it out.

"Xiaohang!" Xu Ming's willow avatar shouted in his heart, "Using my original body as a template, a avatar is born!"

Xu Ming's strength has improved now, and the hanging points needed to nurture the clone will naturally rise. After deducting tens of millions of level 6 hanging points, a special energy containing a strong breath of life directly enveloped this withered body.

The withered flesh re-blooms at a speed visible to the naked eye. The position of the sea of ​​consciousness, a new soul, is also slowly forming!

After about an hour...

Doppelganger breeds success!


Xu Ming's human avatar looked up at his willow avatar, as if looking up at the endless majestic wonders of heaven and earth.

As for the willow tree clone, looking down at the human clone, it was as if he was looking at an incomparably small ant—oh no, it was a bacteria smaller than an ant.

"It's a strange feeling..."

Xu Ming could feel that whether it was a human avatar or a willow avatar, it was an extension of his deity—but this extension was too mysterious and incomprehensible for mortals.

"World ring, come!" The human avatar waved, and the world ring originally on the willow avatar flew over.

"The willow clone is difficult to move, but... I can put it in the world ring!" Xu Ming thought very smartly, "When you need it, teleporting out of the world ring will definitely kill your opponent by surprise! "

A big tree more than a hundred miles tall suddenly teleported out, scaring people to death!

"Just do it!"

Xu Ming slowly opened the world ring, preparing to make Willow clone clone and teleport into it directly.

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