Break Into Another World

Chapter 656: Huangquanjie

Xu Ming thought about it with his toes, and knew that such a miraculous grain of sand was definitely not the "sand" of the Endless Continent, but the "sand" of the Divine Realm.

Sure enough, General Jingyu continued: "For hundreds of millions of years, our human race, as well as the great powers of various foreign races, have been in this grain of sand, seeking opportunities. With continuous exploration, we found that this grain of sand is very likely It is the inheritance of a certain power in God's Domain!"

"Inheritance from God's Domain!?" Xu Ming's heart suddenly became hot - winning inheritance, but also Xu Ming's expertise!

How could Xu Ming let go of the inheritance of God's Domain?

"The power from God's Domain, we are not sure what it is called. However, this grain of sand has a name - Yellow Springs Realm!"

"Huangquanjie?" Xu Ming memorized the name.

General Jingyu said again: "And what we usually refer to as the depths of the Eternal Demon Pit actually refers to the depths of the Yellow Spring Realm!"

"Well..." Xu Ming understood.

At the same time, Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder if the formation of the Eternal Demon Pit had anything to do with this "Yellow Spring Realm"?

But Xu Ming knew that this Yellow Spring Realm was undoubtedly the most mysterious place in the Endless Continent! After all, even True God Brahma is trapped in the depths of Huangquan Realm, and his life and death are unknown.

"The Yellow Spring Realm, from the outside to the inside, can be divided into the Yellow Spring Sea of ​​Smoke, the Yellow Spring Desert, the Yellow Spring Oasis, etc..." General Jing Yu said, "The Yellow Spring Sea of ​​Smoke is just the periphery of the Yellow Spring Realm, not really entering the Yellow Spring Realm; here, You can still maintain some causal connections with the outside world, and you can also communicate with the outside world. However, once you enter the Yellow Springs Desert, you will cut off all causal connections with the outside world; even communication, it is almost impossible to carry out—this point, you have to pay attention! "

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded.

General Jingyu introduced: "There will also be some treasures and opportunities in the sea of ​​smoke in Huangquan, but generally there are only high-end artifacts, and even low-grade semi-artifacts are hard to see! Therefore, those who will travel in the sea of ​​smoke in Huangquan are usually There are some Taoist masters with relatively average strength; even some invincible half-foot Taoist masters will enter the Yellow Springs Sea of ​​Smoke to take risks!"

Like "Taiwu Dao Zun", the pioneer of the Demon Realm of Seeking Dao, he once wandered in the sea of ​​smoke in Huangquan.

However, even if it is only the outermost periphery of Huangquan Realm, it is still too dangerous for the Invincible Half-Trail Master.

And Dao Zun Taiwu was seriously injured because he was in the sea of ​​​​huangquan smoke, and he could not recover from his injuries for countless years. Later, he wanted to seize Xu Ming's house, but he was destroyed when he failed to seize the house.

"Brother Xu Ming, although I don't know what your strength is, I warn you - you can only enter the Huangquan Desert at the deepest level, never enter the Huangquan Oasis!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming couldn't help but be a little curious - General Jingyu knew that he had "killed" the tyrannical Taoist master of the demon clan, but he still said this with such certainty; it can be seen that the Huangquan Oasis is absolutely terrible!

General Jingyu had a look of horror in his eyes: "Don't talk about our strength, even the Master of the Heavenly Palace and the Sword Master, they would not dare to set foot in the Huangquan Oasis!"

"Hey—" Xu Ming took a deep breath.

You must know that each of the twelve masters of the Asking Palace is standing at the pinnacle of demigods! Even they did not dare to set foot in Huangquan Oasis, which shows the horror of Huangquan Oasis.


Where the Palace Master and Sword Master dare not go, Xu Ming may not dare to go. After all, Xu Ming is almost invincible with his "absolute stealth" hanging, "teleportation" hanging, and "coordinate positioning" hanging.

Even if Xu Ming encounters danger, the loss will only be the clone. Lost, the big deal is to reunite, what are you afraid of!

Simply put, four words - fearless!

Of course, Xu Ming would not tell General Jingyu about these things. Anyway, if Xu Ming is on a whim, he will definitely enter Huangquan Oasis to have a look.

Of course, General Jingyu didn't know what Xu Ming was thinking, and he persuaded bitterly: "Remember, don't enter the Yellow Spring Oasis! Once you go in, it's not up to you to decide whether you can come out or not, it just depends on you. Good luck!"

"I understand!"

At General Jingyu's place, he continued to drink tea for a few days and talked a lot about the secrets of the Eternal Demon Pit. Xu Ming finally got up and left.


After exiting Jingyu Hall, Xu Ming jumped and jumped directly into the Eternal Demon Pit.

General Jingyu stood outside Jingyu Hall with a distant gaze: "I can't believe that Brother Xu Ming has grown so fast! Even compared to me, I'm afraid it's not far behind!"

According to General Jingyu's judgment, Xu Ming's strength should be at the level of "Invincible Dao Master". And General Jingyu's understanding of the Tao of Heaven is also at the level of an invincible Taoist.

However, both are invincible Taoist masters, and their strength is also divided into strong and weak!

Like General Jingyu, not only is he "absolutely invincible" among the invincible Taoists; his strength is even stronger than some "demi-gods"! - The same is true for Zhan Wuwei and Ye Tianhun!

Because of this, General Jingyu, Zhan Wuwei, and Ye Tianhun have a much higher status in the Asking Palace than ordinary elders! Even the demigods, many of them have equal fellowship with them.

In General Jingyu's view, since Xu Ming is an invincible Taoist master, he must be slightly inferior to himself. After all, among the invincible Taoists, General Jingyu is absolutely invincible, and it is almost impossible for anyone to be stronger than him!

It's just that General Jingyu didn't know that Xu Ming also had a stronger Willow clone! - If it is a life-and-death struggle, even if Xu Ming does not use the perverted means of "absolute stealth" and "teleportation", General Jingyu may not be able to win!

call out-

After jumping into the Eternal Demon Pit, Xu Ming completely gave up control over his body and started... free fall!

Under the action of gravity, Xu Ming's speed continued to soar.

Ten miles in an instant...

A thousand miles in an instant...

A thousand miles in an instant...

Xu Ming's tyrannical body was constantly rubbing against the chaotic space.

Xu Ming's body began to heat up rapidly.


Xu Ming directly turned into a ball of fire, like a meteor, falling into the depths of the Eternal Demon Pit.

"This... is the easiest way to get to the depths of the Eternal Demon Pit!" Xu Ming's expression was a little strange.

Yes, most people go to Huangquan Realm using this "free fall" method. After effort at all! As long as you jump towards the Eternal Demon Pit, you can reach it.

Also, the speed is okay. It only takes about a month to arrive at Huangquan Realm!

In the world ring, Liu Shu's clone secretly glanced at Erha who was cultivating, and thought secretly: "It is estimated that when I enter the Yellow Spring Realm, Erha should have finished refining the two fire source stones! At that time, Me, Yin Ran, and Erha, we are going to the Huangquan world together, and the lineup is still relatively strong!"

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