Break Into Another World

Chapter 691: born

"The Eye of Ten Thousand Blood has repeatedly designed to deal with me, but this sneak attack seriously injured Yin Ran..."

Among the many powers of the demon clan, the one that Xu Ming wanted to kill the most was undoubtedly Wanxueyan!

"Xiao Hang, check the position of Wanxue Eye!"

Xu Ming directly followed the detected position and killed it.

half a month later.

Xu Ming arrived at the junction of Huangquan Desert and Huangquan Oasis.

"The Eye of Ten Thousand Blood is still ahead..." Xu Ming looked at the Huangquan Oasis in front of him in surprise.

The scene of Huangquan Oasis is completely different from that of Huangquan Desert.

The Huangquan Desert is full of yellow sand, a desolate scene. The occasional desert sandstorm that rolls up is as sharp as a knife, enough to harvest the life of Dao Zun.

In Huangquan Oasis, the vegetation is lush and green, and the sky is blue, which is more beautiful than any picture scroll. But the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are!

"Myriad Blood Eyes, how dare you enter the Yellow Spring Oasis!?"

Xu Ming couldn't help but be surprised.

You must know that even a ninth-order demigod is in danger of dying in Huangquan Oasis!

Like True God Brahma, he was punished and imprisoned because he accidentally broke into some places that should not be entered because he broke into the Huangquan Oasis.

Even the real gods are trapped in Huangquan Oasis and cannot escape; the danger of Huangquan Oasis can be imagined!


Crisis and opportunity often coexist!

Huangquan Oasis is so dangerous and terrifying, of course there is no big opportunity; otherwise, who would foolishly drill into Huangquan Oasis?

In fact, almost all the most precious treasures of the major ethnic groups in the entire endless continent are produced in the Huangquan Oasis. For example, the "chaos stone carvings" of the human race, "asking the sky mirror", such as the "Mist and Rain Ship" in the hands of Xu Ming now...

It is precisely because the top treasures are in the Huangquan Oasis, so the top powers of the major ethnic groups will not hesitate to take risks and enter the Huangquan Oasis, looking for treasures and opportunities!

"Myriad Blood Eyes actually entered the Yellow Spring Oasis... Could it be that what chance does he have in it?"

Xu Ming hesitated for a while, and after leaving a "coordinate positioning", he plunged straight into the Huangquan Oasis.

"Where Wanxueyan can go, what can't I go to!" Xu Ming was very confident.

Besides, I really want to be trapped somewhere like True God Brahma; the big deal, Xu Ming opened the "coordinate positioning" hook, and escaped directly after a space transfer.

The worst and worst plan is to lose the clone! - Brother has a clone, who is he afraid of?

call out-

The moment he stepped into the Huangquan Oasis from the Huangquan Desert, Xu Ming clearly felt that there was a strong sense of distortion in the space.

This feeling is very strange, as if the body has undergone some distortions.

However, this feeling only existed for a brief moment. When Xu Ming passed through this twisted space, his whole body seemed to be safe and sound.

"This Huangquan Oasis is really not easy!"

The less simple it is, the more Xu Ming likes it.


The eyes of ten thousand blood are still in the very depths of Huangquan Oasis.

At this time, Wan Xueyan's mood was both excited and nervous.

In front of it, a diamond-shaped red crystal diamond is suspended, slowly rotating.

Inside the crystal diamond, hundreds of millions of secret patterns are also running with their respective trajectories and frequencies; it seems to interpret the operation rules of the origin of heaven.

"It's this crystal diamond that brought me here!"

This diamond-shaped red crystal diamond was obtained by Wanxueyan in the Yellow Spring desert hundreds of thousands of years ago.

But for a long time, the crystal diamond did not respond; Wanxueyan threw it in the Na ring and almost forgot about it.

But half a month ago, shortly after Wanxueyan escaped from Xu Ming's hands, this crystal diamond, which had been dormant for a long time, suddenly reacted! - The crystal diamond jumped out of the Na ring directly, and built a teleportation array to teleport the ten thousand blood eye to the current position.

After arriving here, for the past half month, the crystal diamond has been exuding a mysterious wave, as if calling for something.

Wanxueyan knows even if he thinks about it with his toes—the chance is here!

Oh, by the way, Wanxueyan has no toes...

"What treasure will it be?"

Although, the mysterious summoning of the diamond-shaped red crystal diamond has lasted for more than half a month; however, Wanxueyan is not anxious at all, but is more and more looking forward to it.

Usually, the more "difficult to give birth", the more precious the treasure will be!

"Could it be that there will be a pseudo-artifact?"

The pseudo-artifact, in terms of material, has actually reached the level of the real artifact; it is only because it has not instilled divine power, so its power is slightly inferior to that of the artifact.

"If there is a pseudo-artifact that I can use, it will be cool!" Wan Xueyan is looking forward to it.

It's just that it's too difficult to have a pseudo-artifact suitable for Wanxueyan!

After all, Wanxueyan has neither hands nor legs, and it can't use swords, spears, swords and halberds.

It can be used, I am afraid only soul treasures!

However, soul-type treasures are extremely rare; soul-type pseudo-artifacts are not found in the entire endless continent.

In the blink of an eye, another month has passed.

"The treasure hasn't appeared yet..."

Wanxue eyes were speechless.

It just wants to say - this is too "difficult to give birth", isn't it? It's been a month and a half and it still hasn't come out...

However, Wanxueyan's expectations for the treasure inevitably increased a bit: "For so long... Shouldn't it be an artifact?"

There are only a few artifacts in the entire Endless Continent.

No matter which ethnic group you are in, the artifact is enough to suffocate the clan!

The forty-ninth day of the crystal diamond slowly rotating...


On the ground below Wanxue's eyes, a mysterious pattern with a size of 10,000 miles suddenly appeared.

Wanxueyan was suddenly shocked: "It finally appeared!"

"But... this secret pattern is too big? What could it be?"

Wanxue looked expectantly.

I saw the center of the secret pattern, a golden quadrangular pyramid-shaped sharp corner, slowly drilled out.

"This is..." Wan Xue's eyes froze for a moment, then ecstasy flashed in his eyes, "It... is born again!?"

And just then...


Xu Ming's figure rushed towards the end of the sky.

On Xu Ming, a mighty coercion swept over: "Wanxueyan, I finally found you!"

In order to find the Eye of Ten Thousand Blood, Xu Ming spent forty-nine days!

Even, in the process of searching, Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder - how did Wanxueyan come so far!

The 10,000 blood-colored pupils of Wanxueyan stared at Xu Ming: "Xu Ming... how dare you come to the door and send him to death!"

Of course, Wanxueyan is not without doubts, how did Xu Ming find it.

Xu Ming looked at the huge secret pattern under Wanxue's eyes suspiciously and cautiously: "What is this!?"

At the same time, Xu Ming also saw the slowly rotating diamond-shaped red crystal in front of Wanxueyan, and the golden quadrangular pyramid-shaped sharp corner in the center of the secret pattern.

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