Break Into Another World

Chapter 697: suppress the human race

Even the peripheral heirs have great hope of becoming a god!

All the powerful people from the human race, the demon race, the demon race, the blood race and other ethnic groups suddenly turned red!

Become a god!

What an ethereal concept!

Any demigod who mentions the words "Prove the Tao and become a God" will feel very powerless! - You must know that in the long history of the Endless Continent, there have been as many demigods as the crucian carp crossing the river; however, the only known gods in history are only Jiuyu True God and Brahma True God!

The other demigods have all failed to prove the Dao and died!

And now, the "Golden Realm Lord" actually said that even the thirteen peripheral heirs have great hope of becoming gods; the heirs who are directly passed down can definitely become gods! -How can these powerful people not be crazy excited?

The top superpowers of the Endless Continent are all crazy!

"Become a god, I want to be a god!"

"If you become a god, you can jump out of the shackles of life and death, and you will live forever!"

"The position of the direct successor must be mine!" Ruo Tongmo's eyes were red, and he was very ferocious.

At the same time, Ruo Tongmo glanced at the avatar of the Bamboo Saint very vaguely, and said in his heart: "Now, I have obtained the magic weapon of the Demon Clan, and my strength has increased greatly; the one that really makes me fear is the Bamboo Saint!"

The Bamboo Saint is the most mysterious existence of the demon clan. Even, many almighty suspects that the Bamboo Sage already has the power to approach the gods!

The person who came to Huangquan Mausoleum now, although only a clone of Bamboo Sage, should not be underestimated either.

"Kill kill kill!"

Some murderous powers are already boiling with murderous intent.

"Such an opportunity is rare in this life! This time, I will either get the heir or die, and there is no other choice!"

The Golden Realm Lord looked at the crazy-looking great powers of all races, and a trace of disdain flashed in the depths of his eyes - he was not a god, after all, he was just an ant struggling under the realm of heaven!

Only by becoming a **** can you control your own life and death!

After the excitement, the great powers of all races hurriedly studied the rules for selecting the successor.

The rules are simple.

Taoists or demigods who enter the general's tomb will be sent to the corridor of life and death alone. After passing through the corridor of life and death, you can get a reward, and arrive at the "Tianxuantai" in the melee zone, and then compete for the "Tianxuan decree" on the Tianxuantai.

After a little research on the rules, the powerful people of the alien race, such as the demon race, the demon race, and the blood race, all smirked.

"On the Tianxuantai, do you want to use the form of melee to compete for the 'Heaven's Selection Order'?"

The alien powers suddenly laughed wickedly.

What is the most important factor in the melee of powerhouses at the same level?

Number of people!

The number of powers of alien alliances such as demons and demons is two or three times that of humans!

"Hahahaha..." The arrogant Demon Dragon King couldn't help laughing, "Whether it's a demigod or a Daoist, our number is far more than the human race! So, what about the human race in this melee at Tianxuantai? ?"

Ruo Tongmo also smiled contemptuously: "Indeed! When we reach the Tianxuantai, our major ethnic groups will directly unite to eliminate the human race first! Then, we will each use our abilities to compete for the Tianxuan Order!"

The Bamboo Saint clone couldn't help laughing: "It's great to have so many opponents from the human race!"

"This time the tomb of Huangquan is opened, we want the people to not get the slightest benefit! Hahahaha..."

"You can't get the slightest benefit, it's difficult! After all, as long as you pass the life and death corridor, you can get a reward! But... the most critical decree of heaven, there must be no human race!"

"As long as the decree of heavenly election does not fall into the hands of the human race, what does it matter if other rewards are given to the human race? - When our major ethnic groups receive the decree of heavenly election and the gods are born, it will be the time when the human race will be exterminated. It's time! By then, the treasures of the entire human race will not be ours!"

"Hahahaha... Human race, it must be suppressed!"

The alien powerhouses were all excited.

On the other hand, the powerful people on the side of the human race, whether they are the top ninth-order demigods, golden war gods, or those ordinary Taoist masters, have very ugly faces.

It is true that the forces of alien races are much stronger than them!

Two or three times the number of powerful people, once the melee starts, the human race will be directly crushed!

"Qin Tian is a demigod, what should I do?" The sword master couldn't help but look at Qin Tian.

In the battlefield of the demigods, it is the top combat powers of the eighth-order demigods and ninth-order demigods that really decide the battle.

As for those ordinary demigods, although there are more in number; however, as long as the battle between the top demigods is decided, the battle of ordinary demigods is actually irrelevant.

Qin Tian analyzed: "Three ninth-order demigods from alien races... This Demon Dragon King is the most stupid and best to deal with!"

"Yeah!" Of course the sword master knew.

"Ruotongmo, if it was in the past, it would not be difficult for me to deal with him! However, it is said that Ruotongmo has now obtained the magic weapon of the demon clan, and I may not be his opponent..."

"As for the Bamboo Saint clone, it is even more unfathomable!"

As he spoke, Qin Tian couldn't help shaking his head and sighed: "Moreover, we are still at a disadvantage in terms of the number of masters... If we want to **** the Heaven's Choice Order in the melee, the chances are slim!"

The battlefield of the demigods is like this!

The same is true for the battlefield of the Taoist Lord!

The human race was completely suppressed, and there was almost no hope of getting the decree of heaven.

"Could it be that we just went here in white robes like this?" Palace Master Soul Tian was also very depressed - under the joint suppression of the major foreign races, the human race was suppressed to the point of no temper!

"When the tomb of Huangquan opens, let's go ahead and talk about it!" Qin Tian said half-sacredly, "At that time, I will use the fastest speed to pass through the corridor of life and death, and wait for you at Tianxuantai! With me here, I will **** The decree of the election does not dare to say it, but it is not a big problem to keep everyone safe!"


After the Golden Realm Lord announced the rules, not long after, the huge yellow stone gate on the south side of the General's Tomb opened first.

After all, the strength of the Taoist master is much weaker than that of the demigods; the speed of traversing the corridor of life and death is definitely much slower than that of the demigods.

Therefore, Jinjiezhu arranged for Taoist masters to enter first. When all the Taoists who were going to enter had entered, he opened the stone gate on the north side and let the demigods in.



"Come on!"

"The sooner you pass through the corridor of life and death and arrive at the Tianxuantai, the more priority you will be able to occupy!"

Thousands of Taoist masters flew towards the stone gate on the south side.

The stone gate is incomparably huge, hundreds of miles in size. Therefore, even if thousands of Taoist masters flew to Shimen at once, it would not be crowded at all.

The first to bear the brunt is undoubtedly Zhan Wuwei, Ye Tianhun, and General Jingyu's top Taoist masters - after all, they are the fastest!


A huge azure water curtain shone inside the stone gate.

One after another, the Taoist masters were all like jumping into a pool, submerged in the huge blue water curtain, and then sent to the corridors of life and death.

Of course, there are also demigods who want to fish in troubled waters, mix with the Taoists, and enter through the stone gate on the south side. However, just as they hit the huge azure water curtain, they just hit a big spring and were bounced back.

Obviously, it is impossible to take advantage of the loopholes!

"Hahahaha..." The Demon Dragon King smiled Potian, Qin Tian, ​​among the Taoists of your human race, there are really a few powerful ones! - But what's the use? I have already ordered my Taoist masters to kill without mercy once I encounter a human race in the tomb! Hahahaha, I hope that more of these hundreds of your human race masters can come out alive, quack quack..."

The great powers of the human race, such as Palace Master Soul Tian and Qin Tian Demigod, were so angry that they could not do anything about it.

The situation is stronger than people!

Soon, most of the Taoists rushed into the opened stone gate.

At this time, Xu Ming's figure appeared beside the huge azure water curtain without rushing. Obviously, Xu Ming planned to enter from the stone gate on the south side to participate in the test of the Taoist master level.


The aliens all looked at Xu Ming: "Is he stupid? - He obviously already knows that demigods cannot enter the stone gate on the south side, so he has to try again?"


Is Xu Ming really stupid?

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