Break Into Another World

Chapter 803: Heaven's Heart

Elder Mo Fang's mood at the moment, he felt that he was being wheeled by ten thousand horses. Moreover, after the round, the 10,000 horses have all run away!

"Depend on!"

"Depend on!"

"Depend on!"

Elder Mo Fang was full of murderous aura, and his blood-red eyes seemed to be devoured by someone.

"How about old ghost, Xu Ming?" Mo Fang roared like an angry beast.

"Xu Ming has been expelled from Naihe City by me!" Naihe City Lord said lightly.

"You..." Mo Fang's voice was low and hoarse, "He hit me in the face, and you let him go like that?"

"Old ghost Mo Fang, who am I going to expel from Naihe City, I'm afraid it won't be your turn to tell the truth?" Naihe City Lord sneered, "If you have nothing else to do, please do it!"

City Lord Naihe looked like he was seeing off guests.

"Humph! Naihe old ghost! I remember this account!" Mo Fang shouted coldly.

"Whatever!" City Lord Naihe doesn't care about Mo Fang's anger at all—he lives in Naihe City and will never leave here; and Mo Fang's real body cannot come to Naihe City. In other words, Mo Fang could never threaten him.

If that's the case, why give Mo Mianzi?

"Humph!" Mo Fang also knew that it was useless to talk too much; with a wave of his sleeves, his consciousness dissipated directly.

"Humph!" City Lord Naihe shook his head disdainfully.

At this time, other geniuses also walked up to City Lord Naihe, cupped their hands, and said, "City Lord Naihe, we are leaving too!"

"Well, let's go!"

The consciousness of each genius dissipated.

After the king-level trial was over, Naihe City returned to silence and desolation.

"They're all gone..." Naihe City Lord looked up slightly, and a relaxed smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "There's only one left..."

Naihe City Lord took a step; the next moment, he returned to his room.

Naihe City Lord's room was very simply furnished.

In front of a wooden tea table without the slightest pattern, a young man is sitting here, drinking tea leisurely.

This young figure is... Xu Ming.

"Haha, Naihe City Lord, why didn't you expel me from the city?" Xu Ming said deliberately.

City Lord Naihe said with a smile: "The rules of Naihe City are all set by me; if I want to expel, I will expel, and if I don't want to be exiled, I will not expel! - But your kid is really good enough! Mo Fang's face, if you want to expel, you will be exiled. !"

"Hey, I caused you trouble!" Xu Ming apologized slightly.

"I'm not in any trouble! I'm staying in Naihe City, and Mo Fang has nothing to do with me; moreover, even if I go to God's Domain, I won't be afraid of him!" Naihe City Lord sat down and poured himself a cup of tea, "It's you who actually slapped Mo Fang in the face; if you go to Huangquan Hall in the future, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble..."

"Never mind, let's talk about it!" Xu Ming smiled indifferently.

"Just because of your courage, the position of general should really be inherited by you!" City Lord Naihe boasted, and then said, "I left you here because there are some things I want to tell you!"

"Please tell me!" Xu Ming restrained his jokes and said slightly sternly.

"Xu Ming, I found out... Are you very eager to become a god?" City Lord Naihe asked.

"Yes!" Xu Ming said directly, "I am facing a great enemy, a god! - If I don't become a god, I can't defeat him!"

"God..." City Lord Naihe pondered, "Demigods are indeed impossible to defeat against gods!"

"Can City Lord Naihe give some pointers on the way to the gods?" Xu Ming asked.

City Lord Nai He shook his head: "I told you before that to become a god, you need to gather the 'heart of heaven' and chance; however, everyone's 'heart of heaven' is different, and others can't point it out. !"

"City Lord Naihe, the Heart of Heaven... What is it?" Xu Ming had been comprehending it for a long time, but he still didn't realize what the "Heart of Heaven" was. "Also, what is the chance to become a god?"

"Heaven of Heaven..." City Lord Nai He thought for a while, "Let's put it this way... The way of heaven you understand now belongs to this world, not your own!"

"Is there a difference?" Xu Ming couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Of course there is!" City Lord Naihe said, "You think, there are big differences in body, soul, and even mind between different people! However, all people, even monsters, demons, etc. , as long as the comprehension of a certain Heavenly Dao reaches the 'demi-god limit'; then, their understanding of this Heavenly Dao is exactly the same! - Don't you think, this shouldn't be?"

"Actually, the way of heaven that exists between heaven and earth is just for us to learn and refer to!" City Lord Naihe continued, "After learning what heaven and earth naturally teach us, of course we have to comprehend what belongs to us! - Wu When it arrives, you will be able to integrate the heavenly way between heaven and earth into your body and soul, and become your own heavenly way! At that time, you can condense the 'heavenly way of mind', form the 'fruit of the way', and transform into a 'divine body', Become a God!"

"As for when you can realize it, it depends on the chance to become a god! If you don't get the chance, you can't become a **** no matter how anxious you are! - However, with a talent like you, the chance to become a **** will definitely come, it's just sooner or later. It's just a problem!"

Xu Ming was still a little confused - the road to proving the Tao and becoming a **** is really mysterious enough!

"The chance to become a **** will definitely come, it's just a matter of sooner or later..." However, Xu Ming was in a hurry to become a god!

When you become a god, you can slaughter gods!

"Then, City Lord Naihe... Do you have a way to let me kill the gods?" Xu Ming asked expectantly.

"No!" Naihe City Lord said without hesitation, "Demigods can't kill gods!"

"Okay..." Xu Ming couldn't help feeling powerless and desperate.

Prove the Tao and become a **** - I don't know if I have to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

God Stone - Naihe City Lord doesn't have it here either! And even if there is, Xu Ming is just a conscious body, and he cannot bring it back to the Endless Continent.

"It seems... we can only hope for the hydrogen bomb!"

In the end Xu Ming found out that if he wanted to kill Erke, he could only rely on a super-large hydrogen bomb!

"There is no theoretical upper limit to the power of a hydrogen bomb! I hope... I can kill Erke in one fell swoop!"

If it doesn't blow up, Xu Ming really can't think of any way!

"Neihe City Lord, I will leave first!" Xu Ming said with a heavy heart - he originally hoped to find a way to defeat and kill Erke in this king-level trial! But now, it has not been found.

"Yeah! Go!" Naihe City Lord thought for a while, and said, "Gods, not demigods can match! I suggest you, before you become a god, don't imagine defeating gods; you should honestly find a place to hide and practice. !"

Hide and practice?

However, there is an entire human race behind Xu Ming! - If he hides, the hundreds of millions of compatriots in the human race will be ruined!

"Thank you City Lord Naihe for your guidance, I'll go first!"

After speaking, Xu Ming's body of consciousness also dissipated directly.

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