Break Into Another World

Chapter 807: How can you not die!

In the very depths of the space crack, the space turbulence is extremely violent.

Many great masters like to hide their secret realms deeply; after all, the deeper they hide, the harder it is for others to discover! - Erke's secret realm is hidden deep within the cracks in space.

At this time, Erke has prepared a lot of resources and treasures, and is about to upgrade his secret realm to "God Kingdom"!


Erke closed his eyes and crossed his knees, sitting at the very core of the secret realm.

The power of the Heavenly Dao in the entire secret realm condensed into countless horned dragons that destroyed the sky and the earth, gathered in the palm of Erke's left hand, and formed a rapidly rotating black vortex.

The black vortex is only one foot in size, and it does not have any tyrannical momentum; but if you think about it with your toes, you can guess that the black vortex must contain extremely terrifying power!

In the palm of Erke's right hand, there is a golden vortex formed by countless divine powers.

To open up the kingdom of God, we must first establish the "land of origin".

The foundation of the source land is composed of "the power of heaven" and "divine power". Erke is now compressing the power of heaven and divine power; at this time, the most taboo is to be disturbed.

call out!

Suddenly, Xu Ming teleported into Erke's secret realm.

"Huh?" Erke immediately opened his eyes and said coldly, "Xu Ming, what are you doing!?"

Xu Ming smiled and said, "Let me learn how the kingdom of God was created! After all, I will definitely create the kingdom of God in the future!"

"Go away!" Erke cursed without hesitation.

Erke's feeling now is as if he was squatting in the pit, but Xu Ming ran over to watch him squatting in the pit - this feeling made Erke feel very uncomfortable.

"Get out of my secret realm immediately, or you will be at your own risk!" Erke shouted coldly.

"Don't do this!" Xu Ming said cheaply, "I'm just watching from the side, and it won't affect you!"

"If you don't get out again, after I open up the kingdom of God, I will definitely slaughter your human race immediately!" Erke's voice was cold and ruthless.

"Stingy..." Xu Ming sneered, "Why don't you just watch and learn, you won't let it! - Forget it, don't show it if you don't show it, I'll go to the head office!"

Saying that, Xu Ming actually turned around and flew towards the membrane wall of the secret realm.

In the next instant, Xu Ming drilled through the membrane wall, left the secret realm, and disappeared into Erke's field of vision.

"Humph!" Erke snorted coldly, "Want to learn how to open up the kingdom of God with me? - It's a shame he dared to think!"

Erke was about to close his eyes again and focus all his energy on opening up the kingdom of God; suddenly, he felt a chill behind him! -Yes! The moment Xu Ming left the secret realm, he immediately teleported and came behind Erke.

"Xu Ming, how dare you harass me to open up the kingdom of God... Really courting death!" Erke was furious.

At this moment, Erke saw that Xu Ming threw out eleven rings!

"Na Jie?" Erke was slightly startled - he couldn't understand what Xu Ming was doing.

Yeah, what are you throwing the ring for?

It's very simple... Eleven super large hydrogen bombs are hidden in the eleven Na ring!

While Xu Ming threw the cashier ring, he had already detonated all eleven hydrogen bombs!

"Enjoy it well, Erke!" Deep in Xu Ming's eyes, there was a ferocious look of anticipation—expecting to blow up Erke in one fell swoop!

Then, Xu Ming directly activated the "absolute stealth" link and disappeared in place.

"What's going on!?" Erke felt a little inexplicable, and at the same time felt extremely strong heart palpitations, as if a catastrophe was imminent.

"Is there something very scary in these Na Rings?" Erke immediately guessed.

He guessed it right!

But... guessing right is useless!


How can the fragile space in the Na ring stop the devastating power of the hydrogen bomb?

Almost at the same instant, the eleven Na Rings shattered, and the spaces in the Na Ring collapsed. The terrifying power of destroying the knuckles and pulling the rotten, swept out from the shattered Na ring, making Erke feel extremely palpitated!

"This is..." Immediately, Erke's expression changed - of course he could feel the terrifying power of this power!

"Xu Ming!!" Erke's eyes were splitting.

boom! ! !

The power of eleven super-large hydrogen bombs exploded at the same time.

Erke, who was sitting cross-legged, was swallowed up by the terrifying mushroom cloud formed by the explosion of eleven hydrogen bombs before he could even lift his feet to escape.

The most terrifying thing is that the "Heavenly Power Vortex" and "Divine Power Vortex" in Erke's left and right hands also became unstable under the power of this terrifying explosion, and also joined the ranks of explosions!

And the explosive power of these two vortexes is more pure and more terrifying!

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

Eleven super large hydrogen bombs, the vortex of the power of heaven, the vortex of divine power... exploded at the same time!

And Erke, unfortunately, is at the very heart of the explosion!

"I..." At this moment, Erke just wanted to say - what a dog!

boom! ! ! !

The terrifying power that annihilates everything and devours everything swept through the entire secret realm.

Under the power of destroying and destroying, this "poor" secret realm was directly blown up to the point where not even the **** was left!


Not even the scum is left!

The power of the explosion is still spreading out in the spatial turbulence.

You must know that the explosive power of each super-large hydrogen bomb can cover a hundred territories. Now eleven detonated at the same time, and the vortex of the power of heaven and the vortex of divine power is the icing on the cake; just a moment later, the area swept by the explosion is more than a hundred territories!

Fortunately, this is the deepest part of the space crack; only a very small part of the terrifying explosive power can be transmitted back to the Endless Continent—Xu Ming also understands this, so he dares to detonate eleven super hydrogen bombs at the same time!


This super explosion lasted for a quarter of an hour before it gradually subsided.

At this time, with the explosion point as the center, there is nothing left; Erke's entire secret realm has also been bombed and disappeared without a trace.


"What about Erke?"

Xu Ming found that Erke, who was not far away, had also disappeared.

"Could it be that he was killed by a terrifying explosion!?"

After seeing the terrifying power of the Xu Ming felt that it would be impossible to directly kill Erke!


Xu Ming broke away from the state of "absolute invisibility"; the majestic spiritual power, like a tide, spread in all directions.

There is no trace of Erke!

There is no trace of the existence of the secret realm!

It seemed that everything... was destroyed in a terrifying explosion.

Suddenly, Xu Ming's mental power detected a few pieces of metal wreckage in a very distant place.

"This..." Xu Ming observed the patterns on the wreckage, "Isn't this the Demon Destruction Armor that Erke just wore?"

Destroy the magic armor, a material defense artifact!

"Even the divine weapon, the Destruction Demon Armor, was blown to pieces, Erke... how could he not die!"

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