Break Into Another World

Chapter 812: Killing Mark

The black sheet of iron was dull and looked like a piece of scrap iron. But even if it is a god, it is impossible to spy on its inner space!

At this moment, in the center of the black iron piece, something seemed to be beating "puff" and "puff", like the sound of a heart beating.

The voice was weak at first, but gradually became stronger; it seemed that something extremely terrifying was waking up.

Xu Ming didn't know anything about it, and still frantically bombarded Xiang Erke.

Poor Erke, he became a **** with the help of sermons; among gods, he is the weakest being, and there is no one weaker than him! - In the face of Xu Ming's mad attack, he is not an opponent at all!

It is useless to beg and beg for mercy!

There was deep despair in Erke's eyes.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Shot after shot, and soon, Erke was weakened to the extreme.

"Die!" There was no pity in Xu Ming's eyes.

"No—" Erke wailed angrily, but it was useless!

When Xu Ming's last shot came, Erke finally had no more resistance. All the black particles that made up his divine body were all annihilated, and not a single particle remained!

God Erke, die!

"It's finally over!" Xu Ming sighed long.

In order to kill True God Erke, Xu Ming did not hesitate to use plug-ins illegally, which caused the attention of the order of the universe! And Xiaohang has fallen into hibernation, and has yet to respond.

Fortunately, after opening the "Soul Possession" link, he killed Erke very smoothly.

"In any case, Erke is dead, and the crisis of the human race is lifted!"

Xu Ming thought so.

"However, Erke is also pitiful! A dignified god, he died without even a single particle!"

To kill a god, you must kill every particle on his body! As long as there is still the tiniest particle, if it is not completely killed, there is a possibility of a resurgence!

"Let's go!" Xu Ming sighed, looking at the surrounding space with some complicated eyes - in this turbulent space, a real **** has fallen!

Just as Xu Ming was about to leave, where Erke died, a whirlpool of illusory colors gradually formed.

Swirls are made up of an infinite number of colors, too many to count.

Every color, like a stream, converges toward the center of the whirlpool. Eventually, in the center of the vortex, a black hole-like black spot formed.

"This is...?" Xu Ming looked a little surprised, "What a strong causal fluctuation..."

Although Xu Ming did not have any research on "cause and effect", with his strength, he could clearly feel the fluctuation of cause and effect.

"What's going on?" Xu Ming was very puzzled - how could such a vortex with strong causal fluctuations appear after killing Erke himself?

Xu Ming didn't dare to act rashly, he held a long spear and watched indifferently.

Soon, the vortex was twisted and deformed, forming a black figure.

Xu Ming could not see the appearance of the black figure, but it could be seen that it was a very burly figure.

A deep voice came from the black figure: "Who... dare to kill my Yehenala clan?"

"Huh?" Xu Ming was stunned, "What's the situation? - Erke, isn't he the patriarch of the demon clan 'Yehnara'? Why did he kill him himself, and this situation still occurs?"

Xu Ming didn't know that, in fact, the Yehenala Clan of the Endless Continent was just a small branch of the "Yehnala Clan" of the God Realm.

Xu Ming also didn't know that Yehenala's clansmen could not be killed casually - of course, the "clansmen" referred to here are all who have become gods! Yehenala, who has not yet become a god, even if he is killed, nothing will happen.

Unfortunately, Xu Ming just beheaded a **** of the Yehenala clan! So... here comes the trouble!

"Humph!" The black figure continued to say in a low voice, "Dare to kill my Yehenala clan, the enemy of our entire Yehenala clan! - In the name of the ancestor 'Yehnala Zuyi', Summon... Killing Mark!"

Immediately afterwards, the black figure was distorted and condensed into a sigil.

Above the talisman, there is a strong and cold slaughter aura; there are two words written in the Divine Realm, although Xu Ming has never seen it, he recognizes it at a glance, these two words are - killing!

"Not good!" Xu Ming suddenly felt a huge sense of threat, and even tried to run away.

However, the Killing Seal turned into a black light and shot at Xu Ming; the speed was so fast that it was difficult for Xu Ming to react.

call out!

With a flash of black light, it disappeared into Xu Ming's body.


Xu Ming did not feel any discomfort.

"Huh? Are you okay?" Xu Ming was a little strange, "Could it be that this Killing Seal is a parallel import?"

After careful inspection, he found that there was nothing abnormal about his body, and Xu Ming was relieved: "It seems that it is really a parallel import, and the quality is not good!"

At the same time, Xu Ming secretly despised that ancestor "Yehnara Zuyi" - he made a coquettish appearance, and as a result, a talisman was dropped, but it was a parallel import of poor quality!

Real water!

Xu Ming didn't think much, looked for the direction of the human race's territory, and immediately walked away.

However, Xu Ming did not know that this "killing seal" had actually taken effect!

Under normal circumstances, the Killing Seal would not have any effect on Xu Ming. However, once Xu Ming met other gods of the Yehenala clan, the other party could see at a glance that Xu Ming had a killing mark on his body; he would also know that Xu Ming killed their gods of the Yehenala clan!

At that time, what awaits Xu Ming will be the endless pursuit of Yehenara!

at this time.

In Xu Ming's world ring.

The black iron piece that was pressed against the bottom by many treasures suddenly burst into endless rays of light, as dazzling as the sun.

The countless treasures piled on the black iron sheets could not stop this dazzling light.

The light pierced through everything, shining through the space within the world ring.

"What's wrong?"

Xu Ming's willow avatar was in the world ring, and of course he immediately discovered this abnormality.

The willow branches of the willow tree avatar swept over, clearing up the mountains of debris, and finally, the black iron piece that shone endlessly was revealed.

"This black iron piece...?"

At the level of Xu Ming, how amazing his memory is! As long as it is a purpose, it will never be forgotten.

He immediately recalled that this black piece of iron was the treasure that Shen Hui presented to him when he was rebuilding the wild holy land! At that time, Xu Ming didn't pay attention to the black iron piece at all, and just forgot it.

"Could it be... I misunderstood and almost missed a real treasure!?"

Xu Ming's mental power probed into the black iron sheet, but he couldn't find any information. UU reading www.

"It would be nice if it was hanging on..." Xu Ming couldn't help thinking.

If the plug-in can be used, Xu Ming will definitely open the "exploration" at this time.

It's a pity... Xiaohang has fallen into hibernation, and I don't know when he will wake up.

call out-

At this moment, the black iron piece suddenly turned into a streamer and shot towards Xu Ming's willow clone.

The huge willow tree clone is also inevitable!

"Damn it!" Xu Ming couldn't help scolding in his heart, "What day is today, my two avatars were shot one after another!"

call out!

With a flash of light, the black iron piece sank directly into the willow branch.

A ferocious and majestic force erupted directly from the black iron sheet, filling the huge body of the entire willow clone.

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