Break Into Another World

Chapter 815: God's Domain


The figure in gray clothes laughed at himself: "You don't want to know my name! You know too much, and once my enemies figure out where you are, it will be a disaster for you! "

"Huh?" Xu Ming was stunned - it seems that this figure in gray is probably not doing well in God's Domain!

The gray-robed figure said again: "When you have enough strength in the future, you will naturally know my name and my deeds when you go to the holy land of ancient cultivators! Before that, you should not ask around, lest you attract people. Disaster!"

The words of the figure in gray are not alarmist.

Some gods are super powerful and are good at cause and effect. If there is too much causal entanglement between Xu Ming and the figure in gray clothes, it is very likely that the superpower will know that Xu Ming has inherited the figure in gray clothes.

Therefore, the figure in gray simply didn't even tell Xu Ming his name; in this way, there would be less causal entanglement between him and Xu Ming!

And if Xu Ming's strength is stronger in the future, and the identity of the figure in gray clothes is known, then it doesn't matter at that time - because Xu Ming's strength is stronger, it is difficult for others to calculate the cause and effect of him!

"Okay, don't say more..." The figure in gray said, "I have already told you what I should tell you; the more you say, the more causal relations between us will be, and for you, the more The more dangerous it is! - Before leaving, I will give you another copy of the ancient cultivator's 'Emperor-level Cultivation Technique'!"

Emperor-level exercises are above the god-level exercises!

"This set of exercises is called "Thunderbolt Exercise"; I hope you practice hard, maybe in the future, you and I will have a chance to see you again!"

The figure in gray clothes directly entered the emperor-level exercise "Thunder Body Forging" into Xu Ming's mind.

Xu Ming was a little moved - he and this great man in gray were never acquainted; but the other party gave him such a great opportunity!

Moreover, Xiaohang is now dormant, and Xu Ming urgently needs to improve his strength! - This opportunity, it's the right time!

"Senior, I can't repay it now; in the future, when you and I meet in God's Domain, I will pay you back!" Xu Ming clasped his fists and said.

"Haha..." The figure in gray said with a smile, "You are only one of the countless 'seeds' I planted! If you and I have the opportunity to meet, it is naturally the best; It's a chance from the sky, don't worry about it..."

The figure in gray is open-minded.

In fact, at the realm of the figure in gray clothes, many things have already been seen very clearly.

He has left behind black iron pieces in the Divine Realm and in many dust worlds, and those who are destined to get them; and these people who are destined to get the black iron pieces are the "seeds" planted by the figure in gray - as long as there is one of these seeds. If a seed can "take root and sprout", then the "investment" of the figure in gray clothes is a success; even if a seed fails to grow into the strength he expects, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, for the figure in gray clothes, leaving behind countless pieces of black iron was just casually done.

"Just let it go!" The figure in gray said with a smile, "You and I are destined to see you again!"

For the superpowers of the Divine Realm, it is very important to fate and cause and effect!

From the grey-clothed figure, Xu Ming's ability to get his black iron piece is a kind of fate, a kind of cause and effect!

With that said, the figure in gray quickly dissipated, as if it had never appeared.

Xu Ming was surprised to find that with his unforgettable memories, he could not remember the appearance of the gray-clothed figure no matter what. I can only remember that it was a hunched figure in gray clothes.

"What a miraculous method!" Xu Ming secretly said, "Perhaps, when I go to God's Domain in the future and see the figure in gray again, I will remember his appearance again!"

After the figure in gray left, Xu Ming looked at the emperor-level exercise in his mind - "Thunderbolt Forging".

At the level of the figure in gray, naming the exercises is more casual and simple.

Like this set of "Thunder Body Forging", it is very direct - with the help of the power of thunder between heaven and earth, you can exercise and improve your body at the "particle level", so as to improve your strength!

What surprised Xu Ming the most was—

"The cultivation of our ancient cultivator school is a path against the sky! Therefore, when we ancient cultivators experience a major breakthrough, they are likely to be punished by heaven and earth!" Xu Ming thought to himself, "And this set of "Thunderbolt Forging", but it tells how to absorb the power of tribulation thunder when the sky and the earth fall, to improve strength..."

"It's really perverted!" Xu Ming couldn't help but exclaim, "According to the message left by the figure in gray, which of the other ancient cultivators are not trembling when faced with the punishment of heaven and earth? And the ancient cultivator who practiced "Thunderbolt Forging" , When facing the robbery and punishment of heaven and earth, it is the happiest time!"

Of course, "Thunderbolt Forging" has extremely high requirements for qualifications; Xu Ming has met the requirements, so he can practice this strange exercise!

"It seems that God's more vast and exciting than I imagined..."

Xu Ming couldn't help but look forward to God's Domain.

"Just, where is God's Domain?"

The figure in gray walked too fast, and didn't tell Xu Ming how to get to the realm of the gods.

"In the ethnic group, there should be a record of the location of the God's Domain..."

Thinking about it, Xu Ming put the No. 1 clone (human clone) into the world ring, and the No. 2 clone (the willow clone that has become a **** in the ancient cultivator genre), released it for action.


The No. 2 clone recklessly shuttled through the turbulent spatial flow.

Although Xu Ming is temporarily unable to hang up, the strength of the second clone is absolutely crushing the entire endless continent!


Soon, Xu Ming flew out of the space crack and returned to the territory of the human race.


As soon as he flew out of the space crack, Xu Ming was stunned by the scene above his head.

"What the **** is this!?"

Xu Ming saw that there was an incomparably huge supercontinent above the sky!

Incredibly huge!

This supercontinent is extremely far away from Xu Ming; however, no matter which direction Xu Ming looks in, he cannot see the end of this supercontinent.

"Why does such a supercontinent appear?"

"Could it be that such an indescribably huge super continent emerged when I fought Erke?"

Compared with this continent, the Endless Continent is as small as a speck of dust.

"Also... When such a big thing happened, why don't they have any reaction at all?" Xu Ming was puzzled.

His deity has always been in an independent space. On the Endless Continent, if something major happens, the Palace Master Extreme Heaven and the others will definitely contact him!

However, there is no connection whatsoever!

At this moment, Xiaohang's voice sounded in Xu Ming's mind: "The host has discovered the location of God's Domain, and meets the conditions for upgrading the 'Invincible Plug-in'..."

"What!?" Xu Ming was horrified, "This supercontinent above your head, could it be God's Domain!?"

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