Break Into Another World

Chapter 832: get lunch

The Iron Scale Sect is just a very inconspicuous small force in a certain corner of the God's Domain.

In the vast Divine Realm, there is no reputation of the Iron Scale Sect at all.

But even if it's just a small force, there are tens of thousands of gods in the Iron Scale Sect. It is far stronger than the forces like Mohezhuang and Blood Sword Village!

The strongest of the Iron Scale Sect - the sect master "Bai Qi", his strength is even more tyrannical. Using the strength measurement system of God's Domain, it should be regarded as a "five-star" master!

However, Bai Qi was already dead.

Bai Yihang, the only son of the suzerain Bai Qi, had a sad face at this time.

His father is dead, so it stands to reason that the young sect master Bai Yihang should succeed him. However, "Ding Yuhai", the chief elder of the Iron Scale Sect, held the power and intended to usurp the position of the suzerain.

"Young Sect Master!" An old man with silver hair bowed slightly, "Please rest assured, Young Sect Master, I, Zhou Mo, will do my best to support Young Sect Master to succeed him!"

Zhou Mo, the "four-star" level exists. In the Iron Scale Sect, they are the top five masters in strength.

It's a pity that there is a huge gap in strength between the "four-star" level and the "five-star" level. Zhou Mo has not been able to suppress the entire Iron Scale Sect by himself, like the old Sect Master Bai Qi, so that the entire sect would not dare to accept it.

"Thank you Elder Zhou..." Bai Yihang sighed, "However, Ding Yuhai's power is too great, if it is really impossible, please leave Elder Zhou alone and leave the Iron Scale Sect..."

Zhou Mo glared at him: "What are you talking about, young sect master! If it wasn't for the old sect lord, I, Zhou Mo, would have died long ago, and how could I have the strength I have today! The old sect master's kindness, I can't repay it even if I die. …”

Zhou Mo said a lot loudly and forcefully, all in all: swear to support Bai Yihang!

"Old Zhou, go down first, I have something to do!" Bai Yihang sighed.

"Yes! Young Sect Master!" Zhou Mo had no choice but to say.

After Zhou Mo left, Bai Yihang took out a black arrow.

Ling Jian wrote three words: Wanjie Ling.

Bai Yihang looked a little weird: "I have issued a mercenary mission through the Wanjie Order... I don't know if there will be mercenaries, travel through time and space, and come to me..."

Bai Yihang couldn't believe it, after all, this kind of thing is amazing!

But some believe that, because as far as he knows, the practitioners of the Space-Time Hall can travel through time and space and go to various places to perform tasks.

"Could it be that the person who created this Order of Ten Thousand Realms is a superpower comparable to the Temple Master of Time and Space?" Bai Yihang couldn't help thinking.

The Temporal Hall Master, even in the entire Divine Realm, is standing at the top!

And it is said that the means of the time and space palace master can travel through time and space at will. He can instantly appear in front of anyone he wants to kill; no one can keep him if he wants to leave! - This is a super existence that is truly invincible in the realm of the gods!

"I hope many mercenaries will come!" Bai Yihang waited silently.

He competed with the Great Elder Ding Yuhai for the position of Sect Master. The only disadvantage was that his subordinates were too few, only a few dozen. On the other hand, Ding Yuhai has more than a thousand gods under his command!

Therefore, Bai Yihang issued a mission through Wanjie Ling and invited a large number of mercenaries to the town.

Suddenly, Wanjie Ling shook.

"Any reaction?" Bai Yihang sank his mental power into the Ten Thousand Realms Order.

A message came from Wanjie Ling: "Someone has accepted the task, please pay two hundred **** stones!"

Without hesitation, Bai Yihang took out two hundred divine stones. Immediately, the Divine Stone was swallowed up by the Order of Ten Thousand Realms.

The next moment, Wanjie Ling flashed a dazzling flash. After the flash, a figure appeared, it was Xu Ming.

"Huh?" Xu Ming glanced around expectantly, and finally his eyes fell on Bai Yihang, "Is that the mission you issued?"

"Yes!" Bai Yi said.

Xu Ming said, "I've said it in advance, I'm only in charge of the town, not the hands-on!"

"Just do it!" Bai Yihang also knew that the price he offered was too low, and it was normal for the other party to refuse to do it.

Moreover, Bai Yihang doesn't need Xu Ming to do anything, as long as he helps the town.

"I don't know how many mercenaries will be willing to accept the task..."

Immediately, Bai Yihang's Ten Thousand Realms Order shook again.

Immediately afterwards, there was a series of vibrations.

"A lot of people..." Bai Yihang was pleasantly surprised.

a day later.

Bai Yihang led a mighty number of more than 2,000 gods to appear in the Iron Scale Sect Hall.

The Great Elder Ding Yuhai looked dumbfounded: "Bai...Bai Yihang, where did you get so many people?"

Ding Yuhai thought that he was winning, but seeing that Bai Yihang had brought twice as many men as himself, he suddenly lost his mind.

The old man Zhou Mo, who had been protecting Bai Yihang, was also very shocked-because, even he didn't know where Bai Yihang got so many people.

"Humph!" Bai Yihang stood at the front of the group and looked at Ding Yuhai, very domineering, "Ding Yuhai, now, how are you still competing with me for the position of suzerain?"

Then, the two sides entered a long nonsense link.

Xu Ming was among the more than 2,000 gods, and was speechless: "I'm dizzy... It turned out that we were called to control the market like this..."

This mercenary mission is easy and easy, and there is no danger, as long as you walk through the scene and it will end. But Xu Ming always felt that he was like an extra who came to receive a box lunch.

"To come up with such a task, this Bai Yihang is really talented!" Xu Ming couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, a golden-haired **** beside Xu Ming whispered to him, "Brother, which continent are you from?"

"Yanyan Continent!" Xu Ming said, "How about you, brother?"

"Yanyan Continent? Never heard of it!" The Golden Retriever God thought for a while and said, "I am from the North Star Continent!"

North Star Continent?

Xu Ming couldn't remember that there was such a continent in God's Domain.

"Maybe it came from a dusty world!" Xu Ming thought to himself, without saying much.

"This is the first time I've performed a mercenary mission. I saw that this mission is not dangerous, so come and see!" The Golden Retriever said with a smile.

"Me too!" Xu Ming also laughed - he was here to get the lunch.

"Meeting is fate! This If we meet again in any mission in the future, we must help each other!"

"It's natural!" Of course, Xu Ming had no problem with multiple friends.

Soon, the negotiation between Bai Yihang and Ding Yuhai was almost over.

Ding Yuhai looked dejected: "Hey...Old! Really old, useless! - You hide so many people, I didn't even know; It's ridiculous, I still think I have the chance to win... I've surrendered! I've surrendered!"

Bai Yihang breathed a sigh of relief in his heart: "Finally, he was fooled!"

The group of mercenaries he brought, but they only came to receive a boxed lunch, and would not take action! If you can't stop flicking your hands, it's very likely to wear help.

Xu Ming watched the whole process and was deeply inspired: "In the future, if I compete with others, I can also invite a large group of 'group performances' to come..."

At the same time, Xu Ming sighed silently: "It's really easy to earn this divine stone! In the future, I will take on more tasks like this!"

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