Break Into Another World

Chapter 923: no rock

"The school of ancient cultivators has broken through the silver moon level. It is easy to say, and difficult to say!" Lu Qing laughed.

"Uh..." Xu Ming was speechless.

It's easy to say, easy to say, hard to say! -Why does this sound like nonsense?

Lu Qing explained with a smile: "It's simple because... as long as you have sufficient cultivation resources, you can easily break through to the silver moon level! The difficulty is because... if you don't have enough cultivation resources, then, no matter what It is impossible to break through the silver moon level!"

"Is that so..." Xu Ming was stunned.

"So, I advised you before, it's better to give up the ancient cultivator school and change to the heavenly path school! Because... follow the ancient cultivator school, from the ten-star **** to the silver moon level, from the silver moon level to the king level, from the seal From the king level to the emperor level; every stage requires very demanding cultivation resources! When your cultivation base is low, it is not difficult to find cultivation resources; but when your cultivation base is high, especially after reaching the emperor level , If you want to find cultivation resources, it will be as difficult as going to the sky! - The rare resources between heaven and earth have already been divided up by all super-existences, and it is not your turn to use them!"

Lu Qing's tone was a bit bitter: "And your aptitude is so terrifying, even if you change to the Heavenly Dao school, you should be able to achieve the emperor level in the future, there should be no problem!"

"Oh..." Xu Ming responded somewhat copingly - for Xu Ming, in fact, he didn't worry about the cultivation resources of the ancient cultivator school! Because, the artifact store has everything!

Lu Qing didn't care much, and continued to say: "Let's talk about the school of faith and the school of luck! For these two schools, it is really the easiest to achieve the silver moon level, as long as you collect enough power of faith or luck. Power, that's fine! But... once you achieve something in these two schools, it will cause a lot of trouble! So, don't try to cultivate these two schools!"

Do not practice?

Lu Qing didn't know that Xu Ming was already cultivating...

"Finally, let's talk about the school of mind cultivators..." Lu Qing said, "The school of mind cultivators is too mysterious. Even I don't know much about it, so I don't have much to tell you! However, I want to remind you that when you meet a mind Cultivators, must be cautious; because, mind cultivators can be said to be invincible at the same level! - Even a mind cultivator who has just broken through to the 'Silver Moon 1st Rank' is stronger than the cultivators of other schools of 'Silver Moon 10th Rank' !"

"Ah!?" Xu Ming was stunned - a mind cultivator is simply stronger than a plug-in!

"Why are they so strong?" Xu Ming couldn't help asking.

In fact, Xu Ming also has a school of cultivators of the mind, but it is only the "second level of mind power", only the strength of a demigod, and he doesn't feel how powerful! To cultivate to the "third level of mind power", the school of mind cultivators will begin to show its edge.

"I don't know why mind cultivators are so strong..." Lu Qing shook his head and said, "After all, mind cultivators are too mysterious and rare! Even I haven't seen a few."

"Okay..." Xu Ming said, "But... After all this talk, you haven't told me, where the **** am I perverted!"

"You don't know yet, where are you perverted?" Lu Qingxiu stared.

"I really don't know... Lu Qing, you should tell me clearly!"

Lu Qing made a speechless expression and said, "I ask you, you are from the ancient cultivator school, right?"


"Let me ask you again, the ancient cultivator school, if you want to break through to the silver moon level, do you want to 'control the order'?"

"don't want!"

"Really don't!" Lu Qing said, "Also, even if the ancient cultivator 'controls the order', it cannot break through the silver moon level! The cultivation direction is different, the ancient cultivator school must constantly 'recast the body' in order to achieve it. Break through the silver moon level!"

"Then where am I perverted?" Xu Ming was eager to know.

Lu Qing was even more speechless: "I said it so clearly, don't you understand? - The ancient cultivator school does not need to control order! Moreover, I have never heard of any ancient cultivator in the stars. At the level of the gods, you begin to come into contact with order!"

"Xu Ming, you must know that the order in which the heavens and the earth work is invisible and aloof! You can't spy on it, you can only speculate!"

"The ten-star gods of the Heavenly Dao school have comprehended, integrated, and applied the nine heavenly laws extremely deeply, so that they can infer the clues of the order's operation from the constant changes of the nine heavenly laws, and control a little bit of order! "

"And you!"

"It's not the way of heaven at all! It's impossible to speculate on the operation of the order through the changes of the nine heavenly ways!"

"But you!"

"But it has already touched the fur of order!"

"You say you!"

"Is it a pervert!?"

Lu Qing scolded Xu Ming every word, like a cannonball, so he couldn't lift his head: "Tell me, are you a pervert!?"

Xu Ming listened to it for a long time, and finally asked weakly: "What is that? When did I touch the fur of order?"

"Pfft!" Lu Qing vomited blood directly, "You pervert, don't you know that you have touched the fur of the order?"

"I don't know..." Xu Ming said innocently.

"When you were recasting the divine body, you felt the feeling of 'breaking and standing', so that even the power of the secret skills increased, right?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming said dumbfounded.

"You pervert! This feeling of 'breaking and standing' is a small part of the order of reincarnation!" Lu Qing, the "lady", couldn't help scolding.

"Uh..." At this moment, Xu Mingcai finally came to his senses - no wonder, when Lu Qing heard him say that he felt the feeling of "breaking and then standing", his reaction was so exaggerated that he would roll his eyes and scold himself for being a pervert.

Xu Ming thought about it and found: "Well! I am indeed a pervert!"

"Your comprehension of the order of the heaven and earth is really perverted to the extreme! If you don't follow the school of heaven and the way of 'controlling the order', it's simply a heinous crime!" Lu Qing thought for a while, gritted his teeth, and said, "Don't worry. , no matter how much you pay, I will find a way to get you a 'No Difficulty Stone' to help you on the path of Heavenly Dao Liu!"

"No Difficulty Stone?" Xu Ming was a little puzzled, "What is that?"

"You'll know by then!" Lu Qing said, "Let's go! I won't fight you pervert! When I perfect the new secret skills, I'll fight you again! Humph!"

"Uh..." Xu Ming looked at Lu Qing's leaving back, and thought to himself, "I accidentally hit Lu Qing again... I knew it would be like this, this time it's time to release water..."

After walking out of the virtual world and wandering in the Yanyan Mountain, Xu Ming received a message.

The communication came from Zhou Qi: "Brother Ming, ten days later, it will be time for our inner disciples to compete. At that time, can you come to watch the game?"

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