Break Into Another World

Chapter 934: blocking dog

Endless Continent.

Since the war between the human race and the alien race, the human race has reached its peak, while the alien race can only hide in some corners and corners and survive.

Today, the entire endless continent is full of traces of human beings. The power of the human race is no longer weaker than the Jiuyu era when it was at its most prosperous hundreds of millions of years ago.

And the power of the human race hidden in the dark is even more terrifying to the point of heinous! -More than a thousand demigods from the human race, after using the essence of the gods and demons provided by Xu Ming, they all broke through to the gods!

Today, the human race is in the dark, with thousands of gods!

A dusty world with so many gods, what a terrifying concept!

Moreover, after these gods heard about the situation of God Realm from Xu Ming, they no longer had any interest in God Realm! - When they reach the God's Domain, they will become the lowest level again; it is better to be the emperor of the earth comfortably in the dust world!

Therefore, these thousands of gods are all hidden in the endless continent.

Moreover, Xu Ming had previously created a talent training system comparable to God's Domain for the people. Although in just three years, not many geniuses have emerged; but there is no doubt that after 300, 3,000, 30,000 years, the human race will definitely emerge batches of Taoists, demigods, Even gods!

At that time, it is not surprising that there are as many gods as dogs on the Endless Continent.

The endless continent, billions of miles in length and breadth, is boundless.

Although, compared with God's Domain, the Endless Continent is as small as dust; however, it is enough for the human race to survive and multiply.

At this time, the top of the vast and majestic Cangshan Mountain; the top of the mountain is covered with snow, and the cold wind blows thousands of miles.

A black wolf-shaped creature, standing proudly on the top of the mountain. The endless wind and snow ruffled its long hair, but it couldn't blow its resolute eyes.

Taking a closer look, this black wolf-shaped creature is exactly... Erha!

Yes, it was the "Er Ha" who followed Brother Ming at the beginning!

When Xu Ming went to God's Domain, he did not take Erha with him, but left him in the Endless Continent.

And Xu Ming, of course, will not treat this faithful "lacking dog" badly; just a drop of the essence of the gods and demons will make Erha become a **** too!

"I didn't expect that Erha would have a day of proving the Dao and becoming a god; moreover, this day came so quickly!" Erha inevitably sighed, "It's really unpredictable!"


Under the excitement, Er Ha couldn't help but screamed up to the sky;

After the long whistle, Er Ha shook the long hair on his body; in the eyes of a pair of silly dogs, there was perseverance and seriousness: "Although I have become a god, I must not swell! I have to make persistent efforts and continue to be a good brother Ming. a dog!"

There's nothing wrong with Erha's logic at all, but it always sounds weird.

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!" Erha thought again, "With my current ability, I must inspect the entire endless continent!"

Ordinary domestic dogs take good care of their own home as their responsibility. And a "god dog" like Erha considers the entire Endless Continent home; it is naturally the entire Continent that he has to look after.

"Wang woo! Continue patrolling! By the way, let's see where there are remnants of alien races!"

Erha did his due diligence and left the top of Cangshan in one leap.

At this time, somewhere in the barren land of the endless continent.


The originally peaceful space suddenly rolled up into a space vortex.

In the center of the space vortex, there seems to be a space channel extending from a very far distance.


Suddenly, the space was torn apart!

One after another, the black monsters rushed out of the cracks in the space.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"we are coming!"

"The space in this dusty world is so fresh! Huh? I seem to smell it, there is a human smell in the air! - Compared with other ethnic groups, the human race has the most delicate skin and tender meat, I like to eat it! Quack quack... "

"Hahahaha! Crazy killing is about to begin! Our 'devil race' will occupy a new world of dust!"

"I like to kill! I like the smell of blood!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

A black monster with a burly body and blood wings behind it.

In the blink of an eye, more than a thousand monsters flew out. Moreover, the breath of each monster is extremely ferocious, at least at the level of a demigod!

Among them is a particularly burly demon, and it is the strength of a star god! - It is the leader of the demons!

Under the leadership of this leader, the demons fought one dusty world after another and occupied countless territories.

"Roar!" The demon leader let out a low roar, his expression full of intoxication, "I haven't smelled such fresh air for a long time! Those worlds we live in, the space is full of blood! But..."

The eyes of the demon leader suddenly turned hideous: "This piece of fresh air will not last long! Immediately, this place will also become a **** purgatory! Hahahaha..."

"Jing Senmiao, Jing Hanyu, Jing Chi!" the demon leader shouted.

Immediately, three demons came out, the same three demons who had explored the Endless Continent before.

"Boss!" The three demons were very excited.

"The three of you have opened up a new world, which is a great achievement!" the demon leader laughed. "My demon race has always been rewarded and punished! When I capture this world, I will definitely reward you!"

"Thank you boss!" The three demon demigods knelt on the ground.

"Then everyone, start the feast of killing with me!"

Every time the demons want to capture a world, they are led by the leader, followed by thousands of demon demigods, slaughtering frantically!

Those dusty worlds without are naturally unable to resist the crushing of the demon army; and even in the dusty worlds with gods, their gods are not the opponents of the demon leaders! -The army of the demons is invincible in all worlds!

The demon leader was about to set off, but suddenly found that in front of him, at some point, there was a... blocking dog!

"Huh?" The demon leader was slightly startled - what's the situation? A dog that appeared out of nowhere, dared to block the way of their demon army?

This is definitely the most awesome dog the demon leader has ever seen!

The demon leader was about to blow his breath to destroy this ignorant blocking dog; but suddenly, he was stunned! - He was horrified to find that this blocking dog was actually a god!

A godly dog! ?

The head of the demon leader was a little confused - this situation was completely unexpected! He never thought that his demon army would be blocked by a divine dog.

Of course, it's not just the demon leaders who are confused; the entire demon army is in a state of confusion at the moment!

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