Break Into Another World

Chapter 941: Hometown See Hometown


Xu Ming looked at this decadent figure in disbelief.

This is a seven-star god, Xu Ming was very impressed by his appearance!

Incredibly profound!

"True God Jiuyu?"

Isn't this the only **** in human history before Xu Ming - True God Jiuyu?

In God's Domain, there are many people with similar appearance. But you must know that Xu Ming has lived in Jiuyu Divine Kingdom, and of course he knows the life breath of Jiuyu True God!

Looks the same! The breath of life is the same! - This is not the true **** Jiuyu, who else could it be?

"God's Domain is really small!" Xu Ming couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "But... in the legend, isn't the true God Jiuyu incomparably graceful and invincible? Why is it so decadent and lifeless now?"

Xu Ming did not dare to come forward to recognize each other for a while, but secretly watched in shock.

I saw True God Jiu Yu dragged his body full of twilight energy and sat beside the window; then he asked for a pot of wine, and drank to himself with a lonely expression.

"True God Jiuyu... what seems to have happened to him?" Xu Ming secretly said.

Then, Xu Ming saw that True God Jiu Yu drank cup after cup, drinking endlessly.

God, it is rare to drink like this!

After watching for a while, Xu Ming quietly got up, held his own jug, and walked towards the seat of Jiu Yu Zhenshen; then, he sat down directly at Jiu Yu's table.

As if he didn't realize it, Jiu Yu continued to drink suffocating wine on his own.

Xu Ming carefully voiced and asked, "Are you...the True God Jiuyu?"

"Oh?" True God Jiuyu's eyes were still decadent, but he responded, "You know me?"


Xu Ming was excited and asked again, "You are... from the Endless Continent, right?"

Endless Continent! ?

Hearing these four words, Jiu Yu Zhenshen's spirit suddenly revved up; there was also a glimmer of light in his empty eyes.

He suddenly looked at Xu Ming: "How did you know!?"

After coming to God's Domain, True God Jiuyu never told anyone that he was from the "Endless Continent".

"Because of me..." Xu Ming's voice was a little excited, "It's also from the Endless Continent!"

"What!?" Although True God Jiu Yu was a little mentally prepared, he was still extremely shocked; even, because he was too shocked, some couldn't believe what he heard.

"Are you really from the Endless Continent?" True God Jiu Yu couldn't help asking.

"Yes! Yes!" Xu Ming nodded repeatedly.

As the saying goes: When a fellow sees a fellow, tears well up!

And the realm of the gods is so vast, how difficult it is to see a fellow in a dusty world!

You must know that in the jurisdiction of a low-level city of gods alone, the number of gods is in the hundreds of millions! The number of gods in the entire Yanyan Continent and the entire Divine Realm is even more uncountable!

And in a world of dust, there are probably only one or two people who can come to the realm of the gods!

It is certain that it is a million times harder than finding a needle in a haystack to meet fellow villagers in the dusty world in God’s Domain!

And now, Xu Ming actually met the human ancestor Jiuyu True God!

This mood, how excited, how excited!

Fortunately, Xu Ming and Jiu Yu are both masters of God's Domain, and their willpower is extremely tenacious; in addition, both of them have seen a lot of wind and waves, so there is no "two tears". However, the excitement is definitely beyond words!

"True God Jiuyu, do you still remember the Asking Palace? Do you remember the Huangquan Realm in the Eternal Demon Pit?" Xu Ming said excitedly, "And the Jiuyu Divine Kingdom you created, I practiced in it!"

"Remember! Remember!"

Asking Palace, Huangquan Realm... Scenes that used to be in the Endless Continent, constantly flashed in the mind of True God Jiuyu.

"Is the human race okay now?" True God Jiuyu asked tremblingly.

"Very good!" Xu Ming said two words.

Hearing these two words, True God Jiu Yu felt relieved for the most part. He was born in the human race of the Endless Continent. Even though he has been in the God's Domain for hundreds of millions of years, he is full of care and concern for the race.

Xu Ming knew that Jiu Yu must now want to know what the human race has gone through and what it has become. So, Xu Ming said a little: "After you left the Endless Continent, after a long time, the various alien races hiding in the corners and corners have come back one after another! Most of the territory of the Endless Continent was occupied by the alien races; Three thousand six hundred territories are preserved!"

Xu Ming has great respect for the True God Jiuyu, and even uses the word "you" when addressing him.

You know, even in the face of God Emperor, Xu Ming has never been so respectful! This kind of respect has nothing to do with strength, but sincere gratitude to this human ancestor.

"Later, a bamboo saint appeared in the demon clan; its body is a million miles high..."

Xu Ming continued talking, talking about the fact that the major foreign races joined forces to besiege Xu Ming, and True God Erke took action; and finally, he became a **** through the ancient cultivator school.

True God Jiuyu was terrified when he heard it, until he heard the last, he took a deep breath: "Xu Ming, thank you! Otherwise, our human race, I am afraid that we can only retreat to the kingdom of God!"

God's Domain is too far away from Endless Continent, and True God Jiuyu can only barely perceive that his Divine Kingdom still exists and has not been destroyed; as for what happened to Jiuyu Divine Kingdom and Endless Continent, he has no way of knowing.

Xu Ming smiled and said, "The human race is also my race!"

"Haha!" The decadent True God Jiu Yu showed a rare smile, "By the way, how are my old friends? Are you still sleeping in the eternal silence?"

Speaking of this, True God Jiuyu's expression is a little bit disappointed - entering the Eternal Quiet Cave, although the speed of the passage of vitality can be extremely slow; but, no matter how slow, the vitality is passing!

Moreover, sleeping forever in the eternal silence cave, to be honest, is not much different from dying.

"Did you say Chuji and them?" Xu Ming smiled, "They have all become gods!"

"Oh..." True God Jiuyu hadn't reacted at first, but only made a light "oh".

But suddenly, True God Jiuyu's expression became extremely exciting and vivid; his eyes were as big as his fists at once: "Wait! What did you just say!? - You said, Chuji and the others have already proved the Dao. God?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming smiled softly, "In the hundreds of millions of years after you left, there have been more than 900 top demigods sleeping in the Eternal Quiet Cave! Now... all of them have become gods!"

"What!?" True God Jiuyu's eyes widened, "Are you kidding me?"

"It's true!" Xu Minglian explained, "True God Jiuyu, you should know the essence of gods and demons, right?"

"Of course I This is a precious treasure in the realm of the gods, which can make the demigods directly preach and become gods!" Jiu Yuzhen said.

"That what... I later got three thousand drops of the essence of the gods and demons in Huangquan Realm!"

Of course Xu Ming did not dare to say that he bought the essence of the gods and demons from the artifact store; after all, even if he said that, it would be difficult for True God Jiuyu to believe it. Therefore, Xu Ming directly pushed the origin of the essence of gods and demons to the "head" of Huangquanjie.

After all, Huangquan Realm is still very mysterious in the Endless Continent! Anyway, no matter what is bizarre, as long as it is pushed to the "head" of Huangquanjie, it is easy for people to believe it.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Jiuyu Zhenshen said in shock, "The Yellow Spring Realm is really mysterious, and there are so many treasures!"

"That's right, Xu Ming!" True God Jiuyu said again, "I think your aura is stronger than mine. You should already be an eight-star god, right? How long have you been in the God Realm?"

When Xu Ming was "telling the story" just now, he deliberately avoided the time point. Therefore, True God Jiuyu still doesn't know how long Xu Ming was born and how long he came to God's Domain.

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