Break Into Another World

Chapter 943: 9 The Experience of True God Yu

The wine of mortals can intoxicate mortals.

The wine of the gods can intoxicate the gods.

True God Jiuyu and Xu Ming, although it was the first time they met; but because the two were from the same clan from the Endless Continent, they naturally hit it off.

In addition, Jiuyu Zhenshen wanted to get drunk; he was drinking and drinking, and before he knew it, he was a little too drunk.

"I really miss the years when I was in the Endless Continent! I really miss those old friends back then!" True God Jiu Yu kept sighing, "How hopeful, I have never been to God's Domain..."

When you come to God's Domain, and then think about returning to the world of dust, it is extremely difficult!

Emperor-level existences can also rely on their tyrannical strength to force the huge gravitational force of God's Domain, as well as the rules between heaven and earth, to forcibly go to the world of dust. And the existence of the king level, there is no such ability!

If you want to go to the dust world, there is only one way, and that is - through the Temple of Time and Space!

However, the time-space temple transports treasures to the dust world, and the price is extremely expensive; what's more, transporting a god? —Even if there is a king-level existence, if you want to go to the dust world, I am afraid that you will have to go bankrupt!

However, with the existence of the king-level, who is not a character on the Megatron side? Even in the realm of the gods, they are all prosperous; how many are willing to give up life in the realm of the gods and return to the dust world to "retire"?

"True God Jiuyu, if you want to return to the Endless Continent, I will help you find a way!" Xu Ming laughed.

Xu Ming's current small assets, of course, are far from enough to send True God Jiuyu back to the Endless Continent; but Xu Ming believes that when he becomes stronger, sending True God Jiuyu back to the world of dust should not be anything to him. a large "economic burden".

"Endless Continent, I naturally want to go back! But...not now!" True God Jiuyu said, "Now that Endless Continent is so prosperous and prosperous, I can't go back, in fact, it doesn't make much difference! Even if I want to go back, I must wait to let go of God's Domain. After everything, I will go back!"

Xu Ming seemed to hear something, and couldn't help but ask: "True God Jiuyu, you are in the God's Domain, is there anything else you can't let go?"

"I can't put it down..." True God Jiu Yu's drunken and blurred eyes became a little complicated - there was hatred, loneliness, and powerlessness in his eyes...

True God Jiuyu couldn't help sighing: "There are some words that I have kept in my heart for a long time; even if I want to say it, no one can tell me! Xu Ming, although you and I meet for the first time, we are both from the Endless Continent. Human bloodline, hit it off right away; I'll talk more today, and have a good spit with you!"

He talks a lot after drinking, plus, the true God Jiuyu has been living a very aggrieved, decadent, and powerless life during this period of time...

Therefore, I finally decided to spit out the bitterness in my heart with Xu Ming.

"At the beginning, after I came to God's Domain, I lived in Golden Crow City for a while..." True God Jiuyu said slowly, "Later, I felt that it was too boring to live in a low-level God's City for a long time; after all, since I came to God's Domain Now, I definitely don't want to be in a corner - if it's just for a corner, then I'll stay in the Endless Continent and won't come to God's Domain!"

The gods of the dust world went to the God Realm. First, they were curious about what was in the God Realm, and second, they wanted to go to a wider world!

If you come to God’s Domain, but don’t venture out, you will definitely not be reconciled!

"I've traveled hundreds of millions of miles in God's Domain alone! Under countless trials of life and death, my strength has also transformed into a seven-star god!" True God Jiuyu continued, "Then, I came to Xingluo Island!"

"When I first came to Xingluo Island, I had the idea of ​​going to the battlefield to improve my strength! After all, if I won 100 battles in the battlefield, I could get the personal guidance of the 'Xingluo King'! But... I haven't had time to go to the battlefield, I just I met a goddess!"

"she is pretty!"

"More beautiful than anything I've ever seen in the world!"

"Her beauty is indescribable!"

"I'm in love with her!"

What Jiuyu True God said was naturally Jia Xiaoyan.

"She loves me too!"

"We will live together soon! For her, I gave up the road of being a strong man - after all, if you want to become a peerless strong man, you must go through countless trials of life and death; and every trial of life and death may be death!"

"This road is too dangerous! For her, I choose to give up!"

Although True God Jiuyu gave up the path of being a strong man, Xu Ming felt awe of him.

"We lived together for a long time without any worries! But at this moment, disaster struck!"

"Luo Family!" True God Jiu Yu's eyes were burning with anger, "A family of a red-clothed elder from Xingluo Island!"

"Luo Junling, the son of the Luo family, forcibly kidnapped my lover Jia Xiaoyan! - Xiaoyan swears to die, but Luo Junling threatens to destroy the Jia family..."

"For the sake of the family, Xiaoyan had to agree to marry Na Luo Junling..."

The more true God Jiuyu said, the more hatred, and the more powerless he said.

The head of the Luo family, but the silver moon exists; behind him, there is the King Star Luo! And Jiuyu True God, just a seven-star god, how can he fight against the huge Luo family? How could he have the ability to rescue Jia Xiaoyan?

Even, the reason why his True God Jiuyu can survive is because of the "generousness" of the Luo family!

Jiu Yu really hates it!

Hate yourself, why didn't you meet Jia Xiaoyan after becoming a peerless powerhouse?

However, the Luo family is too strong! So powerful that True God Jiuyu despairs - True God Jiuyu is not like Xu Ming, he has no plug-ins!

The disheartened True God Jiu Yu had no choice but to be in a daze and lifeless every day, and use alcohol to relieve his worries.

After listening to Jiu Yu's experience, Xu Ming couldn't help falling into a long silence.

"The Luo family..." Xu Ming comforted, "Don't worry, this family won't exist for long!"

Even the King of Star Luo is likely to die soon; let alone is just a family under his command?

Moreover, since Xu Ming already knew the hatred between True God Jiuyu and the Luo family; when the battle broke out, he would definitely attack the Luo family as soon as possible! —The head of the Luo family is just an elder in red; killing him by Xu Ming is like slaughtering a chicken and killing a dog!

"Xu Ming, you don't have to comfort me!" True God Jiuyu shook his head and sighed, "The Luo family has been standing on Xingluo Island for hundreds of millions of years, how can it be so easily shaken?"

"Really, the Luo family will soon..."

Xu Ming was about to talk to True God Jiuyu about the imminent destruction of Xingluo Island; but at this moment, a large number of black armored soldiers poured into the restaurant.

"What's going on?" Xu Ming couldn't help but startled slightly.

However, True God Jiu Yu found out that the head of the crowd was a man with narrow and cold eyes; of course, there was also a beautiful goddess beside this stern man.


"Luo Junling!!" True God Jiu Yu of course saw that the other party was not good.

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