Break Into Another World

Chapter 953: The atmosphere is a bit weird

Xingluo Island is a bustling place. Lewen novel w-w-w.lwxs520.c-o-m.

However, in this lively and hustle and bustle, there are also some quiet teahouses.

At this moment, Yue Xiaoxian and Shao Chuan were drinking tea indifferently at the window of a quiet restaurant.

Xu Ming, who was disguised as a scholar, also shook a paper fan and walked into the teahouse; then, he found a window seat not far from Yue Xiaoxian and the two of them, sat down, and waited to watch the show.

"Just these two idiots, still want to take advantage of the Silver Moon Medal mission to kill me?" Xu Ming sneered, "I often appear next to you, but you don't recognize me at all!"

The enemy is bright, I am dark. Xu Ming can naturally play Yue Xiaoxian and the two in the palm of his hand.

And the funny thing is that neither Yue Xiaoxian nor Shao Chuan knew that Xu Ming had already started playing with them!

"However..." Xu Ming sneered in his heart, "This Yue Xiaoxian is as rumored, once someone offends him, he will deal with him without compromise!"

The feud between Xu Ming and Yue Xiaoxian, to put it bluntly, means that Xu Ming taught Shao Chuan a lesson; and Shao Chuan is a follower of Yue Xiaoxian. Therefore, Yue Xiaoxiancai and Xu Ming had some conflicts.

But Xu Ming didn't expect that they were all from the same class of Yanyan Mountain, and Yue Xiaoxian would try his best to take advantage of the opportunity of the Silver Moon Medal mission to attack him because of such a small conflict!

"This Yue Xiaoxian's arrogance is too small!"

However, no matter how big or small he is; since he wants to kill Brother Ming, don't blame Brother Ming for being rude!

"If you can escape the hunting of the golden-clothed elders on Xingluo Island, you are lucky!" Xu Ming glanced in the direction of Yue Xiaoxian and thought to himself.

"Little Er, come with the best tea and some dried fruit!" Xu Ming prepared to drink tea, eat melon seeds, and put on a show-like attitude.

Yue Xiaoxian and Shao Chuan were drinking tea leisurely.

"Senior Brother Yue!" Shao Chuanyin chatted, "We just sit here drinking tea and don't do anything if we don't?"

"Do something?" Yue Xiaoxian said with a smile while blowing on the tea leaves floating on the water, "What do you want to do? What can you do?"

Shao Chuan was slightly taken aback: "It seems... there is nothing to do..."

Yue Xiaoxian smiled indifferently and said: "The key to this medal mission is not us at all; it is the master who accepted the task of 'Feng Wang Medal', when will he take action against King Xingluo... Between the existence of the king level There must be a lot of movement in the fight; we just sit and drink tea and wait for the battle to break out, that’s it!”

"Yes!" Shao Chuan laughed.

"It's a pity..." Yue Xiaoxian couldn't help sighing, "I thought that after I came out this time, I would never have to go back to the Yanyan Mountain! Now it seems that I still have to go back!"

"Yeah!" Shao Chuan also sighed, "I originally planned to take this opportunity to kill Xu Ming; then, we went directly to the Baili Lou! Unexpectedly, Xu Ming did not dare to do it at all. Mission, we spent so much time in vain!"

"No hurry!" Yue Xiaoxian pondered, "I don't believe it, we will never get the chance to kill Xu Ming! - As long as we meet him outside the Yanyan Mountain, we can easily kill him!"

"That's for sure!" Shao Chuan also said, "It's just... Xu Ming is on the reward of the Temple of Time and Space! If someone else kills us, we won't be rewarded!"

"That's true..." Yue Xiaoxian's eyes became slightly cold, and he pondered while holding the teacup.

This time, Xu Ming was not bored to eavesdrop on the sound transmission between the two. Anyway, Xu Ming had already sentenced the two to death; therefore, he didn't care what they were talking about.

Three cups of tea.

"Xingluo Island's work efficiency is really low! The time for three cups of tea has passed, and only a golden-clothed elder has arrived!" Xu Ming secretly said.

But Xu Ming didn't know that it wasn't that a golden-clothed elder came, but... the other golden-clothed elders were hiding in the dark!

"Senior Brother Yue?" Shao Chuan said suddenly, "Why do I feel that the atmosphere is a bit strange?"

"Strange?" Yue Xiaoxian asked in confusion, "Where is it strange?"

Shao Legend said: "We've been sitting here drinking tea for a long time, haven't we? However, I have never seen the elders in gold clothes from Xingluo Island before, but now, I have seen three in succession!"

Elders in golden clothes, the weakest is the existence of the seventh rank of Yinyue!

And Yue Xiaoxian's cultivation level is only eighth grade Yinyue!

"Oh?" Yue Xiaoxian was slightly startled, "It seems a little strange to hear you say that!"

However, Yue Xiaoxian didn't take it to heart.

At this time, Elder Yan and another elder Jinyi who had just arrived suddenly walked in the direction of Yue Xiaoxian and the others.

"Senior Brother Yue, are they coming towards us?" Shao Chuan couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"Don't worry!" Yue Xiaoxian was still drinking tea calmly, "Since we came to Xingluo Island, we have been drinking tea here all the time, without doing anything, it is impossible for them to find us! And you see, these two Although the golden-clothed elders are coming towards us, their eyes are not looking at us!"

"That's true!" Shao Chuan relaxed a little.

Soon, the two golden-clothed elders walked into the teahouse. However, they deliberately did not go towards Yue Xiaoxian's side, but went in the other direction.

"Sure enough, they didn't come to us!" Yue Xiaoxian and Shao Chuan felt more relieved.

But at this moment, Elder Yan and another elder in golden clothes suddenly looked at each other vaguely.

"Do it?"

"it is good!"


I saw the newly arrived golden-clothed elder waved his hand violently; five golden-clothed figures flew out from the world ring in his hand—all of them were golden-clothed elders!

As soon as the five golden-clothed elders appeared, they flew to all directions of the teahouse.

"What's the matter?" Yue Xiaoxian suddenly smelled a dangerous breath.

"Form a formation!" Elder Yan shouted angrily, his right arm instantly turned into a white bone claw, grabbing towards Yue Xiaoxian.

On the other six golden-clothed elders, UU Reading suddenly burst into light, apparently condensing some kind of battle formation.

boom! !

The whole teahouse also exploded suddenly. The gods drinking tea in the teahouse were all smashed by the powerful momentum and fell to various places.

And Xu Ming, pretending to be blown away by the momentum, watched this scene from a distance.

"Not good!!" Yue Xiaoxian only felt his scalp burst, "It's for us!"

call out-

In Yue Xiaoxian's hand, a gloomy long sword appeared in an instant, like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter.

At the same time, he also shouted at Shao Chuan: "Come into my world ring!"

This level of battle is not something that Shao Chuan can participate in!

"What the **** is going on!?" Yue Xiaoxian shouted wildly in his heart - he couldn't figure out why he had a good tea here, but was targeted by the golden-clothed elders.

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