Break Into Another World

Chapter 955: Pull up your pants and don't recognize anyone

Destiny ends!

As the name implies, it is to let a person's fate come to an end!

Even fate is over, so can life go on? - Of course not!

The end of fate also means the end of life!

"Do not!"

Yue Xiaoxian became extremely frightened in vain—the killer move of the tenth-grade Yinyue destiny order, he did not have the slightest confidence to follow. M.LWxS Lewen Mobile Network

"This move..." Xu Ming hid in the dark and watched in horror.

"The special envoy has taken action!"

"He's dead!"

"That's right! Under the title of the king, very few people can take this trick from the special envoy!"

The seven golden-clothed elders were all looking forward to watching.

"No! I can't bear it!" Yue Xiaoxian knew very well that it was impossible to avoid the "attack of fate" by relying on teleportation! —Because, fate attack and causal attack are very mysterious!

The trajectory of the fate attack is not at the spatial level at all! So, no matter where you teleport to, it's pointless!


Yue Xiaoxian spread his hands, and a pure black pebble suddenly appeared in his palm. On the black stone, there is a mysterious aura that transcends the world.

"Huh?" A look of shock flashed in Xu Ming's eyes, "Isn't this a stone of no difficulty? - Why does Yue Xiaoxian have it?"

In Xu Ming's hand, there is also a stone without difficulty; however, it was given by Emperor Yan Yan.

You must know that even for an emperor-level existence, the Wu Difficulty Stone is extremely valuable! Xu Ming is very strange, Yue Xiaoxian, the eighth rank of the silver moon, how can there be a stone without difficulty.

"Wu Difficult Stone..." Yue Xiaoxian looked at the mysterious black stone in his hand, "I didn't want to stimulate the Wu Difficult Stone so soon, but now that life and death are at stake, I can't take care of so much!"

"Humph!" Yue Xiaoxian's eyes had a strong sense of coldness.


Under the urging of divine power, the No Difficulty Stone instantly turned into a splendid energy, which enveloped Yue Xiaoxian's whole body.


An invisible fate attack hit Yue Xiaoxian, but was directly bounced back.

In the next moment, the splendid energy directly wrapped Yue Xiaoxian and disappeared.


"where it goes?"

"what happened?"

"There should be some extremely precious life-saving treasure on this kid! I'm afraid his origins are extraordinary!"

The middle-aged man in the white robe and the seven elders in golden clothes were obviously not knowledgeable enough to recognize the Wu Difficult Stone.

"Huh? Disappeared?" Xu Ming was also very curious, "I don't know, where did Wu Difficult Stone take Yue Xiaoxian?"

Xu Ming reckoned that the same situation would be the case when he used the Wu Difficult Stone.

"Master Special Envoy!"

"Master Special Envoy!"

At this time, the seven golden-clothed elders all gathered around the white-robed middle-aged man.

"Who was that person just now? Why did you take action against him?" asked the special envoy Baipao.

"He is..." The other golden-clothed elders all looked at Elder Yan.

Elder Yan said embarrassedly, "I don't know exactly who he is..."

"What!?" The special envoy and the golden-clothed elders were all speechless, "You don't even know who he is, yet you deal with him with such a big fanfare..."

If Yue Xiaoxian knew that these masters of Xingluo Island didn't even know who they were; I'm afraid, he would really vomit blood. As for the dead Shao Chuan, he is going to die!

Elder Yan continued: "Elder Xie asked me to deal with him!"

"Elder Xie?" The special envoy was a little puzzled, "Elder Xie came back so soon?"

Elder Yan replied one by one: "Elder Xie said that the island owner sent him out to investigate some things; he traced the person just now, so he asked me to deal with him! Now, Elder Xie has left Xingluo Island again! "

"Before the island owner, he did instruct Elder Xie to go out and do something!" The special envoy thought for a while, but he didn't have any doubts.

Moreover, Divine Domain communication is difficult! Since Elder Xie is not within the scope of Xingluo Island, even if the special envoy becomes suspicious, there is no way to contact Elder Xie to confirm the truth!

Suddenly, the stern eyes of the special envoy suddenly shot towards Xu Ming's invisible position.

Xu Ming couldn't help but feel tight in his heart: "Could it be that they were discovered?"

If it is discovered, Xu Ming may have to use the Wu Difficulty Stone to save his life!

"Huh?" But then, the stern eyes of the special envoy became very puzzled, "At that moment, I clearly felt that there was a fluctuation of fate in that position! Could it be that I feel wrong?"

The special envoy felt it carefully, and finally determined that he should feel wrong.

"Huh..." Seeing the special envoy and the golden-clothed elders leave, Xu Ming, who was in invisible state, breathed a sigh of relief, "It seemed like you were noticed just now?"

The special envoy is a tenth-grade Yinyue existence, very close to the king level; coupled with the cultivation of the order of fate, the perception is indeed very keen.

However, trying to see through Xu Ming's invisibility is a little bit worse!

In the blink of an eye, half a month.

The "genuine" Elder Xie, who was out, finally returned to Xingluo Island. Instead of going to the underground world, he went directly back to his mansion.

"Huh?" As soon as he returned to the mansion, Elder Xie saw a pretty and enchanting goddess waiting for him respectfully.

Elder Xie felt that the other party looked familiar: "You are... Xiang Pang's daughter, right?"

The pretty and enchanting goddess smiled charmingly: "Elder Xie, you are really a noble person who forgets things! I am Xiang Ling!"

Xiang age?

Elder Xie is a little strange. What is Xiang Pang's daughter doing here?

Xiang Ling said again, "Elder Xie, I'm here to sleep for you..."

"I'll go!" Elder Xie scolded inwardly, "What's the situation? There is such a good thing as soon as you come back?"

Elder Xie is a lecher, and when he encounters this kind of food, he has no reason to refuse!

"Then come into the room with me!"

a few days later.

to home.

"Elder Xie!" The head of the Xiang family looked at Elder Xie respectfully to Pang Gong, nodded and bowed, "Are you here again?"

Elder Xie patted Xiang Pang on the shoulder and said with a wicked smile: "Xiang Pang, your daughter's taste is very good! - I am very satisfied that you have this intention!"

"It's a little girl's blessing to be able to follow Elder Xie!" Xiang Pang Lian said.

"Yeah!" Elder Xie nodded, "I keep this gift from you in my heart!"

Xiang Pang's eyes lit up - what he wanted was what Elder Xie said?

"But..." Elder Xie said again, "Public is public, private is private! I am very satisfied that you dedicate your daughter to me; however, I still have to do public affairs! - Take me to the treasure house!"

To the treasure house?

Xiang Pang couldn't help but be stunned: "Didn't you just go to the treasure house not long ago? Going again so soon?"

"Just been there not long ago?" Elder Xie's face sank, "When did I go there!?"

Xiang Pang was a little confused - Elder Xie didn't admit that he had been to the treasure house?


Xiang Pang couldn't help but burn with anger! - Some people "put up their pants and don't recognize people", which is already too much! And this Elder Xie was even more extreme, not only having **** with his daughter, but also blackmailing him in turn?

Even if you are an elder in golden clothes, you can't bully people like this, right?

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