Break Into Another World

Chapter 989: Permission denied

Do not believe in evil?

It's okay, Brother Ming made him believe in evil in minutes!

The fourth seal, the body seal! —Xu Ming is perfectly condensed!

The fifth seal, the seal of fury! - perfect cohesion!

The sixth seal…

The six hundredth seal, the seal of the divine armor! Still perfectly condensed!

Ten Thousand Swords Seal, Slow Seal, Gold Line Seal, Wood Line Seal, Water Line Seal... Teleportation Seal...

When the puppet demonstrated for the second time, no matter what kind of heart imprint the puppet condensed, Xu Ming condensed it perfectly at almost the same time!

The puppet has completely believed in evil at this moment!

Completely served!

The expressions of the three artifact spirits watching in secret have long since become numb! - Xu Ming's perverted monster has deeply shocked them!

Shocked to numbness!

Next, no matter how perverted Xu Ming behaves, they probably won't have any reaction - because they are completely numb!

"Even such a difficult 'teleportation seal' was condensed by him..." Taring was dumbfounded.

Although "Teleportation Seal" is slightly simpler than "Time Deceleration Seal"; however, its agglomeration difficulty is definitely ranked in the top 100 in "Wanxin Seal"!

Compared with the teleportation print, those instant kill prints, confusion prints, etc., are simply the gap between "1+1" and advanced mathematics!

"Could it be... Xu Ming can really condense 10,000 kinds of heart imprints in just the second drill!?" Taring couldn't help but thought in horror, "If this is the case, then the previous fifth-floor tower breakers, How stupid compared to Xu Ming!"

You must know that on the fifth floor, the puppet will practice the "Seal of the Thousand Hearts" a thousand times in total; but even so, with endless long years and countless peerless geniuses, none of them can pass the fifth floor!


Xu Ming himself was also a little shocked!

Xu Ming's talent, aptitude, and comprehension are indeed very strong, but generally speaking, the speed at which he learns secret skills is far from that fast! What's more, it's a secret skill of the mental power genre that has never been touched before!

But now, Xu Ming found that he felt like a duck to water when he learned "Wan Xin Yin".

No matter which heart imprint it was, after watching the puppet show it once, it seemed to be directly imprinted on his mind; therefore, when the puppet demonstrated it for the second time, he was able to follow the puppet and unite the imprint together!

"What's going on here? Why am I learning so fast?"

To be honest, Xu Ming is now learning the speed of "Wan Xin Yin", not only so fast that others are numb, and even he himself is a little scared!

This kind of learning speed, there is a feeling that it is faster than hanging up!

But...Although he was shocked, Xu Ming was enjoying it. After all, who would dislike cultivating too fast?

The puppets practiced the Heart Seal one by one.

And the little dots on the puppet also light up one by one - each time one lights up, it means that Xu Ming has a heart mark that has passed the test and has been "qualified"!

A thousand highlights!

Two thousand highlights!

Three thousand highlights!

Five thousand highlights!

"Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine bright spots! - With the last 'Unity Seal', Xu Ming will be able to pass the fifth floor!"

Although the three artifact spirits had long been shocked and numb, they couldn't help but be amazed.

"The second time I practiced, I passed the fifth floor. Xu Ming is really about to do it!"

"His aptitude in the mental school is much better than what the master requires! Maybe, in the future, he will be able to reach the height of the master!"

"Achieving the height of the master? That is the pinnacle of God's Domain! - To reach such a state, talent alone is far from enough, and many opportunities are needed!"

"Yeah... The existence of any peak in the Divine Realm is created by great chance! Without enough great chance, even if the talent is against the sky, it will not help!"

In the amazement of the three artifact spirits, Xu Ming had perfectly condensed the 10,000th seal "one seal"!

The puppet looked at Xu Ming both excitedly and disappointedly: "Congratulations, you have successfully passed the fifth floor!"

The meaning of the puppet's existence is to select a suitable successor for the great master; now that a perverted Xu Ming has been selected, of course he is very excited.

But at the same time, the puppet also thought that his existence in the future might not have any meaning, and it was inevitable that he would be lost for a while.

"Passed?" Xu Ming was not surprised at all.

Taring's voice resounded throughout the space again: "Xu Ming, you can go to the sixth floor now!"

Go to the sixth floor?

Xu Ming thought for a while and said, "Don't worry! Let the puppet accompany me to practice a few more times! I have just mastered "The Seal of Ten Thousand Hearts", and I am not skilled enough!"

"Um..." Taring was the first to encounter such a request.

However, Xu Ming's request is reasonable, and of course Taring is willing to see Xu Ming's strength stronger. So, Ta Ling instructed the puppet to accompany Xu Ming to practice a few more times.

The puppet is also very happy - it has already lost its "meaning of life", and now he can practice with Xu Ming a few more times, and the meaning of life will come back all of a sudden!

And Xu Ming practiced "The Seal of Ten Thousand Hearts" several times, and the result was that the three artifact spirits were severely shocked several times!

After a few more practice sessions...

Xu Ming has mastered some simple heart marks to the extent that he can use them in actual combat! - You must know that every heart mark in "Wan Xin Yin" is extremely complicated; even the simplest instant kill mark has tens of thousands of steps! In actual combat, there is no time to give you a step by step to condense your mind; tens of thousands of steps must be completed in a single thought!

A single thought condenses the mind - such a mind is at the level of actual combat!

If you can't "consolidate the seal with a single thought", then in the actual combat of the electric light flint, it has no meaning!

"The sixth floor!"

After getting familiar with it, Xu Ming raised his head and walked to the sixth floor.

"I don't know, what is waiting for me on the sixth floor?" Xu Ming was looking forward to it.

In the Tower of No Difficulty, I went all the way to the fifth floor.

The first three layers, although there are some gains, are only material, and the benefits are not much.

For Xu Ming, the fourth and fifth floors were quite rewarding! - On the fourth floor, Xu Ming honed his mind, and the mentality school became a **** in one fell swoop; on the fifth floor, Xu Ming learned a "sacred mental power secret skill"!

Especially the holy-level mental power secret skill of the fifth floor, this is a priceless treasure!

Normally, the higher the tier, the richer the reward! Therefore, Xu Ming is full of expectations for the sixth and seventh floors.

However, it is more than Xu Ming who is full of expectations; even Ta Ling is full of expectations. Because... even with Taring's authority, you can only see the situation on the first five floors; starting from the sixth floor, even Taring has no authority and can't know what's on it!


Not even Taring knows!

The sixth and seventh floors are not controlled by Taring!

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