Break Into Another World

Chapter 991: the innocence

The chaotic divine soldier "Heart-killing Arrow" was hidden in Xu Ming's inner world. As soon as Xu Ming thought about it, the arrow of Zhu Xin flew to the center of the heart world.

Under Xu Ming's control, the power of the Heart Punishing Arrow was slowly activated.

However, Xu Ming only activated a little bit of power, and his entire heart world within a thousand miles began to tremble faintly; the space of the heart world even had a tendency to collapse.

Xu Ming's expression changed: "With my current mental strength, I'm still far from being able to unleash the full power of the Heart Punishing Arrow! But... even if I can only use a very small part of the power, as long as the emperor-level power is not available, I'm afraid It's hard to find an opponent!"


This is still under the circumstance that Xu Ming did not use the plug-in!

If Xu Ming uses a plug-in, I am afraid that even if he is a real emperor-level power, Xu Ming will dare to fight head-on!

Of course, Xu Ming would not use the chaotic divine weapon, the Heart Punishing Arrow, unless it was a last resort! Xu Ming still understands the principle of "every man is innocent, but he is guilty"; Xu Ming must try not to expose the arrow of punishment!

After all, Xu Ming had no idea what kind of uproar could a chaotic divine weapon cause in the Divine Realm.

If the Chaos Divine Armament is exposed, and if it causes those who exist at the emperor level, or even surpass the existence of the emperor, then Xu Ming will be in trouble!

"On the sixth floor, I actually got a Chaos Divine Weapon; then, what kind of treasure is waiting for me on the last floor, the seventh floor?" Xu Ming was full of expectations.


At the original location of the Heart Punishing Arrow, a door of space condensed and appeared.

Needless to say, stepping into this door of space will definitely lead to the seventh floor!


Xu Ming took a few deep breaths, calmed down his excitement, and stepped directly into the door of space.

The sight in front of you is changing.


Xu Ming stood in a quiet and simple courtyard. The courtyard is very ordinary and simple, and it seems to be no different from the houses where mortals live.

However, Xu Ming certainly did not dare to be arrogant here, nor did he dare to conduct spiritual exploration at will.

In other words, don't rush to investigate. Anyway, I have come to the last floor. I should let myself know, and I will let myself know soon; if I should not let myself know, even if I investigate, I am afraid that I will not be able to find out anything.

"come in!"

A voice came from the quiet room in front of Xu Ming.

Xu Ming walked along the ancient and simple road to the quiet room solemnly and cautiously.

At the beginning, Xu Ming just thought that the courtyard was very simple and ordinary; however, before making any progress, Xu Ming discovered some extraordinary things about the courtyard! - This courtyard is very perfect in terms of artistic conception, even with Xu Ming's eyesight, he can't find the slightest flaw!

"If I build a courtyard, I will never be able to create such a perfect one!"

In the small details, Xu Ming found the gap between himself and the owner of the courtyard!

Pushing the door and entering, Xu Ming saw a man in simple clothes, sitting leisurely, making tea.

"Sit down!" The man pointed at a cup of tea that had just been brewed and smiled.

"Yes!" Xu Ming looked at the man, but found that he couldn't remember his appearance no matter what - he just wrote it down, but as soon as he looked away, he immediately forgot what the man looked like.

"What a weird method!" Xu Ming was secretly shocked.

The man smiled and said, "You don't have to remember my appearance. The more you remember, the more you know, the less good it will be for you!"

"You must have a lot of doubts in your heart, right?" The man took a sip of tea in a hurry, "Come, drink tea, and speak slowly!"

"Have you guessed my identity?" The man looked at Xu Ming indifferently. However, every time he blinked, it was as if there was a world disillusioned in his eyes.

"Are you... the pinnacle of the Divine Realm who created the Realm of No Difficulty?" Xu Ming asked tentatively.

"Not bad! But... what you're seeing now is just a touch of consciousness left by me!" The man laughed at himself.

Xu Ming was shocked in his heart - just a touch of consciousness, every time he blinked, there was a world disillusioned in his eyes?

"My name, you should have heard of it! That's right, I am... the saint without trouble!"

A saint without trouble?

Yes, Xu Ming has heard of it, in some classics and legends!

The saint is the existence standing at the pinnacle of the realm of the gods!

Under the saints, they are all ants!

And this no-difficult saint is the saint of the mind force school; moreover... he is also the mind force school, the only one who can achieve a saint!

However, according to legend, the invulnerable saint disappeared after a battle with another saint.

Sage Wudi continued: "In God's Domain, I am the leader of the cultivator of the mind; therefore, I have always been looking for geniuses who are gifted in mind power... However, the true genius of mind power is too rare! So, I have created several places similar to the Realm of No Difficulty, and I have planted a few seeds, and I hope that one day, some seeds will germinate!"

"However, geniuses of the One Mind Force are really rare, and some of them have no trace! Some geniuses think they are extremely talented in One Mind Force One, but in fact, they don't have much talent; and some geniuses are not. I know that I have a talent in mental strength, but it is just that the talent is very defiant! There is no trace of it... Hundreds of millions of years have passed, and you are the only genius who can truly satisfy me!"

"Your aptitude in the mind force genre may be stronger than mine! You can obtain the mind force secret skill "Wanxin Yin" created by me, and the mind force school's chaotic divine weapon 'Heart Punishment Arrow', which is not a humiliation of this secret skill. and this treasure!"

"I know that you are also very talented in the Tiandao school! But I advise you to specialize in the mental power school in the future! - After all, the mental power school is stronger than the other four major schools!"

Is the mind force genre stronger than other genres?

To be honest, Xu Ming is a little skeptical; because in his opinion, each genre has its own strengths. To say that "the mind force genre is stronger than other genres" seems a bit too arbitrary!

However, with Xu Ming's current strength, it is obvious that he is not qualified to "discuss the Tao" with the Sage Wushang; therefore, Xu Ming listened quietly.

Seemingly aware of Xu Ming's disbelief, the real person Wuyan smiled, "If you can cultivate the mental power school to my level in the future, then creating a world like the world without difficulty is just a matter of thought! "

One thought becomes the world!

Can a single thought create a world without difficulty?

Xu Ming was a little shocked.

"Okay, no more to say!" Sage Wudi smiled, "Drink this cup of tea, and let's clear the cause and effect between you and me!"

"Er?" Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder - I worked so hard to get to the seventh floor, just said a few words, and I'm done?

Sage Wudi smiled and said, "A lot of Your current strength is not qualified to know; when you are qualified to know, you will naturally know! - After drinking this cup of tea, you can go. !"

Xu Ming secretly said: "It seems that God's Domain is not as simple as what I understand now!"

Xu Ming secretly probed the cup of tea, and after confirming that there was no threat, he drank it directly.

Drink tea. The cause-and-effect entanglement between Xu Ming and the Sage Wushang disappeared completely; even if the Sage of the cause and effect came, it would not be obvious that Xu Ming had contacted the Sage Wushang.


With a wave of the Sage Wudi, Xu Ming left the Realm of Difficulty.

However, Xu Ming discovered that there was an extra talisman in his hand.

Saint Wudi stood up and walked alone in the simple courtyard: "Finally there is a suitable successor! However, these are just small things, really big things..."

Yes, in the transcendent realm like the Sage of No Difficulty, almost everything can only be regarded as trivial!

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