Break Into Another World

Chapter 993: strange sign

Xu Ming looked at Yun Ning speechlessly: "You? The No. 1 Silver Moon-level expert in Yanyan Continent?"

"Cough cough!" Yun Ning's cheeks flushed slightly.

"You can't even leapfrog and compete with the first-level Fengwang, so you dare to be called the 'Silver Moon's number one master'?" Xu Ming shook his head and sneered.

It was just a chance encounter, and Xu Ming didn't have much to say.

Unexpectedly, Yun Ning was not annoyed at all after being laughed at, but followed Xu Ming like a follower: "Senior! Master! You haven't answered me yet, are you a silver moon!"

Xu Ming said indifferently: "If you think so, that's it!"

"I think so, that's it?" Yun Ning tasted the meaning of this sentence, and suddenly showed panic, "Master! Are you really a silver moon? - Then you are a silver moon? Could it be..."

The cultivation that Yun Ning felt from Xu Ming was only the fourth rank of Yinyue!

"Could it be... Your true cultivation is really the fourth rank of Yinyue!?" Yun Ning asked in horror.

"You have so many questions!" Xu Ming suddenly accelerated, throwing Yun Ning away.

"Hey, master! Master! Wait for me!" Yun Ning hurriedly took out a Dao Talisman from the world ring and hit him; then, his speed suddenly soared, chasing Xu Ming!

"I'm dizzy!" Xu Ming was speechless - this Yun Ning is simply a dog-skin plaster!

Moreover, Xu Ming could see that this "dogskin plaster" may have some background! Because, Xu Ming felt the aura of some playful children in him!

"Don't follow me!" Xu Ming teleported and disappeared.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

The bandits in the Bone Mountains surrounded Han Nan and asked.

Han Nan thought about it and said, "Go back! I feel a little uncomfortable today, so be careful!"

"Finally got rid of that follower!"

Above the endless sky, Xu Ming sighed with emotion, and then took out the talisman he got when he left the Realm of No Difficulty.

Xu Ming wanted to study it for a long time to see what the name of this talisman was. However, when he just teleported back to God's Domain, Xu Ming teleported to the center of the battlefield in the Bone Mountains, which made him have no time to study this Token at all.

And now, Xu Ming finally had some free time.

"The talisman given by the Saint of No Difficulty shouldn't be too bad, right?"

After all, Xu Ming was on the seventh floor of the Pagoda of No Difficulty, and besides seeing the Saint of No Difficulty, he only got this talisman.

This is a navy blue token. There was no coercion on the talisman, and some of the symbols on it were not comprehensible to Xu Ming at all. Xu Ming manipulated his mental strength, carefully infiltrated the inside of the talisman, and began to refine it.

But what Xu Ming didn't expect was that his mental power had just penetrated, and Lingfu was directly integrated into his mental power; and following his mental power, he "swam" into Xu Ming's mind.

"what's the situation?"

Xu Ming watched carefully.

The world of the heart is the foundation of Xu Ming!

If the heart world is destroyed, Xu Ming's avatar will surely die!

call out-

I saw this talisman, after entering Xu Ming's heart world, it fell straight down; with a "bang", it was inserted into the earth of the heart world.



Immediately afterwards, Ling Fu slowly emitted a trace of gray airflow.

As soon as the gray airflow is emitted, it is immediately absorbed by the earth of the heart world; and the whole heart world also grows a little bit!

"This is... a treasure to strengthen the 'heart world'?"

After cultivating the mental power to the third level "mind world", the next thing to do is to find a way to strengthen the mind world! The stronger the mind world, the stronger the mind will naturally be!

When the world of mind is strong to a certain extent, you will naturally be able to step into the silver moon level, king level, emperor level, and even higher of the mind school!

"If this talisman can continue to grow my heart world; then, its value is probably higher than that of the Chaos God Soldier's Heart Punishing Arrow!"

However, Xu Ming was not sure for the time being how long this talisman emitting a strange gray airflow would last.

But no matter what, Xu Ming is content!

This time he entered the world of no difficulty, and the harvest was really great! The strength has soared rapidly, and he has even obtained the Heart Punishing Arrow and the Strange Command Talisman!

"My current strength..."

Xu Ming secretly felt his own strength.

Yinyue fourth-grade Tiandao Liu cultivation base, plus the world-breaking practice "Break the World", the self-created emperor-level secret technique "Reincarnation Five Forms", plus the tyrannical mental strength, and finally open a wave of plug-ins - positive shock A high-ranking king is nothing to worry about!

"Feng Wang high-level... Haha! When I return to the Yanyan Mountain, I will definitely scare Lu Qing to death!" Xu Ming couldn't help thinking proudly.

When he first left the Yanyan Sacred Mountain, Xu Ming's strength was not very strong in the Silver Moon class. Up to now, only a few decades have passed (most of the time is spent in the Tower of No Difficulty), and Xu Ming has returned with the strength of "high-ranking king"!

Even Lu Qing would never have imagined that such a huge transformation would happen to Xu Ming!

Moreover, don't forget, Xu Ming's combat power has not yet been calculated for "Zhuxin Arrow"! If Xu Ming really did not hesitate to expose this chaotic weapon, I am afraid that even in the face of an emperor-level existence, he would be able to fight head-on!

Of course, the Chaos Divine Weapon is too precious; Xu Ming would definitely not use it unless it was a last resort!

"Let's go! Back to Yanyan Divine Mountain!" Xu Ming let out a long roar, and his figure shot through the sky.

But at this moment...

"Master! Master! Senior! Don't fly so fast, wait for me!" Yun Ning didn't know when, but he caught up with Xu Ming not far behind.

"Huh?" Xu Ming was startled - he didn't find out, when did Yun Ning follow up.

"Master! Master! Just tell me, are you a fourth-grade Yinyue!" Yun Ning shouted.

"Tell you, you won't follow me?" Xu Ming said impatiently.

Yun Ning's eyes rolled around for a while: "Yes!"

"That's good! As you can my cultivation is the fourth silver moon!" After Xu Ming finished speaking, he immediately left the follower.

"Hey! It's really the fourth rank of Yinyue..." Yun Ning was extremely terrified, "The strength he showed just now is considered to be very powerful among the first-level kings? - Yinyue fourth-rank, but his combat power is comparable to the first-level kings. ; This kind of thing, even a father, can't believe it?"

Looking at Xu Ming's back, Yun Ning really wanted to catch up and ask a few questions.

However, Yun Ning is also a person who keeps his promises. If he says he will not follow him, he will not follow him again.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! …

But at this moment, the originally peaceful space in front of Xu Ming suddenly rolled up into an invisible vortex of time and space.

In the vortex of time and space, there is an incomparably mysterious time and space mystery; even Xu Ming can't understand it at all.

"This is...?" Xu Ming was a little curious.

Yun Ning was well-informed and recognized this time-space vortex: "The means of the space-time temple? Sometimes the skywalker will come here?"

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