Break Through the Steam Game Library

Vol 7 Chapter 882: Opposite the wall

For a person with five poisons, if there is a place where he can realize all his wishes, it will definitely make him linger. For Rick, the illusion of Sun Luoyin is something he cannot break, and it is true It's so cool, he can become any shape, any size, and create whatever he wants. He is like the **** of the illusory world, and this world is still incredibly real. Technology can of course be done, but those Rick has long been tired of playing, and the experience now is the real shit!

He wants to become the size of an ant and sleep a whole ant nest, and he wants to become the size of a star and sleep a whole sky. It takes a girl with six eyes, twenty arms, ten thousand breasts, to make a woman laugh, the breath that blows out like the wind that lifts a mountain, ten million incompetent old men They watched, each with his father's face, making their jealous eyes twinkling like supernovae in the dark. He wants to shout at the holes in the dirt, fill a plain with his vicious screams, he wants to stand in the deep space of the universe, chew a few hot stars, and let nuclear fusion burst in his teeth.

Rick looks down on the planet. Rick is God. Rick looks at the little people at his feet. They build city states. They fight each other, cross the sea by boat, cross the continent on camels and horses, they slaughter, they sell slaves, they scream As they danced in front of the fire, they bowed their heads to the earth, bowed their heads to the thunder, bowed their heads to the sky, bowed their heads to the ocean, bowed their heads to the Rick, and bowed their heads to the sky and the earth. Grams! God, an old Mediterranean man with blue hair!

worship! Worship God! Another villain raised his sword at Rick, but was hit **** his back. Continue to kill, continue, let the steel become instruments in the flames, feed on flesh and blood, and there are flags growing on the machine, and some villains catch on the flagpole flag, drinking the flesh and blood foam from the machine chimney, and the flag is even more It grows thicker and flutters with the wind. The machines are piled up, the machines are piled up, the machines grow human faces, and the machines grow sharp teeth and claws toward Rick.

So Rick laughed loudly, his voice louder than ten thousand horsepower and sharper than a thousand siren. The little people are in pain and kowtow in pain.

Rick shouted: wine! liqueur!

So the little people want to make wine for him. They want to cut down trees to make firewood for cooking wine, dig up soil for pottery, make wine on land, sea, and glaciers, whales and wolves. After making wine, I peeled off the skin and hair of the person and wrapped it around the wine bottle. The cows and horses were carrying wine on their backs, and the carts were also carrying wine behind them. I went to the beach and poured the wine in for 10,000 years and 10,000 years. The mainland floats on the wine, the trees grow in the wine, the rotting fungus stands on the rotting bones, the fungus excretes a human body, the human body produces gold, and the gold covers the earth.

Rick drank, he sucked the sea water, sucked the corpse, sucked the human body, sucked the gold, sucked and sucked, the sea rolled up, the wind rolled up, the sky rolled up, the bottom of the sea The cracked hot magma rolled upside down. Rick drank, he screamed, he laughed, turned his head to grab the star and eat it. All the wreckage on the earth, everything fell into darkness, only the black machine remained. It was wreckage. Broken flags were fluttering on the wreckage. The little people hanging on the wreckage never landed.

I have never drunk such a good, such a strong wine. It was like a punch. Rick’s eye sockets were broken, his nose was torn apart, and the blood was like a bull who escaped the fence. The blood was in the deep space and the blood was on the earth. , The blood spurts, the blood is still, every drop in the blood gives birth to a planet, and every planet produces a Rick. The Rick pounces on Rick, gnawing flesh and bones, and the fat they eat broke the epidermis. , The broken epidermis adhered to the epidermis, and the surface of Rick's body was finely cracked. Eat it, eat it yourself, **** in the blood, lay eggs in the meat, and sing in the bone marrow.

Rick Rick! Rick Rick!

Drunk Rick, his broken vocal cords shouted: Wubbalubbadubdub!

Countless Rick also shouted: Wubbalubbadubdub!

From the tendons, from the joints, from the heart, from the capillaries, bite each other, bloated fat! Rick was eaten clean by Rick, and filled up by Rick! His epidermis is cracked, his epidermis is cracked! A pair of wings emerged from the back and spread out like a flag, fluttering and fluttering, and Ricky got out of his body! The black hairs floating in the deep sky spread the organism freely! Let him sleep in a universe, let him burst into a universe, let the universe give birth! Let the stars give birth! Let everything in the leaves, the worms under the ground give birth! From the corpse grow a villain, grow a machine, the machine devours the villain, devours worms, devours the stars and the sea, devours the universe, devours Rick!


"Ah! Shit! I'm so **** good!" Rick yelled and woke up. He opened his eyes and stared at his hands. The feeling of flesh and blood was so good, he stared and asked Lu Zhengkang, "This What is it called? What is it called? Tell...Tell me!"

Lu Zhengkang was silent, and Rick gradually reacted, "Okay, okay, I will connect to you right away, and then, if you tell me this, I will leave with"

Morty replied loudly: "I won't go! I need to study here for a while."

"Shit! Morty, what are you talking about! You're a **** waste that is not good at addition and subtraction. What kind of graduate school are you studying here?" Rick cursed and took out a teleport gun from his arms A shot on the ground, opened a green vortex two-dimensional elliptical portal, suddenly jumped in, the portal closed.

After a while, he reopened a portal and came out, holding a box of machinery in his arms, still swearing at his grandson Morty. And since he took out this machine, everyone was connected to the Internet all at once.

The multi-universe infinite dimension and unlimited traffic network, this time, everyone is directly connected to all wireless signals in all dimensions.

Rick put the signal on the coffee table, then used the portal to pull a TV, fixed it on the wall of the hall, turned on the TV and started watching TV programs across latitudes. It seemed that there was no intention to leave for a while, Mo Di walked up to him and sat down with a calm face.

The situation of personal networking is different. Some are normal networks, and some are connected to alien networks. Unlimited information from the infinite world suddenly floods in.

Guan Shiyin smiled suddenly, and he heard the call of the infinite world.

Lu Zhengkang suddenly received a call: "Hello? Who?"

There was no sound on the opposite side, only long and long breathing, mixed with the interference of electric current from nowhere, and after a while, he suddenly died. Lu Zhengkang was stunned for a while, but he was also in a daze, only thinking that it was an important person calling.

At this moment, Qing Ningzi exclaimed, and their bead cub suddenly released a bright light, and instantly disappeared out of the window.

Qing Ningzi was busy trying to chase him, and Lu Zhengkang shouted, "Qing Ning'er, don't have to chase! This is when my child was transformed into life, when he grows up, he will naturally come to find us."

Such an explanation did not satisfy Qing Ningzi after all. She fell into Lu Zhengkang's arms, silently weeping, but did not choke.

September Xiaoyu and other colleagues came to comfort him.

Old Du looked out the window and said, "I'm going to dock again soon."


Jinshan Temple is the Jinshan Temple, the Jinshan Temple with Fahai.

Inhuman huts emerged above the Jinshan Temple. This is a gloomy sky. Everyone looks down from the window, the vast river in Zhenjiang is turbid and the waves are like iron, and the Buddha sings in the sky at Foshan in Jiangxin.

Before everyone guessed which world it was, they saw the river raging like anger and rushed straight to Jinshan.

I also heard that a master screamed: "Huh! Little skills of carving insects, how dare you make axe at the door! Dawei Tianlong! Da Luo Fa curse! Prajna Buddhas! Prajna!"

Guan Shiyin, Lao Du, and Lu Zhengkang looked around, and it was Fahai who was shouting. They always came by coincidence, and they were just catching up with the water.

The Fahai was powerful, holding a dust, and casting a spell to pull the entire Jinshan up to the sky. This method quite aroused the exclamation of several mortal colleagues. September still laughed, "Tuashi, Lao Du, is that monk calling you?"

Seeing Na Fahai, Master Guanyin only shook his head, and looked at Lu Zhengkang and Maitreya with regret. There are also two snake monsters on the river working, constantly raising the waves of water, and it seems to be submerging the houses on the riverside.

Avalokitesvara hurriedly went to the rescue. This time when he came out, he also manifested the solemn manner. If he was still in a white suit and short hair, it would be too frivolous. Ordinary people and ordinary people value hue, so Buddhas and Bodhisattvas basically show people by Dharma, which is exactly the principle that Buddhas rely on gold.

Avalokitesvara stopped the flood and stopped Fahai again. The two snake spirits were naturally the White Lady and Xiaoqing. At this time, Xu Xian was still surrounded by a group of monks in Jinshan Temple chanting.

This world is the scene of the "Green Snake" staged. The characters in the play have their own attachments. Xu Xian is greedy, the idiot is idiot, Fahai is suffering, and the green snake is Wu Ji. Someone once said that every man wants two women in his life: the white snake and the green snake... every woman also hopes that there are two men in her life: Xu Xian and Fahai.

When looking for a woman, she must be obsessed with herself and she must be arrogant; when looking for a man, she must be able to speak softly and be considerate, but also want him to be aloof and powerful. This kind of love is nothing more than ordinary love.

For the big guys in the non-human hut, at least, the story of the White Snake is familiar. It is nothing more than a dozen mortal colleagues. The first thing they saw Fahai was to show him on the Internet. Regarding the video of Dawei Tianlong’s ghosts and animals, the rest of the demon spirits, even in the youngest September, are actually hundreds of years old. Many of the legendary romances in history have been heard and even experienced, so they are not Regarding it as a fantasy story, but a true story, relatively speaking, they are more interested in the historical customs around them.

This group of them also attracted the gods and bodhisattvas in their own world, especially the two Guanyin who met each other, which was quite humorous. It turned out that the goddess of Mercy in his own world is also paying close attention to here. The inhuman hut came silently, but it caused the Heavenly Jade Emperor to shake, and the Lingshan Buddha turned pale.

The white lady gave birth immediately, and Xu Xian became a monk again at Jinshan Temple. After the green snake helped the white snake give birth to children, he couldn’t understand Xu Xian’s deeds of abandoning his wife and children. This is a monster’s view of love. Killed him with a sword.

Fahai tried to stop it again. In the end, Xu Xian naturally wanted to live with Bai Suzhen, but Xiao Qing wanted to leave alone. Fahai does not understand love. People who do not understand love will never enter the Mahayana. However, he can still yell Xiaoqing softly at the back of Green Snake who is absolutely free and easy.

As usual, the non-human hut will stay in this world for a day or two. Lao Du and Guanyin Master go to Lingshan as a guest, but Lu Zhengkang takes Qingningzi to play in Hangzhou together.

Qing Ningzi is always depressed. She has lost the company of her relatives and children. She complains that Lu Zhengkang is too ruthless. How can she let her children fall into the world? How can we be miserable in a childhood without parents?

Lu Zhengkang just shook his head, "That's a boy."

"How did you know?"

"Just now, he called me, and I heard his snort, like a boy."

"It's just nonsense, how can one know whether it is a man or a woman by listening to the sniff?"

Lu Zhengkang took her by the West Lake, "I just can hear it, just like I can hear your breathing."

This remark made Qing Ning Zisong somewhat slower, and his face gradually showed a smile.

They were walking on the side of the road, suddenly Fahai ran to Lu Zhengkang and adored them together, "Deer King, please help the little monk."

Lu Zhengkang knew what he was thinking, and Fahai had a passion for Xiaoqing, but he had been devoted to suppressing his seven passions all his life. This was a very contradictory and painful monk.

"What is your question?"

Fahai looked up and looked at Qing Ningzi next to Lu Zhengkang, so he said bluntly: "If I become a Buddha and be an ancestor, can I marry?"

Lu Zhengkang nodded, "Of course it is possible."

"So, those clear rules and precepts are all for us mortals, but can't they restrain the Buddhas?"

Lu Zhengkang was also very calm, "Yes."

Fahai closed his eyes, suffering from the collapse of faith, "Why?"

"Because Buddhas and Bodhisattvas all have love. Since you love the world, you can naturally love one person. Fahai, what do you think is practice?"

"There should be bodhicitta in practice, vajrayana, slashing of external demons, excluding internal evils, and courageous diligence. Only in this way can we attain immeasurable attainment."

Lu Zhengkang shook his head.

"Can the Bodhisattva speak frankly?"

"External demons can't be eliminated, internal evils can't be empty. You are in the sea of ​​suffering. You can't be empty, how can you see the Tathagata?"

"If I can be empty, can I become a Buddha?"

"Nor, no more than Luo Han Guo."

"Can Arhat marry a wife?"

"Since you love that Xiaoqing so much, just go find her, why are you so awkward?"

"Amitabha, the little monk still has to abide by the precepts." Fahai's expression was cold.

Qing Ningzi shook his head and smiled secretly.

Lu Zhengkang snorted, "If you want to see the bodhisattva status, I will show you what you can do. It all depends on you." He knotted his fist mark again.

Fahai was in chaos, stumbled, and plunged into the West Lake, splashing a lot of water.


Fahai's consciousness was clear, but his mana was lost, and he was mortal, about to drown. After the violent physical pain, his soul fell out, and his body fell into the bottom of the water, mixed in the mud, and the soul was still floating.

He felt in a daze that he was going to reincarnation.

There is nothing in the world after death, but he feels very transparent, as if the bottom of the bucket is empty, empty, empty, empty of worries, empty of desire, empty of attachment, such an empty world, he can't touch colors, touch There is no sound, no sense of smell, no Dharma, no clear rules and precepts.

This is the realm that Fahai has pursued all his life. He recites ten thousand sentences of the mighty heavenly dragon, and ten thousand sentences to the Prajna Buddhas have no realm of achievement.

The sixth ancestor Hui Neng has a verse, which is very famous. Many people will recite it silently after hearing it, and take it as the most reasonable saying. It is "Bodhi does not have a tree, and a mirror is not a platform. There is nothing in the beginning, where can the dust be caused." In this regard, the fifth ancestor Hongren's comment is only "There is no sex."

There are countless dust and endless troubles in the world. If you make yourself empty, you can be purified, but it also separates yourself from Mahayana Buddhism.

Fahai was in the air, feeling extremely relieved and joyful, he almost forgot to miss Xiaoqing. He is now an Arahant, who has cut off all his passions and freed his troubles. Arahant means killing the enemy, which means to kill troubles. Of course, he is also troubled by Xiaoqing's affection, and he has been killed.

He just asked the Bodhisattva, can Arhat marry a wife?

But he really became an Arhat, but he no longer wanted to marry a wife.

Since everything becomes empty, it is natural to go to reincarnation. The Arahant will not suffer from ignorance, and reincarnation can retain wisdom. As long as he reincarnates a lot, he may be able to achieve Ajidara Sanya Sanbodhi.

When he was dim in front of him, Yu Guang glanced around in the West Lake, the shadow of a green snake, even if there was no light, Fahai still saw her. He lost his voice: Xiaoqing!

There is no sound, Xiaoqing is cruising, happy and free, she is a carefree monster.

Fahai tried hard to move towards Xiaoqing, but gradually moved away. He came back to his senses that he was an Arahant, and he should have no such troubles. There should be no troubles. He stopped moving, but Xiao Qing came back.

The Xiaoqing in front of her, as before, Fahai asked her to stir her desires, but now, she is still there, but it is not annoying. What Fahai saw was and not Xiaoqing, so she was Xiaoqing.

Every man hopes that there are two women in his life: the white snake and the green snake. Fahai's eyes were not the one named Xiaoqing, but the existence of her own desire. She was real, flesh and blood, and beyond the existence of personal prejudice. Everyone sees others one-sidedly, even if he sees himself, he is one-sided. Only by removing prejudice can he respect and see.

Xiaoqing is cruising beside him, Bai Suzhen is cruising beside him, Xu Xian is cruising beside him, the monks of Jinshan Temple are cruising beside him, countless people, countless demons, cruising, they are the West Lake. Fahai fell into the West Lake. He felt that kind of invisible connection between sentient beings. What was that? Love? The mundane is like the sea, and the sea is endless. Don't be obsessed with the birth and death of the waves. The waves are also part of the sea, a hue of the sea. Dependent origination and death are like dream bubbles, everything is empty, and it can be seen that the Buddhas are all beings.

Fahai felt his own power. From this boundless love, he used the Buddhadharma as a boat, floated up, and ascended to the surface of the West Lake, where the sun was shining, and thousands of sails flew across the lake. Fahai laughed loudly, and on the boats, the Bodhisattvas and Buddhas also laughed at him. They crossed the water by boat, which carried boundless sentient beings.

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