Lu Zongping struggled: "Say it in advance, I'm only a trader, not a good one!"

He put his hands in his pockets, in the tune of a pioneer street artist, "My brother admires you very much. But he is embarrassed to say, let me pass it to you. He actually wants to make friends."

Lu Zongping thought for a while, "Paperis, he is really good. If you let me become friends with him, I will not refuse, but I hate this way of making friends in order to repay my gratitude. You can change your mind. Right."

He stared at the lazy bones in front of him. Lu Zongping has always ignored the fact that 彡斯 is a skeleton, because this guy is too human, and he gives the impression of a strange person. In fact, most monsters They are no different from human beings, even more cute because of their purity. Lu Zongping sincerely feels sorry for the creatures who are trapped underground in space and in the immutable life in time.

He thought it was time to move on, find the barrier, break the barrier, and then go to the human world.

But how do monsters live in harmony with humans?

As an absolutely disadvantaged group, if they live on the surface and live with humans, they may not be able to integrate into the community. Either they were expelled to the edge, or used as a tool, if they dared to resist, they might use their necks against human knees.

Lu Zongping's expression became more gloomy, and books gave him wisdom, and of course, it also gave him more worry. Although he is young, he is not naive.

He didn't know what the boy was thinking, he just felt that Lu Zongping was in a bad mood, so he became silent.

After a while, he turned his head to Grill Erby and said, "Let's have a glass of tomato sauce. The purity does not need to be too high."

The bar does not provide alcohol, because the grill will always ignite these liquids when pouring the wine. However, guests can bring their own drinks and store them at the bar. When they want to drink, ask the grill to bring the bottle over. .

What 彡斯 is depositing ketchup here. Mix water with tomato sauce.

He took the hot toasted glass from Grilled Erby and handed it to Lu Zongping, "Friend, have a glass?"

The boy took the tomato sauce mixed with water, the hot red liquid, the sweet and sour fragrance, and it was delicious. Lu Zongping took a sip, and it was indeed delicious, the taste of tomato soup.

"Can skeletons eat?"

彡斯 shrugged, "Yes, but you have to wash your clothes after meals."

Lu Zongping nodded, "Tell Papieris, I'm going to the east, through the waterfall and the hot zone, and reach the core, I will find the throne, find the barrier, and then break it."

彡斯 asked him, "Are you in a hurry? How about doing nothing but staying in Snow Town like me."

Skeleton didn’t say something, but in fact Lu Zongping also knew that monsters were hunting humans. Those royal guards obeyed the command of the monster king Esgor Zhumeng to kill every human that fell into the underground world and collect them. soul.

Lu Zongping is not afraid of any enemies, and he has long known the monsters' plans from a few words in the book-in the underground world, this is an open secret.

As long as the seven human souls are gathered, the barrier can be broken.

Lu Zongping is the seventh person to fall. Therefore, the stage of destiny was ready, and he was waiting for him to open the curtain, whether to completely crush the monsters' hope of freedom or help them break the barrier, all in his grasp. After so many days in Snow Town, he is really ready. He can deal with any enemy. He can not hurt others or himself. He can completely subdue opponents with his strength-the monsters’ minds are simple, once approved Without him, there will be no betrayal.

Lu Zongping likes the monsters around him very much. Although most of them are weird and not in his aesthetics, they have very good personalities, like a group of children who will not grow up.

"彡斯, I should go." The boy drank the tomato juice.

"But you haven't bought the clothes you like."

Lu Zongping became depressed again when he heard this.

彡斯 jumped down from the chair and patted the boy's arm, "Go and see your gift. It was given to you by a kid. I believe you will like it."

Lu Zongping was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't look back and left.

The gift, by the way, he deposited it with the librarian. This was the first gift he received after entering the monster world. Lu Zongping cherished it very much. He has been reluctant to take it apart, just like the last piece of candy in his pocket. Just get up and have a look, no need to take it apart to eat. Everything is most attractive when it is mysterious. The moment the candy is put in the mouth, it loses its true taste.

Since he was about to leave, Lu Zongping decided to take a look at the present.

The administrator made the voice of a kind old lady, "Human, ready to go?"

"Yes, it's time to go. I have been rusty for so many days in Snow Town. The real warrior will not stop because of the momentary ease. However, I am also very worried and continue to live in this beautiful place. , The light of dreams will fade."

"What are you talking about?" The administrator scratched his head.

Lu Zongping's face was stubborn. He missed him now. These words showed his personality charm. The administrator had a strange look. Sure enough, the so-called high-spirited and widowed men, like him, are like the lofty swan geese. How can they tell these laymen?

The administrator looked at the boy with a smirk in front of him, and couldn't help but worry, "Is this reading a book that broke my head?"

"Ahem, it's nothing, don't care, I'm going to open the gift." Lu Zongping tidied up his expression and slowly unzipped the gift box.

In the box is a small yellow knitted sweater for children.

Lu Zongping fell into a long silence...

There is a heart that pursues trends, and makes a broken sound.

Seeing this sweater, he knew who gave the gift. In Xuezhen, there is a little monster wearing the same sweater. He looks like a little a simple head, an orange skin, and a sweater with yellow and white stripes. Lu Zong tied this one.

Judging from the gift he gave, the monster kid knew that Lu Zongping was the roaring monster outside Snow Town. In other words, he is the voyeur.

Then how did you know that the child gave Lu Zongping a piece of clothing?

I don't understand, but Lu Zongping wouldn't wear this dress. It's too rustic. Even if you hit steel nails on it, you can't make it cool. He wouldn't be able to wear it to death.

He stored this sweater in the space-time box at the entrance of the town, and then left Snow Town, heading east from South Street, walking alone on the path to the waterfall.

There is a quiet underground river to the north, and rows of huge ice bricks float on the water and flow down the river-those are the ice cubes produced by the machine in Snow Town, and there are monsters responsible for throwing the ice cubes into the water. Obviously the ice machine is right next to the river, and it can be solved by pulling a conveyor belt directly, but it makes no sense to have people lift the ice cubes and throw them into the river.

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