Breaking the Day

Chapter 998: Life is like a feather and death is like smoke

"Hey, stop! You two brats, stop for Lao Tzu!!" On the street not far from the stadium, three figures were running fast.

Running ahead were two ragged, unkempt children with scars everywhere on their necks, hands and feet. They seemed to be only twelve or three years old. They were beggars everywhere in the streets of Shenjing.

Most of them are children abandoned by their parents. They were abandoned because their parents could not afford the cost of support and heavy taxes and taxes. Some lucky ones survived and wandered on the streets and grew up on the streets. Adopted by big and small gangs, they eventually become beggars, thieves, helpers, and even accomplices in the abduction of women, girls and children.

Of course, some of them are children abducted and stolen by these gangs. Some of them cannot be sold, and some are simply disabled and let them go to the streets to sell and beg. Some clever ones are trained to become gang members and ask the gang regularly every week. If you turn over your share, you will suffer severe beatings if you fail to do so.

These are the darkest and most evil corners that are deposited in this prosperous and powerful empire, and even the scorching sun cannot shine on these cold and remote places.

It is precisely because of such cruel exploitation that these children take risks in order to make money, and such a grand world number one fighting game is naturally their goal.

It's just that they didn't dare to steal the superior monks, so they only dared to hit the "helpers" and "buddies" and "horsemen".

Behind them, chasing them, it was the short helper who sold the report to Li Chengfeng who yelled loudly. When he ran, he broke off the string of copper coins he was wearing on his waist. Thousands of copper coins were scattered all over the place. There was a rush of people around.

The short helper is a poor man who has been afraid since he was young. Although he received a coin of Li Chengfeng's silver, he still refused to give up the scattered copper coins. He chased around frantically, staring at the two and grabbed a lot of them. After the beggars with copper money, the short helper immediately caught up to force the two beggars to return the money to themselves.

But the little beggar, who has great pressure to survive, is willing to hand over the money he grabs. The three chased and fled, and rushed out of the arena all the way.

Seeing the three people chasing and fleeing two streets, the short helper who was chasing saw that these two small miscellaneous hairs actually ran so fast, several times when they saw that they were about to catch it, they bowed their heads and dodged and dodged, slippery. It's almost like a loach.

The short helper ran out of breath, and gritted his teeth and shouted: "I recognize you!! Pojiao three, stinky stone! You can't run away!!!"

One of these two children was interrupted by a thief since childhood, so he walked with a little high and low feet. The other was an abandoned baby when he was picked up, and was thrown into the drain by his parents, except for a smelly and stinky There is nothing more of a hard stone.

The child who was running on high and low feet but not slow at all turned his head and shouted, "Dwarf Mao, you iron cock, how can we borrow this money from our little master! The children of the rivers and lakes have a friendship, your parents Didn't you teach you!"

This short, short-footed man was so angry that he was so angry: "You two bastards, don't let us catch it, otherwise, I will teach you to peel off!"

When the two little thieves ran to a crossroad, the two of them did not say a word, and they had a tacit understanding of each other and fled to the two alleys. For a while, they were embarrassed by the short-footed hairy, not knowing whether to chase the left one or the right one.

Duffy hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth, and chased him towards the high and low feet. After he hesitated, the high and low feet had already thrown him more than ten meters away, and Duffy Mao cursed: "Little Bunny is lame and runs very fast! "

This little thief with short feet quickly walked around a street with short feet hair, and when he saw that short feet hair had been chasing closer, he slammed into the side alley and got into a dark and narrow alley. Among them, Shortfoot Mao was already looking anxiously at this time. Whether he could chase the money back is still the second place. This tone is going out anyway!

But when he chased him to the corner of the hutong, he suddenly hit the corner, hitting his unsuspecting short-footed forehead firmly and knocking him to the ground.

Short-footed Mao threw his head up and fell down. For a while, he felt that the sky was spinning, and his head was dizzy. When he struggled to get up, shaking his head vigorously and looking forward, he saw that two little thieves had gathered together at this time, and quickly walked towards the alley. Flee deep.

At this time, Shortfoot Mao also understood that this must be the kid who had separated from the road and fled and detoured here to ambush him and let him get the shot!

Short feet Mao was very angry, and staggered to get up. He shook his head vigorously, and stumbled after him.

But after a few steps chased out, I suddenly heard a scream from these two little thieves, short feet and Mao was overjoyed, and said in his heart: Be a thieves all day long, today I finally got retribution! Hmph, let you two little **** steal my hard-earned money, uncle!

Shortfoot Mao covered the blood in the wound with one hand. The blood leaked from his fingers and he didn't notice it. He just staggered towards the corner. When he came to the corner, he was dizzy. He subconsciously held the corner of the wall, and then peeked out.

This time, Shortfoot Mao saw the scariest picture in his life.

He thought he grew up in a gang and grew up in gangs. He has seen many lynchings. He has also seen those inhumane thieves cut off the hands and feet of children, break their hamstrings, break their bones, and make them change. A terrible scene of disability.

However, none of this can compare to what he saw before his eyes.

The two children fell on the ground, shaking their heads and looking up at a blond man sitting in a wheelchair in front of them. The other child was floating in the air, his limbs trembling, and he was struggling but could not move at all. Behind the law-forbidden man stood a man with an extremely beautiful face, and at a glance, Short feet could recognize who these two men were.

This is not someone else, but the monk who is next to Li Chengfeng!

And sitting in the wheelchair is the puppet who won ten consecutive victories today!

This extremely beautiful man holds the handle of the wheelchair with his hollow eyes, like a mechanical doll, motionless, while the puppet sitting in the wheelchair slightly raises one hand, and the other hand is facing forward The child stretched out his hand, and he gently stroked it in the air, and the flesh and blood of the high-low-footed face was slightly sunken into a palm print, as if the real puppet had actually touched his face.

The real puppet smiled and said, "Today is your lucky day."

The puppet’s five fingers slightly closed, and his high and low feet immediately screamed and screamed, but as soon as his scream reached his throat, he saw the puppet’s fingers gently shook his mouth and made a silent gesture. The sound of high and low feet was blocked in his throat. He was trembling, and a gap began to crack from the top of his head. Blood poured out like spring water, and his entire skin began to fall off completely, as if he was sloughing off his clothes. , With only two fingers, high and low feet completed the "molding" in violent and crazy tremors, and a complete human skin fell from his ankle, leaving only a **** flesh man floating in the air. Blood is like rain, blood gathers into a river!

The other child was so frightened that he turned his head to escape with both hands and feet, but he was placed in place by the puppet when he ran two steps away.

Shortfooted Mao did not dare to look any more, and immediately retracted his head. He tightly covered his mouth with his hands, and his body was almost curled into a ball. There were waves of splashing water in the alleys next to him, if he didn't know it. When people hear it, they will think that someone is splashing water, but Shortfoot knows that this is the sound of another child being skinned on the spot, blood spurting on the ground...

Before long, the sound of water droplets on the street disappeared, and a gurgling wheelchair pushing sound came and drifted away. After the sound completely disappeared, the short foot hair was bold, trembling with tears and stretched out. Take a look.

But there was nothing on the street, no two human skins, no two **** corpses, no two terrible monks, and no blood like a stream.

All this seemed to be just his illusion. Those two children had no surnames or clan names. No one cared about their birth when they were born, and when they died, it seemed that they had never been in this world before.

They came to this world lightly like a feather, and like a burst of blue smoke, disappearing in this world in a flash.

No one cares, no one misses.

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