Breaking the Day

Chapter 902: The blind table misses the opportunity

Li Chengfeng didn’t know the origins of this female dealer, nor did she know her past, let alone why this magical mahjong magic weapon fell into her hands, and she actually left two more in her hands. .

Are these two pieces left out of her hands, or the original incomplete gambling equipment that fell into her hands?

Li Chengfeng couldn't understand it, but it didn't matter. The important thing was... he wanted to put together this whole set of magic mahjong tiles.

Yes, there are a total of 136 mahjong tiles, Li Chengfeng only has two, and the opponent has 134 in his hand, but he wants to make up a whole deck of tiles...

It's as if... I bought a pile of vinegar today. Whose home will give you some crabs?

But it is normal to have this kind of thought. This is the mind of practitioners to see the magic weapon that the top wants!

The two mahjong tiles "Hongzhong" and "Fa Cai" seem to be very common and can only be used as ordinary hidden weapons, but Li Chengfeng also realized their magical effects during the use.

First of all, it was very hard. When he faced the meteorite from Tongan City Heavenly General, he used these two magic cards to smash a huge and extremely hard meteorite without any damage.

The second is that these two magic cards can be controlled as you like, and they can move according to the master's mind and heart.

Even if the two cards are like this, if one hundred and thirty-six cards are collected, what magical effect can it produce?

Again, the two cards can only play hidden weapon effects, but if there are more cards, the combinations and tricks that can be played, just think about it, Li Chengfeng will be excited!

This kind of complex combination magic weapon can only be used for spear-type defense and angry wave attack in the hand of poor imagination, but in the hand of talented talent bursting with imagination, it can be extremely terrifying. effect.

In other words, this is a magic weapon with a very high lower limit and a very high upper limit!

If Li Chengfeng got it, once it showed its effect, he could not lose the Sunset Spear and Sky Breaking Sword!

But... how can I win this magic weapon from the opponent's hand?

Li Chengfeng thought quickly in his heart. He pretended to be proud of the female dealer in front of him and said, "You know, the bet right now is not one million taels, but two million taels of silver!"

Li Chengfeng said, pushing forward the bargaining chip that the maid had exchanged for.

Even if there are twelve red round chips, there are nearly two hundred chips together, and there are five thousand taels and one thousand taels of "medium" and "small" chips. They are piled together. Like a hill, it can give gamblers a strong sense of coercion at the gambling table.

Does anyone in the world dare to spend two million dollars at random?

Even practitioners dare not!

The casino is like a battlefield, wit and brave!

Li Chengfeng has never been in a casino since he was a child. He knows very well that the casino is really very similar to the fighting method. He also pays attention to three wins: victory by air, victory by wisdom and victory!

Qi victory naturally refers to aura, wisdom victory refers to a battle of wisdom to win, and potential victory refers to the general momentum accumulated by successive victories, which brings terrible psychological pressure to the opponent!

Dice is a kind of gambling that is easy to play. It relies more on psychological warfare and technology, but mahjong relies more on fighting and contesting between intelligence. This is a smart game. A cultivator of this level can easily get caught upright at the poker table purely by Chu Qian.

Because everything is spread out at the card table, in the eyes of the monk, the card pattern has almost no secrets. There is no dice cup to cover the line of sight, allowing Li Chengfeng to come out.

The female dealer smiled slightly, and she said: "Since Li Zhenren is also a fellow, if Li Zhenren can beat me, what will my magic weapon make you? This is always worth two million taels, right?"

At this time, Li Chengfeng's heart almost jumped out!

This is simply giving a pillow when you fall asleep, and pie when you are hungry!

Li Chengfeng was very excited, he smashed it, and quickly glanced at the mahjong tiles that have been built into the "Great Wall". He said: "A deck of 136 tiles, you only have one here. A hundred and thirty-four, two missing, it is not complete. An incomplete magic weapon is also worth two million taels of silver?"

The female dealer chuckled and said: "Mr. Li is so insightful. I can see that this deck is missing two cards at a glance. But Mr. Li, you should know that if this magic weapon can be put together, it is invaluable! Because it is missing two pieces, it will be taken to the gaming table as a bet..."

Li Chengfeng smiled and said: "It makes sense! Then how do you play?"

The female dealer smiled and said, "Zhuang does whatever it takes."

Double Mahjong has great limitations, because there are so many cards, how you play, what you play, and what the remaining cards are, smart people can even guess.

It is not like four-person mahjong, because there are two more people and the cards are scattered in the hands of four people, and the complexity of speculation and reasoning increases geometrically.

But double mahjong is about reasoning and calculation skills!

And if it is a monk like them, what they are fighting is the ability to use spells to create a thousand!

Li Chengfeng thought for a while, and said, "Then play the most ordinary."

The female dealer smiled. With a move, the pile of cards was automatically combined and moved on the card table, and the cards began to be automatically shuffled. Li Chengfeng stared at the table and began to concentrate on the battle state, compared with the previous laughter. At this time, Li Chengfeng is different!

Li Chengfeng had already mobilized his celestial power to the maximum at this time, and all the insect beetles in the entire Baixifang had become his eyes, and there were his "eyes" in every corner of the VIP Pavilion!

What kind of cards the opponent uses, what kind of cards they play, can completely fall into Li Chengfeng's eyes!

Li Chengfeng was very determined in his heart and relaxed inside, but he pretended to be very serious in appearance. This is also a kind of psychological warfare: tight outside and loose inside.

After the female dealer shuffled the cards, after laying the cards, she spread her hand and signaled Li Chengfeng to cut the cards. Li Chengfeng picked up the push ruler on the gaming table and cut the card stack ten times. Ensure relative fairness.

At this time, the mahjong tiles are all facing away from everyone. No one knows how the tiles are arranged, but the dealer is different. The master shuffle can control the tiles they want in the deck through technology when it seems arbitrary. Once you draw the card, you can get the card you want smoothly.

Therefore, Li Chengfeng cut the cards many times in order to disrupt the opponent's chances that he would have already made a thousand cards when the cards were laid.

Li Chengfeng looked directly at the female dealer in front of him, without gazing at the beauty of her body, and the female dealer also stared directly at Li Chengfeng, and the two began to draw cards quickly and skillfully.

But... To everyone's surprise, the two of them invariably did not put the cards upright after drawing the cards, but they were all held on the table.

Blind typing!

If it were not for the extreme confidence in your own technology, it would never be the case!

Han Tianxing widened his eyes and whispered, "Why don't they...why don't they turn over the cards?"

Zhao Xiaobao also whispered: "In order not to reveal his card type, they are afraid that the other party will peek at their cards!"

Li Chengfeng saw that the opponent also chose blind hitting. He immediately knew that his initial plan was bankrupt, and he had to make a new plan, otherwise this game had no chance of winning!

No matter how he fights his skills and intelligence, he can't beat this kind of professional master who has been immersed in gambling for many years.

Therefore, he must win by surprise!

The female dealer didn't even look at the fourteen cards she had placed in front of her, as if she had a see-through eye, and shot out the fifth of them. Before opening it, she opened her lips lightly: "Ten thousand!"

Li Chengfeng smiled slightly, and while touching the cards, he played out and said, "Three barrels..."

While he was talking, countless extremely tiny insect beetles were crawling quickly along the gaps in the blanket on the tabletop. This was the smallest insect beetle that Li Chengfeng could control, named: caterpillar.

This kind of insect is almost hard to see with the naked eye. When it is lying on its stomach, normal people can't see them at all.

And this kind of bug has a very unique feature, that is...Although they are small, they have very strong gnawing ability!

The reason why Li Chengfeng was able to play six sevens was that this caterpillar got into the dice cup through the tiny gap in the gambling table blanket, and then quietly gnawed the six numbers on the dice surface. Drop it, and then bite out a seven-digit surface.

In the same way, the opponent buckles the card on the table, it looks like it is invisible on the surface, but if you sneak under the blanket of the gaming table, you can see the card type buckled on the table through the gap.

These countless caterpillars went through the gap and came to the bottom of this magic weapon. He looked up, but Li Chengfeng's heart sank suddenly: because he found that the opponent's mahjong tiles were actually wrapped in a thick dark fog, what did he I can't see it either!

And... Li Chengfeng also quickly discovered that this caterpillar can't eat this magic weapon. After all... they can eat hard objects, but they can't do anything about it.

It seems... the other party seems to be very preventive!

Can't see the card, can't change the card! Then... Can you just fight hard?

Li Chengfeng quickly figured out how to deal with it.


Wisdom teeth have been inflamed recently, and the pain is severe. Yesterday, the pain made my head dizzy. I can’t write anything, sorry~~

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