Breaking the Day

Chapter 917: Broken tip hairpin

For the vast majority of monks in the world, a top illusionist can be said to be their natural enemy, because when the real top illusionist spells, when he creates the illusion, and what kind of illusion he creates, it is impossible to guard against. And they are very good at peeping at the weakness of human nature, very good at finding the psychological weakness of a stranger.

Of course, Su Yuehan had never seen these disciples of Star City Gate, and she naturally didn't know what the other party's psychological weakness was.

The reason why Zhou Ling is not Su Yuehan’s opponent, and even the Nine Nether Kings will be attacked in a short time, because Su Yuehan knows the weaknesses in the opponent’s heart, or what their respective obsessions are, so although they are extremely powerful, Su Yuehan There is still a way to get them to be hit in a short time.

As for the disciples of Star City Gate, although Su Yuehan didn't know their weakness, she knew that one thing was the nightmare in the hearts of almost all practitioners in the world...

That is... Nine Nether King!

A slightly older monk even participated in the extremely **** and tragic battle of Nine Plains in Jiuyuan. The **** horror of that battle greatly shocked the world of spiritual practice, and realized that the Nine Nether King is more terrifying than the demon King Sun Heluo. The presence!

Therefore, Da Qi would launch an attack on Jiuyuan every time. The purpose was not to attack Jiuyou, but to weaken Jiuyou's strength.

Because Da Qi organized three battles to attack Jiuyou. At that time, the practice world and the Daqi court jointly launched a fierce attack on Jiuyou, but when they reached the deepest Red Lotus Nine Prison, they encountered the true body of Jiuyou Hades, and The endless tide of monsters and beasts counterattacked. In that battle, all the five masters of the top ten masters in the world played. Five people fought against the Nine Nether King. All they could do was crush his real body, but what they paid But it was the three people who were seriously injured, their cultivation base was greatly reduced, one was completely destroyed on the spot, and the other was not able to retreat after returning.

As a result, the right path of spiritual practice has almost been devastated!

Although this battle achieved great results, it almost bankrupted Nine Nether King's plan to destroy the world, but the price paid was extremely terrible!

As the five masters of the top ten masters in the world have fallen, or become disabled, or retreat, the right path has fallen into an unprecedented low, so the top ten monsters have begun to rise!

Afterwards, the spiritual world realized that they could not eradicate the Nine Nether Kings at all, or that they had been frightened in the battle with the Nine Nether Kings, and since then they have never fully participated in the Nine Nether Wars.

And this Nine Plains War was recorded by almost every school, some recorded images at the time, some recorded texts at the time, various battlefield battle reports were so full of sweat, they practiced to the Star City gate disciples and their disciples for a long time. Men, the Battle of the Nine Plains is a well-known battle they are familiar with, and the Nine Nether King is also the terrifying devil they talk about.

Fighting the world's top five masters alone, and destroying almost all of them!

What a terrifying strength this is!

Therefore, when the Nine Nether King appeared in front of them, almost all of these Star City gate disciples were shocked, and they had no idea of ​​confronting them!

It's not that they are not strong enough, but that this coercion and terrifying demon is so strong that they are suffocated, making them have no idea to doubt!

Because... they haven't really faced a top illusionist!

The top illusionist has the ability to make the subject feel that everything they see and feel is real!

But... Su Yuehan did not expect that there was a natural enemy of the illusionist here! That is Chong Mijing, who is holding the Huali Liuli lamp!

If the Huarui Glazed Lamp is in Dao Tuming's hands, Su Yuehan can also directly attack the opponent's mind with powerful illusion, even if he sees the truth, he can bias and interfere with his judgment.

But... Chong Mijing is an extremely rare person in the world who is born with no emotions. She has never laughed or been angry since she was a child. She is just like her appearance, cold as an iceberg, and cold as a mountain in her heart. Do not move, the sun will not melt!

Moreover, according to her own personality, the spells she practiced is also a heart-to-heart determination. The mind of a person who has cultivated to the top will become as strong as a god. Almost all human emotions will leave her. This kind of person naturally cannot be in the mind. There are any weak spots on it.

Such an opponent, naturally Kesu Yuehan!

After the powerful golden light erupted from Chong Mijing, almost everything around was dispersed clean. These Star City gate disciples suddenly discovered that the surrounding area was bright, the cracks on the ground disappeared instantly, and the terrifying Nine Nether King’s The vertical pupil staring also dissipated in the air, and the terrifying beast tide dissipated like smoke, and nothing... seemed to have happened.

Only Dao Tuming is very deep in the illusion, he froze in place alone, his eyes bulging, and there was saliva flowing from the corners of his teeth without knowing it.

Next to him, a rejuvenated junior came forward and supported him. He did not respond after calling twice. He only felt that the tentacles were extremely stiff. His whole body was like a tight muscle turned into a stone. His eyes were hollow, as if Without the soul.

"Brother! What's wrong with you, brother!" These juniors shook Tao Tuming, turned their heads angrily to look at Chong Mijing, and then cast their eyes on the pretty girl standing in front of the carriage and protecting a little girl with her body. .

This girl looked beautiful, soft and weak, and seemed to have nothing to do with the word demon, but when all of them looked at this girl, they looked at the most terrifying devil in the world!

At this time, they all understood. They had been silently hit by the illusion just now. No one knew when the illusion was activated, where it was activated, and how they were hit!

If it weren't for Chong Mijing to restrain the girl in front of her, their Star City Gate and his party... would be wiped out!

"Senior Sister, kill this evildoer!!" The petite woman stepped forward to shout to Chong Mijing.

Chong Mijing glanced up and down, and said coldly: "There is only one with such a powerful demon power and such a powerful illusion! You are a thousand-faced demon!"

This person is not someone else, naturally it is Su Yuehan. She glanced at Chongmijing, no illusion was seen, she fell into a panic of snare, just touched Xiaozhu’s hair, and said noncommittal to Chongmijing: Go, she will follow too, but she is just an innocent girl I rescued from Taiyang, don't hurt her..."

The little junior girl stared at Su Yuehan with a sneer and said: "You, a wicked demon with a thousand faces, will also save people? Hugh is so clever, wagging and begging for your life!

Little Zhuzi was shocked, and quickly rushed out to stand in front of Su Yuehan, and shouted angrily: "You bad guys! You are not allowed to hurt Sister Yuehan!!"

Su Yuehan felt warm in her heart and pulled her behind her, smiling calmly and said to Chong Mijing: "You don't hurt her, otherwise, including you, none of you can leave alive! Believe me, if I am desperate, I can do it. of!"

Chong Mijing stared at Su Yuehan for a deep look, she nodded slowly, and said: "You don't want to play tricks! These illusions of yours are useless to me! As long as you play tricks, Don't blame my ruthless men!"

Su Yuehan smiled slightly, did not speak, just picked up the little bamboo, and then said to the proprietress who shivered and hid in the carriage and refused to come out: "Are you going to go with us?"

The proprietress hesitated inside for a while, but followed out timidly.

Chong Mijing glanced at her and didn't say anything. In her eyes, all illusions were like floating clouds, and they couldn't cover her eyes at all, and she was not afraid of Su Yuehan making a ghost.

The other people at Star City Gate stared at Su Yuehan as if they were facing an enemy, and then surrounded her, Xiao Zhuo and the boss’s wife tightly. The group pinched a finger and set up a flying circle, and they immediately jumped in. Rise, fly away.

But what none of them noticed was that on the ground where Su Yuehan had left, there was an extremely small, unremarkable hairpin that was cut off and fell to the ground, a silver light flashed slightly.

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