Breaking the Day

Chapter 922: Unpredictable

"This is the Thousand Faces Demon?" The fourth prince Zhao Liexian looked far away at Su Yuehan, who was kept in a courtyard of Huangzhuang on the outskirts of Beijing.

In his impression, the Thousand Faces Demon is a monster that can be ever-changing, with blue-faced fangs, fangs and claws, but now, Su Yuehan in front of him is no different from an ordinary girl next door.

Wearing a bright yellow gown, her hair that is neither long nor short is simply pulled up in a bun. She has an extremely delicate appearance, which gives people a very comfortable feeling at first glance, and the more I look at it, the more I want to see it.

As a prince, Zhao Lie was naturally beautiful around him. He had seen all kinds of beautiful women, but for the first time he saw a woman who was pure as jasper and beautiful as a green lotus.

Especially even though she was a prisoner, she was not afraid or even panicked at all. Instead, she took the beautiful little doll and sat quietly in the courtyard, looking up at the ginkgo tree above her head.

This ginkgo tree is huge, like a huge open umbrella, and also like a huge pavilion. Although it is severe winter, the frosted ginkgo leaves gradually wither, and yellow leaves fall in the north wind, laying the ground. A layer of golden carpet was put on, but it still did not detract from its splendor and majesty. It stood upright in the courtyard, with no flowers around it, only it was completely aloof and standing alone.

When the cold wind blows, the yellow leaves falling from the trees are entangled with the falling leaves blowing on the ground. They dance and circle around them. For a time, there is a colorful and radiant beauty.

Zhao Lie first glanced suspiciously at Chong Mijing next to him. He only felt that in this silver-clad, yellow-leaf world, this Jurchen’s skin was really white and dazzlingly reflective, like someone just caught from the water. The polished porcelain vase that came out made him a bit dazzling.

Zhao Liexian looked down on Li Chengfeng very much. Because of his natural political stance, this made many schools of practice approach him and have deep personal relationships with him.

Among them, the Star City Gate is the closest sect to the Four Princes. The two sides have been together for more than ten years. He has known Chong Mijing for more than ten years. He knows the character and strength of this woman well. You can see Su Yuehan Later, I couldn't help but ask such a sentence.

Because... Su Yuehan is too far apart from her "Hehe Demon Name"!

Chong Mijing said lightly: "Your Highness, do you know why people are fragile?"

Zhao Lie thought for a while and said, "Because people will grow old, sick and die!"

Chong Mijing shook her head and said, "No, because people are easily confused by their own eyes and confused by their own ears. You see she is a beautiful woman, she is very pitiful, but I think she is pink and white. Demon!"

Zhao Lie was so charming at first, but he was not a hungry ghost in the color. After being startled by Su Yuehan's appearance, he immediately returned to normal. He smiled and said, "I just didn't expect the Thousand Faced Demon to look like this..."

Chong Mijing went on to say: "His Royal Highness, do not approach this courtyard. I set up a magic circle in this courtyard so that she can't perform illusion and witchcraft. But if your Highness enters the magic circle, you won't be able to keep your highness. "

Zhao Lie first asked curiously: "In addition to the ever-changing monsters, what else is so powerful about this monster?"

Chong Mi Jing said: "This demon is very good at deceiving people's hearts, and the illusion skills are even more accomplished. Even major practitioners will be recruited inadvertently, and they don't even know whether they are in an illusion or in the real. False and false are difficult to distinguish. Eventually, the mind will be defeated, and the mind will be mad at the slightest time, and the devil is at the worst!"

Zhao Lie fought a cold war first, and sighed: "You monks are really terrible..."

Chong Mijing glanced at Zhao Lie meaningfully and said, "No, what is really terrifying is the human heart! The monk is evil, and it is a disaster, but if the human heart is evil, no one can stop him except himself!"

Zhao Liexian didn't seem to have heard the deep meaning of her words. He sighed: "Yes, although monks are strong, they have desires in order to become strong, and they know what he wants to do. But some people, Unpredictable and unpredictable, you don't know what his desire is, what he wants to do, what he wants to take, there is no way to guess..."

Chong Mijing was stunned for a moment. She took a deep look at Zhao Lie first, then nodded, and said, "Then let me leave first. Your Highness, remember, don't go near this courtyard!"

After that, Chong Mijing turned her head and left. As she walked through the courtyard, she couldn't help but glance back at Zhao Liexian slightly, and saw him standing with her hand in hand, still standing condescendingly on the rockery pavilion looking at Su Yuehan who was under house arrest in the courtyard.

But when he looked more closely, he found that although he was looking at Su Yuehan, his brows were frowning, and there seemed to be such an unsolvable distress and annoyance between his brows.

Chong Mijing secretly said in her heart: Could it be... not him?

Chong Mijing is not stupid. As Li Chengfeng can infer things, how can she not guess one or two?

The biggest suspect of the instigator of the Taiyang tragedy is most likely the Fourth Prince!

Although Chong Mijing has practiced so much that she is about to lose her seven emotions and six desires, she has notions of right and wrong of good and evil, because this is what her master has instilled in her since she was a child.

Although she is frosty, but she also knows chivalry, understands right and wrong, Taiyang is such a terrible massacre, although she is not surprised, not sad, not angry because of the practice of the practice, but she knows this is wrong, she wants to find The real culprit in this matter!

Catch the Thousand Faced Demon Su Yuehan, this is just a convenient move, and catch the biggest suspect back first.

After all, she can only solve the case, but not the case.

With suspicion, Chong Mijing tried Zhao Liexian's place, but she was keenly aware that Zhao Liexian seemed to have sent it to him, but who did he send it to?


Is the prince such a terrible person?

Or is there someone else?

If it wasn't Zhao Liexian who was behind the murder of the Taiyang Massacre, who would it be?

Who would do such a terrible thing that is infuriating between humans and gods?

What good will it do for him?

One after another question and mystery pounced like a wave, almost overwhelming Chong Mijing. At this time, how much she hopes that her pair of eyes can see through all false eyes and can see through all doubts!

Not long after she left, Zhao Liexian also left. After he left, a maidservant in the corner of the courtyard quietly threw a stone out of the wall by going to the toilet.

Then a team of patrolling guards passing by outside the wall quickly passed by. The guard who walked at the end inadvertently fell behind by two steps. After quickly looking around, he quietly picked up the stone by tying his shoes. Tucked into his boots.

After he had patrolled and reached no one's place, he took out the stones, and always took out a very small piece of paper in the gap between the stones, which said: Witnesses and prisoners of the Taiyang blood case were all in the hands of the Fourth Prince.

After reading this, the man kept quiet, walked out quickly, and quickly spread the news into the Prince's Mansion.

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