Breaking the Day

Chapter 925: Blood comes out of Jindan entrance

Entering the Water Moon Palace, Zhao Liexian and Zhao Hanqing could see that the emperor of Daqi, a huge empire, was leaning against the dragon bed. He was wearing a large yellow robe and his head was resting on the pillow beside the bed, on the side of the bed. An extremely beautiful woman is lazily erecting her black hair like a waterfall.

She was sitting in front of the dressing table, leaning on her side. Her extremely long black hair covered her face and couldn't see her appearance. However, her legs were intertwined, and a jade foot was exposed under the skirt, which was delicate and white. Like tender lotus root buds, the nails on the toes are crystal clear, and they seem to be able to fold out light.

This woman is the three thousand beauties in the harem, but she is the only favorite Ming concubine, she can be called the most beautiful woman in the world!

After Zhao Hanqing entered the palace, he saw Zhao Bairen leaning against the head of the bed. His face was pale, his skin was yellow and wrinkled, his eye sockets were sunken, his eye circles were dark, and he looked like he was over-indulgent.

Zhao Bairen leaned on the bed and yawned. After taking the ginseng soup brought by the maid and rinsing his mouth, he coughed dryly and said, "The third, fourth, is there something urgent to interrupt me at this time? "

Zhao Liexian and Zhao Hanqing immediately rushed to speak in unison. Zhao Liexian said: "Father, Taiyang has something serious! I have an unprecedented murderous murder since the founding of Qi!"

Zhao Hanqing said: "Father, there has been another murder in Taiyang! The people in the city were slaughtered, and almost all of the people in the city died!"

Zhao Bairen listened to each of them and couldn't help but stretched out his hand to stop the two of them: "Wait, you said separately, it's noisy, it makes my head hurt!" Then, he called the court lady next to him. wave.

The beautiful maid immediately understood, and brought up a jade plate with a silver plate on the jade plate and a brocade box in the silver plate. The maid brought it to Zhao Bairen. Zhao Bairen picked up the brocade box and took out one of the brocade boxes. A thumb-sized golden pill is then swallowed and taken with warm water.

After swallowing this golden pill, Zhao Bairen's face was obviously good, and an abnormal flush appeared on his pale face. Zhao Hanqing on the side could not help but admonish him: "Father, it is Yaosan. Divide poison, this kind of medicine for tiger and wolf should be used sparingly! Besides, this medicine is"

Zhao Bairen waved his hand disapprovingly, and said: "The third child, you are the prince of the state government. First, what happened? What happened to Taiyang? Why can't I stop one day? This emperor is really too serious. Feel the taste!"

Zhao Hanqing sullen his face and said: "The medicine offered at the altar of the Ministry of Rites is not necessarily a panacea, otherwise, why does the body and bones of the father's body look deteriorating? Father, the identity of the altar of the Ministry of Rites is strange and its origin is unknown. ! Father Huanglong's body is related to the safety of Sheji, so we must not take it lightly!"

In the past ten years, Zhao Bairen had not heard such admonitions and complaints 10,000 times, but also 8,000 times. If it was someone else, he would have been furious and beat him out of the palace.

But it was the prince who said this. He also had to resist his temper, waved his hand, and said: "My body and bones, I know it very well! Let's not talk about this, let's talk about Taiyang!"

Zhao Hanqing had no choice but to say again: "According to the 800-mile urgent letter received, another terrible murder occurred in Taiyang. This time the people of Taiyang were slaughtered and the remaining people...have been killed!"

At this point, Zhao Hanqing could not help but choked up, his eyes flushed.

Zhao Bairen was taken aback: "Ah? This happened? Why is it so?"

Zhao Liexian on the side immediately sneered and said, "His Royal Highness seems to be unclear!"

Zhao Hanqing immediately glared at Zhao Liexian: "Zhao Liexian, don't go too far!!"

Zhao Lie first replied without showing any weakness: "Prince, don't be too arrogant! This is Yuqian, you are not the emperor yet!"

Seeing that the two brothers were diametrically opposed, sparks were shooting everywhere, Zhao Bairen immediately said: "Oh, why are you arguing again? How well are you like this!"

Zhao Hanqing and Zhao Liexian immediately knelt down at the same time to plead guilty: "My son is rude, please forgive me!"

Zhao Bairen asked with a solemn expression: "The third child, you are the prince of the prison, and you once ruled Taiyang. What is going on with Taiyang? Why does this happen again?"

Zhao Hanqing said: "Father, this case is under investigation at this time, but what the children know is that this is a long-planned massacre with ulterior motives!"

Zhao Bai couldn't help but said, "For what? Who did it?"

Zhao Hanqing has a special identity and an old-fashioned personality. At this time, even if he believes that Zhao Lie first instigated this incident, he could not accuse his other son in front of the emperor for planning the massacre without evidence. The culprit!

But Zhao Lie is different first. Compared with the strong prince, the weaker he does not have these scruples. Therefore, he sneered on the side: "Father, my son has learned some news!"

Zhao Bairen said, "Talk about it."

Zhao Lie first said: "The son learned that this **** case was made by the prefect Li Tian!"

Zhao Hanqing immediately said angrily: "King Ping! Now the case is unknown, what is your intention for such slanderous rhetoric!"

Zhao Lie first sneered and said, "Sorry? As far as the king knew, a few days before the murder, the prefect Li Tian had issued a ban on the city, prohibiting anyone from entering or leaving! Why did he issue such a weird order? Just because of that time. The Taiyang plague broke out again! In order to conceal his fault and avoid guilt, Li Tian ordered the city to be closed to prevent leakage of the news! Therefore, this led to this terrible Taiyang tragedy!"

Zhao Bairen was stunned and dumbfounded. As soon as he was about to speak, Zhao Liexian rushed and said, "However, this is not the end! After the people of Taiyang found themselves locked up in the city waiting for death, they began to organize escapes, but when they escaped , But was brutally slaughtered! Almost all the people in the city were killed!"

Zhao Hanqing stared at Zhao Liexian, and he sneered: "Ping King! How did you know such details? Could it be a thief calling to catch a thief?"

Zhao Lie first sneered: "Because I found the witnesses who survived this **** murder! And one of them is still the suspect involved in the case!"

Zhao Hanqing was furious, and said: "King Ping! Good method! What a good method! So soon after the incident, you have all the evidence and evidence? Hmph, I think it must be the people who found it casually!"

Zhao Liexian sketched a sly and triumphant smile at the corner of his mouth, and said, "On the contrary! This person is both a party and a witness! Because this person is the master Ji Chen next to the prefect Li Tian! He has seen all this with his own eyes and is willing to go to court. Make a confession!"

Zhao Hanqing froze in place instantly. He stared at Zhao Liexian, his eyes showed extremely strong anger. If he had doubts and speculations before, at this time, he had already determined that the whole Taiyang murder was his own. It was made by this brother!

Zhao Hanqing gritted his teeth and said: "Do you want to be the prince like that? In order to compete for this position, you even killed so many innocent people?"

Zhao Lie first said coldly: "His Royal Highness, these words are serious! The crown prince is chosen by the emperor, how can someone easily decide what they say and do? Besides, this king does it. Right, sit firmly, why do you need to do something that hurts the heavens and peace? His Royal Highness, why are you so annoyed and ruined to blame the king? Is it a guilty conscience, the thief shouts to catch the thief?"

Zhao Hanqing was furious, his forehead blue veins violent, and he roared loudly: "You speak these words in front of the people who died in Taiyang!!! Look into their eyes and tell them!!!"

Zhao Liexian also said angrily: "Why not! You are looking for them!!"

Zhao Hanqing was furious, almost crushing his teeth. Seeing that the two were about to go on a full martial arts trip, they suddenly heard the concubine Ming's horrified cry: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty! Your Majesty, what's wrong with you, Your Majesty!!"

The two of them were startled, and when they turned their heads to look, they saw that Zhao Bairen had fallen slantingly on the side, and dark blood was flowing from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose...

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