Breaking the Day

Chapter 928: Suspicious clouds are looking for the real murderer

The cries in the Shuiyue Palace disturbed people's minds, but no one dared to speak. All the maids, eunuchs and guards watched their noses and noses, bowing their heads and pretending to be dead.

Only the big teapot squinted at Concubine Ming and said with a smile, "Oh, Concubine Ming's words are too much. Where is anyone bullying you here? Speak out, this altar is the first one to let him go!"

Concubine Ming cried and cried, but just grabbed Zhao Bairen's sleeves and didn't let go. When everyone was secretly upset in their hearts, there was a loud shout next to him: "Enough!"

Concubine Ming was so scared that her crying ceased. Everyone turned their heads and saw that Zhao Liexian's eyes were blood red, his fists clenched, his face flushed, and his eyes fixed on the red pill in the hands of the big teapot.

Zhao Lie stepped forward two steps, staring at the big teapot, gritted his teeth and said: "Zheng altar! Do you guarantee that your medicine will work?"

The big teapot smiled slightly, and asked, "Will King Ping make a joke with his head?"

The two looked at each other, one gaze was like a knife, panting like a cow, the other was like electricity, smiling calmly, after a while, Zhao Lie first turned his head and glanced at Prince Zhao Hanqing, he sneered and said: "Brother, I want to bet this one, what do you think?"

Zhao Hanqing was sweating on his back, and only felt that he had experienced so many winds and waves in this life, even if he encountered two demon snipers, he did not feel so embarrassed and struggling!

The current situation is that if he agrees, the pot will be thrown on him! When something goes wrong, Zhao Liexian can directly question the legitimacy of the prince’s succession to the prince’s throne, thereby creating waves and launching public opinion attacks and siege against the prince. At that time, once the waves are set off, what is waiting for Daqi is the split civil war. !

But if he disagrees, then he will be even more at risk!

What if the emperor came alive in case by any chance?

If the emperor really comes alive, then the medicine in the big teapot is useful! And what would Zhao Bairen think when he learned that his prince had stopped using medicine to treat him?

Is your prince eager for me to die quickly to inherit this position?

This is the prince who is famous for his loyalty and filial piety, and who is famous for his sage?

What era is this? This is the era where Haksan is filial first! Although a person is evil, if he is filial, he is especially good; if he is good, if he is not filial, he is especially evil!

If the prince is not filial, and no matter how good his name is, then he is not qualified to overcome the great unification!

All scholars in the world will stand up against him!

Therefore, for the prince, the best situation at the moment turned out to be: the emperor's old man should die immediately!

However, this again has a serious conflict with the Prince's benevolent and filial character!

For a moment, the prince thought of heaven and human beings fighting, and a demon seemed to come out, bewitching him desperately: This is a faint king! If he is in power, the situation in Daqi will be even worse! If it drags on for a few more years, if all the bad things are hard to come back, then everything will stop!

But there are some things that don't need the prince to really say it, everyone can see it instantly, because the prince hesitated at this moment!

Even the blind can see his struggle!

Zhao Lie immediately sneered and said, "Yes, after all, the third brother is waiting for the death of his father, how are you going to become the throne!"

This sentence is too cruel and cruel! So much so that the eunuchs, court ladies and guards in the hall looked terrified one by one, wishing to disappear immediately.

But...without an adult's order, who would dare to move halfway?

At this time, all of them lowered their heads, and the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath, and they could not wait for a crack in the ground to penetrate!

It is said that practice fighting is the most dangerous and unpredictable!

But how many people in the world know that the struggle between human heart and power in this palace is even more dangerous and terrifying!

A few light words can make people live and die!

When Zhao Hanqing heard this, he immediately reprimanded: "King Ping! What do you mean by this! If the father can wake up safely and is lonely and willing to eat fast and worship God forever, even if he does not want to be the prince, he is willing! You are in this moment of crisis. What is the intention here to sow discord and make irresponsible remarks!"

Zhao Lie first stared at Zhao Hanqing. He was like a gambler who came into the game with a sudden loss and had the last bargaining chip in his hand. He gritted his teeth and sneered: "Prince, what are your thoughts, you I know it best! This medicine, this king decided to let his father take it today! If you want to stop this king, you can listen to it! But don’t forget, I am a world of filial piety!!"

Zhao Hanqing's face was livid, and he said, "King Ping, you have also thought about it. After taking this medicine, it is good to save your majesty, but if you can't save your majesty, you are a sinner of Daqi, and you will be extinct from the royal family. In the world!"

Zhao Lie gritted his teeth and said with a grin: "Then it depends on who we are from the royal family and from the world!"

After finishing talking, Zhao Lie turned his head and fed the red pill to Emperor Zhao Bairen's mouth, and stuffed the pill in.

At this time, everyone was watching with straight eyes at the pill being stuffed in. The court lady immediately brought water. After Zhao Lie fed the water down, everyone was holding their breath and waiting for Zhao Bairen's reaction.

But the big teapot is confident on the side, but glances at everyone here with scrutiny and suspiciousness: Who is the one who poisoned your Majesty?

There are basically only a few people who can get close to your Majesty, but people who have the opportunity to be poisoned for a long time at close range and... silent... can count with one hand!

And the people with major suspicions... are basically here!

Prince, he is the most suspicious, because when the emperor died, he was the biggest beneficiary immediately! Will it be him? Is his filial piety, sage and virtue in disguise?

Four princes, he also seems to have suspicions, although the suspicion is the smallest, he cannot be completely ruled out! Because although this matter was legally unfavorable to him and put him in an absolute legally weakened position, it was precisely because of this absolute legally weakened that his suspicion was ruled out, giving him an absolute advantage in reason!

The most profitable prince is the biggest suspect, and the crown prince of an empire is surrounded by foreign enemies. As the biggest suspect of the slaying of the king, can he really ascend to the throne as he wishes?

Fang Yu, the foreman, and the head of all the royal doctors, he has true talents, but his personality is too cowardly and timid, and he can’t make a boring fart with three sticks on weekdays, and his family has a large population. Recently, he married Cardamom Years. His little concubine was when he was most favored. He had three sons and two daughters. Among them, he was like a jewel in his palm, and his love was like fate. This kind of is impossible to commit such a big case of ransacking the family.

Later, he moved his gaze to the chief eunuch, Huang Yougong, the old man in the palace. He has been with His Majesty for nearly forty years. It can be said that Emperor Zhao Bairen is the most trusted person in daily life, if he has the heart to kill the king. , Zhao Bairen would never live now. When he was asleep, Huang Yougong could take the emperor's life with a knife, why wait until now?

Finally... it's Concubine Ming.

The gaze of the big teapot gloomily looked at this beautiful and famous woman, who has been with the emperor for more than ten years... Is she a murderer? If she is the murderer, then why? What does she picture? Concubine Ming was an orphan. She was fostered in a relative's house since she was a child. After she was coveted by her uncle for her beauty, her aunt sent her to the palace in order to drive her away. By coincidence, the Emperor Zhao Bairen saw her. After being lucky, Zhao Bairen did this It was out of control.

This woman is the same as the chief **** Huang Gonggong, their wealth and life are tightly tied to Zhao Bairen, and they are both prosperous and prosperous.

If Zhao Bairen is dead, they will be cold and dead. Prince Zhao Hanqing seems to be gentle and wise, but he is also famous for his fierce and brutal treatment of treacherousness. When Zhao Hanqing becomes the throne, they must die without a place to be buried!

But if it wasn't Concubine Ming, who would it be?

Ah, yes, and myself, I seem to be the most suspicious person.

But my family knows about my family affairs, whether I have been poisoned, is it not clear to me? He is the one who needs Zhao Bairen to live the most!

So, who is the murderer! This person can poison the emperor under his eyelids, which shows that the scheming is extremely deep and the method is very good!

Who is this person... on earth? Will it be the prince... or the king of peace?

The eyes of the big teapot finally fell on Zhao Hanqing and Zhao Liexian, scanning back and forth.

But at this moment, there was a low soft moan from the side. Although this sound was slight, it was no different to everyone's ears, so Spring Thunder exploded!

This is Zhao Bairen's voice, he woke up!


I was busy outside yesterday, sorry...

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