Breaking the Day

Chapter 930: In danger and order to investigate the murder

Li Chengfeng, who hurried back to Shenjing, didn't expect that in just a few days after he left Shenjing, the situation was already changing!

Before leaving, the prince was still one of the most important figures at the core of Daqi's power, under one person and over ten thousand people, but when he returned, he had already become a prisoner and was trapped in the Changqiu Palace!

The abandonment of the prince is on the rise!

What is unique is that the four princes were also imprisoned together, and the charges are almost not far from that of the prince!

The four princes who were arrogant, powerful, and arrogant in the Shenjing suddenly became prisoners!

On the contrary, Zhao Feiyue, who was like a wild crane in idle clouds and wild cranes on weekdays, was driven from the shelves by ducks, and she turned into a princess of the country holding the jade seal of Zhen Guo!

This is the first time ever!

As soon as Li Chengfeng returned to Xie Fangyuan, he heard these thrilling things from Liu Sumei, and even Zhao Xiaobao and Han Tianxing were stunned.

Han Tianxing blurted out, "Brother, are you going to be implicated?"

Everyone knows that Li Chengfeng is a member of the Prince's line. If the Prince is unlucky, he will definitely be implicated!

Even sitting is a major feature of political cleansing!

Zhao Xiaobao rolled his eyes and said, "You forgot, the princess in power now belongs to our young master..."

Having said this, he suddenly found that Li Chengfeng was squinting at himself with bad eyesight. He shut up quickly, coughed dryly, and looked at the sky.

Li Chengfeng said to Liu Sumei and Xiaoling, "Where does the princess live now?"

Liu Sumei said: "Now that the princess has moved into the Wenhua Palace, she specifically told me, if you come back, let you see her immediately."

Although Li Chengfeng was anxious about the arrest of Su Yuehan and others, he was caught up with the prince's imprisonment and the changing circumstances of the capital. He had to suppress his eagerness to save people and rush to the palace first.

As everyone rode on horseback along the way, Zhao Xiaobao approached Li Chengfeng and said in a low voice, "Master, sister Yuehan...what should I do? Don't save people?"

Li Chengfeng's eyebrows furrowed and his heart burned. He whispered: "Save! Of course you must save! But... If Su Yuehan was captured by the Fourth Prince, and now the Fourth Prince is also imprisoned, it means that Su Yuehan is relative at this time. It’s safe. And, I always feel that these two things... are likely to be one thing..."

Han Tianxing listened carefully and couldn't help asking at this moment: "How could it be a thing?"

Li Chengfeng said: "If you think about it carefully, the emperor was assassinated immediately after the murder in Tai'an. Think about how many terrifying things happened in Daqi these days? First the Prince was assassinated, and then the Taiyang tragedy. Then the Daxing official in Shenjing was assassinated and killed, and then the emperor was poisoned and nearly survived..."

Han Tianxing shuddered: "Brother, do you mean that there is a black hand behind the scenes manipulating all this?"

Li Chengfeng said: "Yes! This series of things is definitely not accidental! The emperor imprisoned the two princes, indicating that he was also aware of the existence of this man behind the scenes, but he could not judge who the man behind it was. Now he can't trust him. The prince can't trust the four princes. He only trusts Yun and Princess Zhao Feiyue, who is not qualified to inherit the throne and at the same time detached from the world."

Several people were talking in low voices, and suddenly they heard a loud shout in front of them: "Who is coming, stop and dismount!"

Only then did Li Chengfeng raised his head and found that they had come to the west entrance of Shenwu Palace. Although it was not the main entrance of the imperial court, it was also heavily guarded.

The leader of the **** guards immediately stopped, and the surrounding **** guards pointed their bows and crossbows at them, one by one, like an enemy.

At this time, the Shenjing was like a barrel, everyone was so nervous to death, as long as another spark came in, I was afraid it would explode immediately.

Li Chengfeng these practitioners may not necessarily be blown to the sky, but they must be blown to pieces.

The headed Liu Sumei quickly raised Zhao Feiyue's jade pendant for her princess, and said: "I will wait for Fengyun and the princess' orders to meet in the palace."

The leader took a closer look at Yu Pei, and then released it after confirming that it was correct.

Li Chengfeng and the others passed through the long corridor of the city gate, watching the guards armed to the teeth line up in a row. After entering the palace, there were three steps and one post, five steps and one guard. The entire Shenwu Palace became a large barracks. !

After crossing a large square, a middle-aged **** hurriedly approached them, and shouted a dozen meters before him: "Is Jue Li in front of him?"

Li Chengfeng immediately bowed and said, "Exactly! I don't know the name of this grandfather?"

The middle-aged **** had a fat body and a fair complexion. As soon as he saw it, he stood here for a long time, shivering from the cold, and his eyebrows were covered with frost. He stamped his feet and said, "Oh, my Lord Li Jue. When is the time, don’t be polite and come with us!"

Seeing him turn around, Li Chengfeng walked quickly to lead the way. He and Liu Sumei, Xiao Lingdang, Zhao Xiaobao, and Han Tianxing walked forward quickly and followed to a palace that was remote and unique, with three floors of pavilions. A plaque hung on the lintel of the palace: Xianyun Palace.

Li Chengfeng could no longer take care of the surrounding scenery. He walked into the palace after being introduced by the eunuch.

As soon as I entered, I saw Zhao Feiyue sitting in front of the lobby, with one hand on his forehead and elbow on the counter, closing his eyes amidst the mountains of memorials and manuscripts.

Although Li Chengfeng was anxious, seeing Zhao Feiyue look like this, he couldn't help but laugh a little.

Zhao Feiyue immediately sensed his smile. She opened her eyes and saw Li Chengfeng at a glance. She was overjoyed and said: "Gong... Li Jue, are you finally back?"

Jue Li nodded slightly, and smiled: "How do you feel like holding power?"

Zhao Feiyue gave him an angry look and said, "Even you come to make fun of me."

As she said that, she turned her face away and said coldly to the middle-aged **** on the side: "Thanks for your hard work, go down."

The middle-aged **** smiled and said: "It is the blessing of the slaves and maidservants who can work for the princess." After he said, he bowed slightly and left, and quickly scanned Li before going out. Taking a look at the wind, he secretly said in his heart: The two are flirting and cursing, and His Royal Highness actually shows the air of a little girl, this is something that has never been seen! It is said that the princess and the Lord Li are secretly affectionate, privately set for life... Now it seems that Xu is true!

After the middle-aged **** retired, Zhao Feiyue coldly said to the surrounding court ladies and guards: "You all retreat too."

The headed mother said with some embarrassment: "Your Majesty once instructed to take good care of the princess, don't..."

Zhao Feiyue squinted at her, her eyes flashing like electricity: "Who can hurt me face-to-face under the sky?"

The mother was immediately horrified by the cold and murderous gaze and bowed her head. She felt like she had been punched in her heart, her chest was sore, and she was almost out of breath. Then she suddenly thought of the weak-looking woman in front of her. , Not only the noble princess of Daqi, but also the top major practitioner in the spiritual world!

After all these people went out, Zhao Feiyue's expression immediately became serious, and she said, "Li must help me!"

Li Chengfeng said without hesitation: "I have received a lot of favor from the princess, but I have a call to go through water and fire, and I will not hesitate!"

When Zhao Feiyue heard this, she was not happy at all, her eyes staring at Li Chengfeng were full of resentment, but Liu Sumei was aside and she couldn't tell.

Zhao Feiyue had to suppress the feeling in her heart, and said: "The third brother has been imprisoned, and his demise is right in front of him! You must help him, you must save him!"

Li Chengfeng nodded and said, "That's for sure! I believe that the prince is not a lunatic who kills kings and fathers. He will definitely not do such a thing!"

Zhao Feiyue said: "If the prince is abolished right now... the consequences are unimaginable. Da Qi is afraid that it will be over! The world will fall into chaos..."

Zhao Feiyue looked at Li Chengfeng scorchingly, her eyes full of fear and worry, only Li Chengfeng could understand her eyes.

Once the world becomes a hell, if Jiuzhongtian and the others can't go back...then they really have no place to stay!

Li Chengfeng said: "How can I save the prince out?"

Zhao Feiyue said: "My father ordered me to find out the case of poisoning and conspiracy, but I don't trust Sansi, Jing Zhaoyin and the people of Six Doors. I only trust you! So, I hope you can help me find out. Who is going to poison and seek rebellion!"

Li Chengfeng smiled secretly when he heard it. He didn't want to get involved in this political vortex, but it's fine now, but he is getting deeper and deeper!

There is less than half a month to fight the law meeting, and everyone else is intensively preparing for the practice, making the final sprint, and it is good for themselves, and they are deeply trapped in the quagmire of the power struggle and cannot extricate themselves!

As if he knew his difficulties, Zhao Feiyue took out a piece of jade pendant and said, "This is a jade pendant for general purpose. No one can stop you with this pendant in this shrine! Investigate the case as you like! And once the case becomes clear, I can call the shots in the palace and choose a top-grade magic weapon from the royal family's collection and give it to you. You have made such a great contribution, and no one can tell if it was not!"

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