Breaking the Day

Chapter 935: Illusion, blur, doubt

The sudden change stunned everyone!

The emperor's death is a major event in any dynasty!

What's more, the emperor is dying at this moment!

The prince was placed under house arrest, and the four princes were also placed under house arrest. The princess actually holds the power!

Although Zhao Feiyue was the princess that Emperor Zhao Bairen trusted and loved most, she was a woman after all!

How will the current situation evolve? Everyone looked at each other and panicked!

The older ones, recalling the terrible **** history of the change of imperial power in the past dynasties that they had heard from their predecessors, suddenly their legs trembled and the whole body trembled.

Concubine Ming's eyes widened, her face squeezed an extremely weird look, Li Chengfeng was even startled, she couldn't believe that such a complicated emotion suddenly flowed out of the face of such a beautiful woman.

Her face was distorted, as if she was suppressing a certain accumulated emotion, and then she made a oozing ho-ho sound in her throat, making it impossible to tell whether she was laughing or crying.

Immediately afterwards, she let out a very weird cry, hers suppressed in her throat: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty! Why... why did you leave your concubine?"

Concubine Ming immediately covered her face with her hands and cried loudly, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty!! Why would you have the heart to leave your concubine like this!!"

Concubine Ming was crying bitterly, tears streaming down her face, her previous beauty disappeared in an instant. At this time, she cried a few times and then burst into tears, trembling all over, lying on the ground, shaking her hairpin.

Li Chengfeng observed Concubine Ming with his face still, and said, "Concubine Ming, your Majesty wants you to die, but you don't hate him?"

Concubine Ming's cries gradually ceased, and she looked at Li Chengfeng with tears in her eyes, and said: "Everything about the concubine body is given by your majesty. Your majesty wants the concubine to go down with him..."

Concubine Ming looked up at the top of the palace, as if she could look straight through the roof. Seeing Zhao Bairen in the sky, she shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, concubine, come here to accompany you!"

With that, Concubine Ming jumped up, rushed towards the stone pillar next to her, lowered her head and slammed towards the stone pillar!

This time, quickly and hard, her head hit the stone pillar fiercely, and when she hit it, her head must instantly burst and splash!

However, when Concubine Ming closed her eyes and waited for her death, she suddenly found herself soft in front of her. When she opened her eyes again, she actually saw Li Chengfeng standing in front of her with her hands supporting herself with a smile on her face. Looked at her.

Concubine Ming was stunned for a moment, and looked around subconsciously, but saw that the eunuchs and court ladies all around were looking down at their noses and hearts, pretending that they hadn't seen anything.

Even the fat white **** next to him was embarrassed, he stopped talking.

Concubine Ming was blank, and said, "Concubine, isn't the concubine dead?"

Li Chengfeng said in amazement: "Why does Ming concubine seek death?"

Concubine Ming's face was sad, and she trembled: "Your Majesty has gone to immortality, and the concubine is left alone. What's the use? It's better to accompany your concubine to the west..."

After all, she was about to slam into the stone pillar again.

Li Chengfeng, who was on the side with quick eyes, stopped her, and Liu Sumei, who was on the side, lightly pressed her on her shoulder, and Concubine Ming felt that she could not move.

Li Chengfeng sullenly said to Concubine Ming solemnly and sternly: "Your Majesty's dragon body is healthy and everything is well, Ming Concubine, even if your Majesty pampers you, you must not presumptuously criticize your Majesty's safety! If this word reaches your majesty Inside, I'm afraid it will be used by those who are interested!"

Concubine Ming was stunned. She seemed to be unable to believe her ears, and her face twisted again: "Your Majesty, is he not dead?"

Li Chengfeng said with a sullen face: "I have said that your majesty's dragon body is healthy, why does Ming concubine curse your majesty repeatedly?"

Concubine Ming hurriedly waved her hand and said: "Concubine body, concubine body has just heard forty-five sounds in the palace..."

At this time, the fat **** immediately said: "Ming concubine speaks carefully! Your Majesty is well, don't talk nonsense!"

Concubine Ming was stunned, and she ate and said, "Daddy Lu, just didn't hear it at all? Just now, the concubine just heard it really!"

The fat **** named Grandpa Lu immediately said: "The slave and maid heard nothing. Only when I saw the concubine Ming, I suddenly became stunned, talking nonsense, and committing suicide..."

Concubine Ming stayed in place, unable to react for a while, her face was blank: "Why, how could this happen? Obviously... Obviously I heard it myself..."

Li Chengfeng smiled and said, "I think it's the concubine Ming who missed her majesty too much and had hallucinations, so she was shocked. Father Lu, you said death is not?"

When Grandpa Lu saw Li Chengfeng excuse his concubine Ming, he immediately nodded and said, "That's the way I want to come."

Li Chengfeng smiled and said to Concubine Ming: "Concubine Ming is not in good health, so she can rest well, and she won't disturb her anymore."

Concubine Ming was stunned: "No more investigations?"

Li Chengfeng smiled and said, "I've finished asking." After that, he said to Lu Gong: "Duke Lu, please lead the way?"

Grandpa Lu glanced at the **** who was making case records and living book records, and then nodded, leaving the Water Moon Palace with Li Chengfeng, Liu Sumei and others.

Before leaving, Li Chengfeng looked back at Concubine Ming, and saw that she was standing alone, motionless, as if possessed, her eyes were straight.

Li Chengfeng retracted his gaze. After leaving the Water Moon Palace, he and Lu Gong announced goodbye, and the little bell on the side said strangely: "Don't look, watch out that a villain accuses you of an indecent crime, you, a real man The reputation is bad!"

Li Chengfeng laughed dumbly, without a small bell, but looked at Liu Sumei and said, "What do you think?"

Liu Sumei pondered for a while, and said: "Judging from her reaction to the illusion, it seems that she did not cheat."

It turned out that everything that Concubine Ming had just seen and heard was the illusion that Liu Sumei set up when she quietly performed illusions, and this illusion was only aimed at Concubine Ming, causing her to have hallucinations, allowing Li Chengfeng to observe after the emperor's death. , How did Ming concubine react.

In fact, this is Li Chengfeng's method of handling the case. After all, he is not a professional public official. Compared with investigating and solving the case, Zheng Qiuyun, the number one arrester, will definitely throw Li Chengfeng a few blocks away.

Therefore, if the case is solved in a serious way, Li Chengfeng is afraid that he will not be able to find out the truth for a lifetime.

Therefore, he can only use his cultivator's ability and identity to find another way to do something.

After Liu Sumei finished speaking, she looked at Li Chengfeng and said, "Can the suspicion of Concubine Ming be ruled out now?"

Li Chengfeng smiled and shook his head: "No, on the contrary! I think it's bigger!"

Liu Sumei and others were all surprised. They saw that Concubine Ming's reaction after learning that Zhao Bairen died was to commit suicide immediately. This action instantly cleared the suspicion of Concubine Ming in their minds, but why did Li Chengfeng say her Is the suspicion bigger?

Little Bell wondered: "Where did you start?"

Li Chengfeng smiled slightly and said: "There are several doubts about Concubine Ming: First, when I asked when she entered the palace, she obviously had a nervous reaction of swallowing, shrinking pupils, and pinching her fingers subconsciously. This should have been The simplest question, why is she so nervous?"

"Second, when I asked what kind of clothes she likes to wear most, why did she suddenly talk a lot, as if she was deliberately trying to draw on this clothes?"

"Third, when I talked about the seven smells that I smelled, I deliberately said the wrong one, but Concubine Ming didn’t notice. Did she forget? Or did she deliberately ignore it? If she forgot? Why? She remembers the three flavors so clearly?"

"Fourth, the three flavors of spice she said... one, she was wrong!"

Little Bell wondered: "How do you know?"

Li Chengfeng smiled and said, "When I was in Baixifang, I used to put this kind of powder on the top gambling fairy Nan Yunyu. I had never heard of this kind of powder at the time, so I didn't say anything. Instead, I found the most famous powder shop in Beijing in private, and I found out that there is such a powder after inquiring. And its ingredients just happened to be inquired about. The shopkeeper knows that the ingredients are difficult to find, and ordinary people don’t know the proportions. , So they told me their raw materials generously."

Little Bell slapped her slap: "So, Concubine Ming really has a problem? What is the raw material she said wrong? It's poison, right!!!"

Little Bell's eyes widened in excitement!

Li Chengfeng smiled, shook his head and said, "No, that medicine is a thousand years of obsessive charm found in underground grottoes. Its effect is aphrodisiac and slightly hallucinogenic."

Little Bell wondered: "Then why did she hide her mistake?"

Li Chengfeng said with a hey: "Therefore, there are many suspicious points on Concubine Ming, but it is not suitable to chase her too tightly now. Let her go for a while and let her slow down. Let's visit our Four Highnesses first."

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