Breaking the Day

Chapter 937: Filial piety in the Changqiu Palace

In stark contrast to the Long Winter Palace, there are a large area of ​​plane trees planted outside the Long Autumn Palace. In the cold early spring, their leaves are withered, the trunks are bare and stretched in the cold wind, and the walls are painted with a warmer color. Brown, the wall tiles are dark brown and black.

After checking and entering the gate, I can also feel the forbidden law barrier here. Li Chengfeng did not come to the backyard and saw the person he was looking for this time. Instead, he saw the prince holding his hand and standing in the front yard when he entered the door. In the center, looking up at a huge locust tree blankly.

The locust tree is so huge that it has more than ten meters in circumference, and it takes six or seven big men to hold hands to surround it.

On the top of this locust tree, the original lush leaves have all withered and fallen, leaving only the huge trunk canopy. Although the canopy is not lush, you can still see how the tree was in its heyday from the huge canopy. Magnificent.

Li Chengfeng approached, and the prince tilted his head slightly. Although he still looked calm and calm, Li Chengfeng clearly saw his deep fatigue from his brows.

"Are you here?" The prince nodded towards Li Chengfeng.

Li Chengfeng said strangely: "His Royal Highness does not seem to be curious about the arrival of the ministers."

The prince smiled bitterly, and said: "The father was furious and imprisoned both the lone and the fourth brother, and transferred power to the younger sister. The younger sister is innocent and innocent. Although she is indifferent and reticent on weekdays, she is in her bones. If she is a man of temperament, she will definitely ask you for help and find a way to save the lonely person."

Li Chengfeng smiled and said, "The prince knows the princess's temperament very well."

The prince shook his head, and he sighed: "Brother Li Xian must have come to investigate the case. If you have any questions, just ask. I know everything I can say."

Li Chengfeng nodded and said, "I just act according to the rules, and I hope your Highness will understand."

Zhao Hanqing said, "But it doesn't hurt to ask."

Li Chengfeng said, "When does your Highness meet your Majesty on weekdays?"

Zhao Hanqing said: "If you are alone in the capital, you will go to the father to greet you every evening."

Li Chengfeng said again: "How long does it last?"

Zhao Hanqing said: "Almost half an hour at a time."

Li Chengfeng said: "The prince gave your Majesty a pair of thousand-year ginseng seven days ago, can you have this?"

Zhao Hanqing nodded and said, "That's true."

Li Chengfeng asked, "Why send it?"

Zhao Hanqing said: "The father is indulging in beauty, destroying the dragon body, seeing the shape and bones, becoming thinner, and being a son, see it in his eyes, and anxious in his heart. It is a pity that he is lonely and clumsy, unable to persuade. The emperor is far from the villain, abandons beauty, and is dedicated to governing the country and benefiting the common people. Therefore, he can only give a pair of ginseng. I hope that the emperor can think about it when he sees it. Even if he doesn't, he can help the emperor."

Li Chengfeng immediately asked: "Why did the prince give this medicine to your majesty's dragon body with a Fang Yu doctor and a big teapot? There is no shortage of ginseng for thousands of years."

Zhao Hanqing shook his head and said: "These thousand years of ginseng are different. This is a thousand years of red ginseng found from the north by an isolated person. It is extremely rare. There may not be three roots in the world, and there is no such thing as my Daqi Royal Medical Bank."

Li Chengfeng nodded, and said, "Dare to ask your Highness why there are no children?"

As soon as this sentence was finished, the **** who accompanied him and the **** who recorded were all taken aback, and the **** who accompanied him immediately said, "Jue Li, it's rude!"

Zhao Hanqing was taken aback, and then he smiled bitterly: "It's okay. Why is loneliness still childless? Alas... During a year of loneliness, most of the time is bumpy. It is not supervising the government, investigating the case, or visiting the people. So much time with the imperial concubine? And... the lonely is still young, don't ask for a child."

Li Chengfeng immediately turned around and asked, "I heard that Yu Doctor Fang had a good relationship with His Royal Highness?"

This sudden return shot caused the prince and the **** next to him to be stunned, unable to return for a while.

Zhao Hanqing quickly replied: "He has treated his beloved wife once and cured his wife's hidden illness for many years."

Li Chengfeng said again: "His Royal Highness seems to have a close relationship with His Majesty's Chief Guard?"

Zhao Hanqing was a little sweaty on his forehead, and he honestly replied: "The chief guard once saved Gu's life."

Li Chengfeng turned around again, kicking in the sky and kicking on the ground and asked: "His Royal Highness knows the regularity of the Ouchi guards' shifts?"

Zhao Hanqing immediately said, "I don't know."

Li Chengfeng said: "Then what is the order of duty for the eunuchs and court ladies?"

Zhao Hanqing said in sweat: "I don't know, and I have never inquired about it."

These questions asked by Li Chengfeng seem to be understated and light, but in fact everyone around them knows that these few words are murderous, because if they answer a little bit badly, they are accused of "watching on me". !

What does it mean to spy on me? Just keep inquiring about the emperor's daily life, the surrounding guards, and the rules of arrangement of the servants. Tell me, what does a prince want to do when inquiring about this?

This kind of crime is the most terrible, because it is difficult to prove it, but once it leaves such an impression in the emperor's heart, it is really "deep in my heart", and it is very difficult to stand up in this life.

Li Chengfeng once again rushed to ask: "You can find out below. Three days ago, Zuo Shi Lang Ning had inquired about the deployment of troops and the rotation of officers in the Jingcheng Shenbing Camp and Shenji Camp. Is this possible?"

Zhao Hanqing immediately replied: "Ning Tongyi is the left servant of the Ministry of War. It is common sense for him to ask about this."

Li Chengfeng said: "He is the Zuo Shi Lang of the Ministry of War, not the Imperial Guard of the Imperial Capital. The military power held by the Ministry of War does not overlap with the Imperial Forest Army. He is obviously arrogant. What is the picture?"

When asked about this, the eunuchs next to him all looked at Li Chengfeng in surprise. They didn't seem to understand: Didn't they all say that Li Jueye was the prince's person? Why is it so dangerous?

But only Zhao Hanqing knew it well. While he was full of horror, he had gratitude in his eyes, because he knew that only in this way could the emperor avoid thinking that they were shielding each other, and the prince would fall into deeper suspicion.

Zhao Hanqing replied with trepidation respectfully: "Because there was a madman who tried to assassinate Yugu, and then the strange case of the assassination of the big star official happened in the palace, and then there was another horrible poisoning conspiracy. This makes Ning Aiqing no longer trust Jingfang and Shenjing guards, and this is the case of arrogance."

Li Chengfeng was noncommittal, but continued to question: "Does your Highness feel resentful for the prince who has been for so many years?"

Zhao Hanqing immediately knelt down, and choked his head towards the emperor’s bedroom, saying: "As the saying goes, the emperor of heaven and earth, the emperor is like the sky, and the children are just children under the knees of the emperor. Your Majesty has treated his son like an eagle protecting a young bird, like an old licking a foal, everything that should be given to the child minister is given to the child minister, so the son can do a little bit under the wing of the father. If not, After the father, the son is nothing. The son is both the son of the father and the courtiers of the father. As the saying goes, if the king wants the minister to die, the minister has to die; the father wants the son to die, the son has to die!"

"Erchen's loyalty can reflect the sun and the moon. If there is a heart for rebellion, let him die with a thousand swords!"

Zhao Hanqing raised his head, crying out in tears, "Father!"

The little bell and others on the side looked unbearable, and the **** who was recording and supervising on the side couldn't help but exchange glances secretly.

Only then did they realize that Li Chengfeng's pressing questions were to clear up the suspicion for the prince and give him a chance to express his loyalty and filial piety.

Look at how big people are, this kind of ghost trick is so skillful!

No wonder Her Royal Highness can look down on him!

No wonder it's a dragon among people!

Li Chengfeng watched indifferently from the sidelines, and did not stop the prince from knocking his head desperately, because he knew that the harder the prince was, the safer he was.

Therefore, after more than a dozen blows, the prince was already bloodstained and fell on the ground and passed out into a coma.

The **** on the side hurriedly exclaimed: "It's okay! Your Highness has passed out! Come and pass the royal doctor!" After all, he gave Li Chengfeng angrily and said sharply: "Li Jue Lord, why are you so compelling!"

Li Chengfeng didn't move his face, he just smiled and said, "It's just doing your duty!"

After speaking, he said to Zhao Xiaobao and others next to him: "Let's go, the prince has already finished asking, it's time to visit the last person."

The most mysterious, hidden, and most powerful figure in the capital, the big teapot!

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