Breaking the Day

Chapter 940: Joy and Sorrow

Leaving the Temple of Anju, Li Chengfeng returned to the palace where Zhao Feiyue was staying. After Zhao Feiyue saw him stepping back for the first time, she greeted him and asked with concern: "Are there any gains?"

Li Chengfeng nodded, then shook his head: "Yes, the biggest suspect is still the concubine Ming, but I have no conclusive evidence."

Zhao Feiyue said: "What is the suspicion of Concubine Ming?"

After Li Chengfeng told Zhao Feiyue of the doubts he had summed up earlier, he said: "I have arranged some insect beetles in the Water Moon Palace. After observing Concubine Ming through them, what do you think she reacted to?"

Zhao Feiyue said: "Could it be that she is contacting privately and running around?"

Li Chengfeng shook his head and said: "On the contrary, she is very quiet, praying for your majesty in the room alone."

Zhao Feiyue said strangely: "What is suspicious then?"

Li Chengfeng said: "There is nothing suspicious, but...As far as I know, before we went, she had been making noises, full of panic and resentment, but why did she not make noises after I went there?"

Zhao Feiyue said: "Maybe... because after being cross-examined, my heart was settled?"

Li Chengfeng said hey, "Maybe, but why is she trembling slightly when she prays for blessing? Is she afraid of something? Or is she still in shock?"

Zhao Feiyue shook her head and said, "These are not evidence. The palace cannot be accused of unnecessarily accusing people."

Li Chengfeng sighed and sat down. He smiled bitterly: "This is not my strong point. Actually, I can be sure that Concubine Ming is very suspicious, but I used illusion techniques to test her and she reacted. But it makes me feel both surprised and strange."

"The surprise is that her attitude turned out to be suicide immediately! The strange thing is that... she was obviously in a state of emotional breakdown at the time, and her emotions were very complicated, and several emotions emerged at the same time, but she was suppressed. But I can see clearly!"

Zhao Feiyue wondered: "What emotion is it?"

Li Chengfeng looked back at Liu Sumei. Liu Sumei stepped forward and took out a jade bead. After a period of casting, the jade bead lit up by itself, and then the figure of the concubine appeared inside. This was exactly how she reacted after being caught in the illusion. And look.

The concubine Ming in the jade pearl had a very complicated expression on her face at the moment after hearing the news of the emperor's death.

Zhao Feiyue also saw clearly that at that moment, Concubine Ming's eyes widened, her pupils dilated rapidly, and there was a glow of ecstasy in her eyes. Her facial muscles pulled upwards and the corners of her mouth turned up. It was a smile!

But she quickly realized this, so she quickly managed her facial expressions, pulling her facial muscles down, and her mouth drooping quickly.

But at this moment, her muscles were squeezed together and twisted into a ball, so that weird and twisted expression appeared!

The moment Zhao Feiyue saw this expression, she actually got goose bumps and sucked in air!

Because she never thought that two completely different expressions could appear on a person's face so quickly in an instant, and it could be distorted into this!

Zhao Feiyue also instantly understood why Li Chengfeng concluded that there was a problem with Concubine Ming. She immediately turned to look at Li Chengfeng and said, "There is indeed a problem. Capture Concubine Ming immediately and interrogate again!!"

Li Chengfeng immediately shook his head and said: "No! If she is really a murderer, then this time she has been mentally prepared, and we will catch her for interrogation, and there will be no good results."

Zhao Feiyue gritted her teeth and said: "Why don't you let this **** get away with it?"

Li Chengfeng said: "No, everything is the source of everything. The first thing to understand is why she poisoned her to harm Your Majesty! And how she did it! As long as you figure out these two points, the case will be solved!"

Zhao Feiyue said: "How can I start?"

Li Chengfeng smiled and said, "Then I have to visit someone first."

Zhao Feiyue thought for a while, and when she understood, she said embarrassingly, "God catching Zheng Qiuyun?"

Li Chengfeng nodded, and said, "Yes, it seems that he must be the one who can do it right now."

Zhao Feiyue nodded and said, "Do you need me to invite him personally?"

Li Chengfeng smiled and said, "That's not necessary, I'll just go there."

Zhao Feiyue looked at Li Chengfeng with a gentle gaze, and whispered: "I just want to trouble you..."

Li Chengfeng said, "Did you find out about Su Yuehan?"

Zhao Feiyue's expression darkened, she shook her head, and said, "I went to see the fourth brother, he...he doesn't want to see me, and he doesn't want to talk to me. I can't directly ask him anything for the time being, but now I I am inquiring about news. As far as I know, after the second Taiyang tragedy broke out, the fourth brother had contact with the people at Star City Gate, and they soon left the Shenjing. Gao, not under me, and her cultivation method completely restrained Su Yuehan, it is very likely that Chong Mijing of the Star City Gate had captured it."

In Li Chengfeng's mind, the snow-white woman who was seen in the attic flashed by, he said: "Star City Gate...That's a bit troublesome, they are the deadly enemies of our Lingshan faction."

Zhao Feiyue said: "It's okay, I'll go running about this matter, you must first solve the case quickly. Because, as far as I know, there will be a terrible battle in the court tomorrow, and I can't suppress it! I'm afraid... Shenjing will lose control! Once Shenjing loses control and the prince is impeached and deposed, it is inevitable! The emperor can't keep him!"

Yes, who made the prince be the prince of Jianguo? When you were in prison, what happened for yourself?

Li Cheng was horrified by the wind, and his expression was solemn, and said, "I'll go to Zheng Qiuyun!"

Li Chengfeng didn't say much nonsense, and quickly bid farewell to Zhao Feiyue, and rushed to the home of the **** arrested Zheng Qiuyun.


On the other side, when Zheng Qiuyun returned home, he didn't say a word. First he took a bath and changed his clothes, then burned incense and lighted the lamp. After holding back his wife and man, he sat alone in the dark wing, facing the portrait of Zhao Bairen silently. daze.

Although Zhao Bairen is a faint emperor who can be recorded in the annals of history, for Zheng Qiuyun, he is an out-and-out "Ming Monarch."

It is precisely because of Zhao Bairen that he has the opportunity to re-examine the unjust cases of their Zheng family and let them stand up!

The incense and splendor of their Zheng family only continued!

Not only that, Zhao Bairen also gave him great trust, allowing him to inherit his father's once supreme honor: the world's number one catch!

It can be said that Zhao Bai endures his grace!

Zhao Bairen, as a faint lord, has taken the world, but he has not taken him to Zheng Qiuyun!

It is the so-called loyalty to the emperor.

Although Zheng Qiuyun is not a literati, he has a loyal heart!

While looking at the portrait of Zhao Bairen, Zheng Qiuyun had tears in his eyes for a while. He choked his head against the portrait and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the old minister is incompetent. This has caused your majesty to suffer such a catastrophe! The old minister is useless and cannot be obtained. The trust of the princess, the veteran in this world, except to solve the case, has nothing to do. As the saying goes, the Lord is worried about the minister, and the Lord is insulted to death, and the veteran is extremely ashamed. He can neither share his worries nor solve problems for his majesty. Damn it!"

After all, he banged his head.

After a while, he stood up with his black forehead, took out a white silk, stood on the chair tremblingly, threw the white silk across the beam, and slowly hit with a blank face. Finished the knot, then stuck his head in.

He stood on tiptoe and was about to kick over the stool under his feet, but suddenly heard a familiar voice shouting outside. It was the voice of his son Zheng Kedi: "Father! There are guests! Li Chengfeng Li Jue Lord is here!"

When Zheng Qiuyun heard this, his eyes widened and his heart was ecstatic. With this excitement, his feet slipped... he kicked the stool under his feet, and he was hung on the beam. For a moment, his hands were firmly grasped. With Bai Ling, his feet kicked wildly, his eyes burst out and his tongue stuck out in just a few moments.

Zheng Qiuyun heard the shouts of his son outside, and couldn't help screaming in joy and sorrow: Stupid thing, you come in!

However, Zheng Qiuyun's tutoring is extremely strict on weekdays. In the wing where he is, no one else dare to enter without his permission.

Zheng Qiuyun felt sorrow for a while: As the number one catcher in the world, the old man could not imagine that he would die like this! ?

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