Breaking the Day

Chapter 947: Broken Ginkgo Moon Huatian Fall

Late at night, in the suburbs of Beijing, Huangzhuang.

At night, several figures quickly came to a small mountain about two miles away from Huangzhuang in the suburbs of Beijing.

Li Chengfeng, Zhao Xiaobao, Han Tianxing, Liu Sumei, and Xiao Lingdang all dressed in black. They were hiding behind a bush in the mountain. Zhao Xiaobao took a look at the direction of the imperial house by the moonlight, but saw the night. This large imperial estate is like a swamp shrouded in black mist, and it is impossible to see any scene inside.

Zhao Xiaobao glanced at Li Chengfeng's rough charcoal topographic map of Huangzhuang again, and said, "Master, is this stuff reliable?"

Li Chengfeng said: "This is given by the prince. They have eyeliners in this imperial estate, and the princess has also seen it to confirm that the terrain is correct."

Liu Sumei looked at the brief map and said, "As far as we know, the survivors of the Su Yuehan and Taiyang tragedy were locked in this manor. This manor itself has a forbidden law, otherwise it would be impossible to get trapped. Live in Su Yuehan."

Li Chengfeng said: "We can't rush into it hard, any forbidden magic circle itself has the effect of resisting magic, and magical attacks will surely startle the snake. It is estimated that once the Star City Gate receives a warning, half of the time will definitely arrive here. !"

Zhao Xiaobao said: "Will there be masters guarding this manor?"

Little Bell immediately sneered and said, "You stupid pig! Where can a master lock himself in the forbidden magic circle? There is no difference between the practitioners in the forbidden magic circle and ordinary people. A samurai, he will be killed by this samurai without any suspense. Who would do such a stupid thing and throw himself to death?"

Zhao Xiaobao scratched his head and sneered: "Yes, it's also..."

Li Chengfeng said: "This forbidden magic circle cannot be breached from the outside, and can only find a way to breach it from the inside."

Little Bell was puzzled: "How do you break through from the inside?"

Li Chengfeng drew a circle around the imperial village with his fingers, and said: "The imperial village is surrounded by the forbidden magic circle. Any external spell attack on it will be invalid, but we can find a way to dig from the ground. Cave into the palace..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Ling Dang laughed again: "Lord Li, this is something you take for granted? The inner ground of the forbidden magic circle is also protected by the magic circle, and it is indestructible. It cannot be broken by your immortal power. ."

Li Chengfeng smiled slightly and said confidently: "No, there is a flaw in this circle."

Little Bell wondered: "What's the defect?"

Li Chengfeng said, "Look..." He clicked on a big tree roughly outlined with charcoal in the courtyard, and said, "This ginkgo tree is the biggest flaw!"

Little Bell was taken aback, and then she clapped her hands in praise: "Wonderful! I heard that this imperial mansion was built because there is a thousand-year-old ginkgo here. Every year the emperor will come here to cultivate. Because it is the place where the emperor wants to cultivate, so A forbidden magic circle was set up here. Later, in order to show his love for Zhao Liexian, Zhao Bairen gave this ginkgo villa to Zhao Liexian. But everyone did not expect that this thousand-year-old ginkgo was the biggest flaw in the entire forbidden magic circle. Loophole!"

Li Chengfeng said: "Yes, I will enter from the flaw of Ginkgo for a while, and then after destroying the whole circle, you immediately come in, and after controlling the backlash of the circle, we will leave immediately."

This is also the reason why Li Chengfeng let Liu Sumei and Xiao Lingdang come to help today. If they only bring people out of the circle, they don't need to take action. Li Chengfeng can rescue them by himself.

It can break a magic circle at the same time, it will immediately lead to the collapse of the magic circle. The moment the magic circle collapses, it will release an extremely terrifying mana backlash. This energy bursts out instantly and can even kill a master with a golden body!

Such a terrible backlash, not only will Su Yuehan and Xiao Zhuo be crushed and exploded into powder in an instant, even Li Chengfeng will definitely not be able to resist!

Li Chengfeng glanced at Liu Sumei and said, "Holy person Sumei, is there anything else I need to add?"

Liu Sumei shook her head and said, "No."

Li Chengfeng looked at Zhao Xiaobao and others with a solemn expression, and said: "For a while, the time left for us is at most half a stick of incense. After this time, the people at Star City Gate will definitely be here! So, for a while I Enter from the bottom of the manor, you and Tian Xing are in charge of the reception outside, and Madam Su Mei and Xiao Ling are responsible for controlling the backlash mana of the magic circle, do you understand?"

Everyone nodded, and Li Chengfeng took out the hourglass clock used for timekeeping from his arms, and said: "It is three quarters of the ugly hour. If nothing happens, I will break the formation in a quarter of an hour. Please pay attention!"

Everyone also took out their own hourglass clocks. After checking the time with each other, Li Chengfeng nodded to everyone. When he saw that he did not move, the ground under his feet began to tremble slightly, and then the ground under his feet began to change rapidly. It had to be soft, his entire ground began to collapse quickly, and his body sank quickly.

Zhao Xiaobao and the others retreated one after another, watching Li Chengfeng’s feet have countless flowers and trees growing rapidly and enveloping him, his body sank into the ground, and they could hear a rumbling. The sound was like a huge earthworm swallowing Li Chengfeng into his belly, and then he went underground.

In the Ginkgo Villa, Su Yuehan was still standing under the ginkgo tree at this time and staring at the ginkgo tree, she had been standing motionless here like a sculpture since the beginning of the night.

At first, some guards stared at Su Yuehan vigilantly, but after late at night, they all yawned and looked away, and even the little bamboo who had accompanied Su Yuehan at the beginning fell asleep in her arms.

I don’t know how long it took. Su Yuehan’s eyelids suddenly twitched. She looked around with the corner of her eyes in a very concealed manner. After seeing no guards around her, she was holding the sleeping little bamboo. Stepped back slowly.

With Su Yuehan's movement, she was held in her arms, and the little Zhuzi who was sleeping on her shoulder immediately woke up. She looked up at Su Yuehan in a daze and said, "Sister Yuehan, are you going to sleep?"

Su Yuehan gently made a silent gesture to Xiao Zhuo, and then took a few steps back.

Little Zhuzi didn't react. She just wanted to speak again, but Su Yuehan had already gently covered her mouth. Immediately after, Xiao Zhuzi could clearly feel a slight tremor in Su Yuehan's body, and she glanced suspiciously. Su Yuehan, but soon she heard a low rustling sound, and the ground under their feet was trembling slightly, and even this huge ginkgo tree trembled, and the leaves rustled down for a moment. The golden ginkgo leaves are rustling down, dancing like flowers and rain in the night.

Xiao Zhuzi was stunned for a while, she stopped rubbing her sleepy eyes, and stared at the beautiful scene under the moonlight, dizzy.

Suddenly, the trunk of this ginkgo tree cracked with a crack, and this gap continued to extend from bottom to top. The huge trunk suddenly split to the left and right, and then a green python shot into the sky from the split trunk. After coming out, a figure jumped out of this huge green python again. He stepped on a flying leaf and was covered in moonlight, descending from the sky like a god!

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