Breaking the Day

Chapter 950: Minds think alike

Just when Little Bell broke out, Liu Sumei woke up with a chuckle, and then Little Bell let go, looked at Liu Sumei nervously, and said, "Senior Sister, are you okay?"

Liu Sumei's face turned pale, she took a breath, struggling to stand up straight, and slightly closed her eyes to adjust the mana in the body. Little Bell quickly took out a small porcelain bottle in her arms, poured out two red pills from it and poured them on Liu Sumei In the palm of her hand, Liu Sumei glanced at Li Chengfeng, turned her side slightly, and swallowed the pill under the cover of her cuff.

After taking the two pills, Liu Sumei's face began to return to **** at a speed visible to the naked eye. Li Chengfeng breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Su Yuehan aside.

At this look, the two of them have a pair of eyes, and their hearts are full of emotions, but there is no half-word in their mouths, and countless thoughts are just entangled and exchanged in their eyes.

Su Yuehan bit her lip slightly, took a step forward, and bowed down to Liu Sumei: "Thank you Mr. Liu, Mr. Bell Ding for your life-saving grace."

Liu Sumei clutched her chest, as if Xi Shi frowned, she whispered: "Don't be polite."

Xiao Ling Dang stood sideways, peering at Liu Sumei with his eyes, and snorted coldly without speaking.

Liu Sumei glanced at Li Chengfeng, nodded slightly at him, and then pulled the small bell's hand, her figure flashed and disappeared in place with the small bell.

Zhao Xiaobao was still rubbing his ears, grinning, and cursing angrily: "This crazy woman, what did I do wrong? Why did you do this to me!!"

Han Tianxing was keenly aware that the confrontation between Li Chengfeng and Su Yuehan was full of complex emotions. He pulled Zhao Xiaobao's arm, and after a wink, Zhao Xiaobao would come over.

Zhao Xiaobao grabbed Xiao Zhuzi and said, "Little Zhuzi, come, brother will take you to play there first, okay?"

Xiao Zhuzi glanced at Zhao Xiaobao vigilantly, pulled Su Yuehan's clothes tightly, made a grimace at him, and said, "That elder sister said you are a bad guy! Little Zhuzi will not go with the bad guy!"

Zhao Xiaobao was angry and said, "I'm a bad guy? Little Zhuzi, you can't speak without conscience! Who gave you the candy!"

After Zhao Xiaobao and Han Tianxing met Li Chengfeng in Taiyang, they briefly contacted Xiao Zhuzi. His face was full of grievances and resentment, and a handsome face flushed with anger.

Xiao Zhuzi said to Zhao Xiaobao: "If you are not a bad person, why does that sister pull your ears? Little Zhuzi pulls Xiao Zhuzi's ears every time she does something wrong!"

Zhao Xiaobao was so angry that he rolled his eyes and said, "That's because that sister is a lunatic with a sick brain!"

Little Zhuzi akimbo angrily said: "If she has a brain disease and is a madman, why should she save us? Look, you still say you are not a bad person! The person behind the arranger is the worst!"

Zhao Xiaobao was so angry that he was about to cry. He turned to complain to Li Chengfeng, and it happened that Xiao Zhuo turned to complain to Li Chengfeng.

Zhao Xiaobao said: "Master! You have something to say!"

Little Zhuzi said: "Brother Chengfeng, there is a bad guy who wants to take Xiaozhu away!!"

Li Chengfeng and Su Yuehan looked at each other. They were a little bit strange because of the embarrassment they left after not seeing each other for a while. When they heard this, they both couldn't help laughing.

This smile was like the thawing of ice, and the strange and embarrassing barrier disappeared instantly.

Li Chengfeng winked at Zhao Xiaobao, Su Yuehan also squatted down, gently stroked Xiao Zhuzi’s hair, and said softly, “Little Zhuzi, let’s take a rest with Brother Xiaobao, okay? Sister Yuehan will come again later. Pick you up."

Little Zhuzi grabbed Su Yuehan by the corner of his clothes, and said pitifully, "You have to say what you say..."

Su Yuehan smiled slightly: "Well, words count."

Little bamboo said again: "You can't leave the little bamboo..."

Su Yuehan nodded earnestly and vigorously, Xiao Zhuo's eyes were red, and she hugged Su Yuehan vigorously before letting go.

Han Tianxing walked to the ground at this time, shivering and shrank into a ball. He dared not look at the lady boss around him, and said in a low voice: "Can you stand up? Han Tianxing is next, can you first..."

He stretched out his hand to help the proprietress stand up, but the proprietress reacted greatly and made a sharp scream, screaming like a madman. This voice was extremely loud in the night and spread far and wide.

Han Tianxing was shocked, and immediately put a hand behind her neck and the lady boss fainted.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Zhuzi immediately rushed towards Han Tianxing with his fists, and angrily punched and kicked Han Tianxing: "You are not allowed to touch my mother! What did you do to my mother!!!"

Han Tianxing hugged her quickly and covered her mouth. Xiao Zhuzi took a bite and went down. The bite made Han Tianxing scream, but he dared not let go.

Su Yuehan hurriedly went over and hugged the little bamboo away, and softly persuaded: "Your mother is okay, Brother Tianxing is just to let your mother sleep well. She's okay, just wake up."

These experiences have made Xiao Zhuzi regard Su Yuehan as one of her closest relatives. She has no doubt about what Su Yuehan said. Then she pouted and said to Han Tianxing with red eyes: "Sorry, Tianxing brother……"

Han Tianxing squeezed out a smile. He carried his unconscious proprietress on his back, then winked at Zhao Xiaobao, and the two of them hurried away with the little Zhuzi who turned his head three times.

Su Yuehan and Li Chengfeng were left looking at each other. As they left, the sense of estrangement and strangeness once again appeared between the two. Su Yuehan glanced at Li Chengfeng and lowered her head, subconsciously. Pulling the corner of her clothes, she was about to speak, suddenly Li Chengfeng had quickly stepped forward, took her in his arms, and kissed her heavily.

This kiss, all the strangeness and estrangement, awkwardness and suspicion between the two, all clouded out.

Su Yuehan was tight at first, but then she softened and hugged Li Chengfeng with her backhand, spitting out their tongues, and the two kissed.

As the so-called sparse shadows are horizontal, the water is clear, and the dark fragrance is floating in the moonlight. After the two linger for a while, they separate. One is full of red clouds, and the other is tender, and the eyes are deep.

After a while, Su Yuehan snuggled in Li Chengfeng's arms and whispered: "You shouldn't have come..."

Li Chengfeng smiled slightly and said, "I must come."

Su Yuehan raised her head, took a look at Li Chengfeng, stared into his eyes earnestly, and said: "Did you encounter any unsolvable difficulties? Can I help you?"

At this moment, Li Chengfeng's heart jumped fiercely. He opened his mouth, just about to say yes, but he turned a corner when he said: "How come? I know you are in danger, no matter what the situation, I'll save you first! I have nothing to do."

After that, he gently kissed Su Yuehan on the forehead, and said softly: "Now Shenjing is very dangerous, I can't keep you by my side, you take the little bamboo and her mother find a place to hide first Get up, I'm going to look for you when I'm here, and we won't be separated again, okay?"

Human hearts are always fleshy, and Li Chengfeng risked his life to save himself. If he didn't dare to move, he was absolutely false.

Su Yuehan was moved in her heart, her throat choked and her eye circles were red. She fixedly stared at Li Chengfeng, nodded slightly, and said, "Aren't you afraid you won't find me again?"

Li Chengfeng put his arms around Su Yuehan lightly, put her forehead on her forehead, and said, "No matter where you go, we will meet again. This is our fate!"

Tears rolled down from Su Yuehan's eyes, but she laughed, and proactively kissed Li Chengfeng's lips on tiptoe, and then drew back. After taking a deep look at Li Chengfeng, her figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Li Chengfeng lost the shadow that made him dream, and his heart was as uncomfortable as a knife cut. He lowered his head for a moment, only feeling that his chest was depressed and heavy, like a huge boulder weighing on his chest, almost out of breath.

But when he took a deep breath and raised his head again, he suddenly found a slim figure standing in front of him, and that familiar face happened to be looking at him with a smile.

Li Chengfeng said in astonishment: "You...didn't you leave?"

Su Yuehan smiled slightly and said, "You must be on your mind! If you don't tell me, I won't leave!"

Li Chengfeng smiled reluctantly, and said, "What's wrong with me, I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Su Yuehan stepped forward and covered his mouth. She stared at Li Chengfeng’s eyes and said seriously: "You can take care of my safety, so how can I stay with you for my own safety? Leave you when you need me? You can't fool me! Tell me, what's going on!"

After saying this, Li Chengfeng punched in his heart, his throat choked, and he hugged the delicate but stubborn figure in front of him heavily.

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