Breaking the Day

Chapter 952: Dreams are as true as dust

Concubine Ming clearly remembered that when she first saw this scene, it was the same scene at the moment, but the mood at that time was completely different.

When she first saw the golden light descending to the world, she was inexplicably excited and felt that it was a good omen from the sky. At that time, everyone in the courtyard knelt down and kowtow, thinking it was the light descending from the sky and a saint descended from the world.

But she only knew now that this golden light was the beginning of a terrible catastrophe for their family!

Concubine Ming looked at this golden light, her whole body trembled violently, tears filled her eyes, tears would fall at any time, she heard the sound of the nurse holding the baby in the back room, she turned her head to look, tears dimly saw the nurse holding a The baby rushed out, she held up the child in her hand and shouted: "It's a son! It's a son!!"

Everyone in the courtyard cheered. Concubine Ming's father rushed in as he couldn't bear the authority. He snatched the child in ecstasy and shouted, "I have a wife! The old man has a wife!!! Ha! Haha! We have a future for the Xuan family!!!"

Everyone cheered and celebrated with joy, but Concubine Ming yelled at her father with tears in her eyes: "Father! Run with your younger brother! Run! They... they are coming!!"

Concubine Ming was talking, and suddenly heard a bang behind her. She turned her head to look, but saw a group of officials rushing in, pointing in the direction behind her, and shouting: "Hand over the child. !!!"

These officials rushed at her fiercely, and the concubine Ming opened her hands and bravely stood in front of them, shouting loudly: "You can't go over!!"

But these officials pierced through her and rushed over. Concubine Ming was stunned. When she turned her head, what she saw was corpses all over the floor, blood flowing like a river, and the maids swinging on the swings and laughing happily. They all fell in a pool of blood, motionless, and those familiar servants were all covered with sword marks and mutilated limbs, and had been dead for a long time.

Concubine Ming watched this scene, her tears rolled down, her body softened, and she knelt on the ground and wept, but at this moment, a voice came from her ear again, but it was the voice of reading the decree loudly.

"According to Heaven, the emperor's edict said: Xuan Mingliang, assistant teacher of the Imperial College, defies the imperial decree, collides with the imperial mission, utters wild words, and slanders the saint. His unruly behavior is obvious to all, and his unruly heart is obvious! To execute!"

On the square in front of the huge Shenwu Palace, the people all around were pointing and pointing. Some people dared not speak, some were gloating, some were numb, some were excited, and all beings were of different colors.

Concubine Ming was hiding in the crowd, watching this scene blankly. She burst into tears and wanted to scream loudly, but she could only hold it back forcibly. She watched as her parents were taken to the execution ground, like a death The fish was pressed on the guillotine, and the executioner raised the knife high, the light reflected by the sharp and cold blade made the people watching the lively eyes widened and squeezed forward.

When the executioner's knife swung down heavily, the surrounding crowd roared loudly. Some people sighed heavily, some cried, but more people cheered and shouted loudly.

Only Concubine Ming stood alone. She lowered her head, her body trembling, and her tears fell like broken pearls. She witnessed the beheading of her last relative, and she witnessed the cruelest human tragedy. !

The reason was just because...they declared that a baby was born on this day. The reason was only because her father was trying to protect the only child who had just been born in the family.

All this...who is the culprit of all this?

Concubine Ming used to hate the reincarnated betrayer who descended from the sky. Without him, would their family encounter such a disaster?

However, she wanted to understand after all!

The culprit of all this is not someone else, but the faint Lord who ordered the killing of all babies in the world, Zhao Bairen! !

For the emperor, the lives of these thousands of babies were just numbers, and those family members who died because of these children were just funeral objects under his decree!

Concubine Ming was crying silently. At this moment, she suddenly stretched out behind her and patted her shoulder with a hand. Concubine Ming was startled, she turned her head violently, but saw a person in a black robe standing behind her, unable to see clearly. He looks hoarse and hard to recognize: "Do you want revenge?"

Concubine Ming was stunned, and a raging flame quickly ignited in her tearful eyes!

The moment she nodded vigorously, the surrounding scenes changed again and became her costume. She hid in the corner of the washing room, and only a cold sunlight came in through the tiny window. Hidden in the shadows, only half of the face is clearly outlined by the light.

A middle-aged **** was standing in front of her. It was Huang Yun. He pressed his throat and said in a low voice, "Did you...really think about it?"

Concubine Ming's face was cold, her eyes were firm, she didn't move and said nothing.

Huang Yun sighed in a low voice, "I have a very close relationship with your father. I really can't bear to watch the last bloodline of the Xuan family like this..."

Concubine Ming suddenly interrupted, and said: "Uncle Huang, I have decided! Will the faint king appear tomorrow?"

Huang Yun sighed lightly and whispered: "Tomorrow I will lead the emperor to the direction of Liuyuan. You are waiting on the road. You have a good voice and sing well since you were young, and you will surely attract the emperor's attention by then. "

Concubine Ming nodded, when she turned her head to look at Huang Yun, she suddenly realized that it was not Huang Yun standing in front of her, but the great enemy she gritted her teeth and hated her, Emperor Zhao Bairen!

When she saw Zhao Bairen at a glance, Concubine Ming took a step back subconsciously, but she quickly settled and stared at her bravely. She gritted her teeth and took out a hairpin from her arms, and slammed it into Zhao Bairen's heart. Go on!

With a puff, the hairpin pierced the heart instantly, Zhao Bairen grabbed her hand, looked at her blankly, and trembled: "Ai concubine, why is this?"

Concubine Ming's face was distorted and hideous, and she was completely devoid of her former beauty. She gritted her teeth and said, "Fun Jun! When you ordered the killing of my whole family, did you ever think about today!!"

Zhao Bairen choked with tears in his eyes: "Ai Concubine, am I not good enough for you?"

Concubine Ming yelled at Zhao Bairen: "Fun Jun!! Go to hell!!"

After all, she drew the hairpin and pierced it again!

But this time, the moment she plunged suddenly, she suddenly plunged into a void. Concubine Ming suddenly woke up and found that the surrounding scene had changed again. She was still standing in the Water Moon Palace, and the surroundings were dark and empty. A figure stood at the entrance of the Shuiyue Palace, with her back facing the moonlight outside, his figure as cold as a stone statue.

Although she couldn't see her face clearly, Concubine Ming knew who this hunched figure was at a glance.

This is no one else, it is...Zhao Bairen!

Concubine Ming took a step back subconsciously, and at this moment Zhao Bairen took a step forward. His face was cold, his eyes were angrily staring at Concubine Ming, and he gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "So... you murdered me because I killed your family. Huh?"

Concubine Ming laughed loudly: "Yes, so why not tell you! Anyway, this is just a game..."

Concubine Ming did not finish her words, her face suddenly turned pale. She pinched her finger hard just now, and a sharp pain came from her fingertips. This clear pain made her realize what at this moment: All this...and Not a dream! ?

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